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UH 80 Ghosthawk with Rockets?

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i just got a small question.


Is there a mod out with a UH 80 Ghosthawk that looks like this? :)




I already googled a little bit, but found nothing.

I dont want a black hawk or something.Just the normal Ghosthawk with Rockets and maybe a Refueling Boom. :)

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This is a great idea. Ghosthawk has alot of potential and it should be avaible in many versions like ATGM, FFAR and AA pods.

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You'd have to do a fairly major redesign for it to be effective, think blackfoot style weapon bays that unfurl when you want to fire. If you have fixed weapon pylons any stealth design would be completely negated (which might not make a huge difference in ARMA but you may as well atleast try to make your designs logical).

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