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How to add items to a backpack that is not on a player

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I am making a mission where the player starts riding an atv with his backpack and weapon on the back (not in the cargo) of the atv. I know how to do everything else. I just get stuck adding the ammo and other items into the backpack. Please, help.

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Did you try additemtobackpack?

player addItemToBackpack "arifle_MXM_Hamr_pointer_F";


(Pasting the link may have changed the font & size of my reply... if so, sorry)

the backpack is not on the player. it is attached to the atv. using the attach to command and groundweaponholder command to spawn it.

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use everyContainer to retrieve the backpack in the weaponholder, then simply add stuff to the backpack.



I don't really understand what the wiki is saying to do. Could you please give me an example?

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Do you mean something like this?

bp = createVehicle ["B_AssaultPack_blk" ,getpos this,[], 0, "none"] ;
bp addmagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer",6];
bp addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SmokeShellGreen", 1];
bp addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_ARCO", 10];
wh = objectParent bp;
wh attachto [car,[0,1,0]];
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