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Deployable Patrol base aka moveable respawn point

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After a LONG time away from ARMA, me and my friends have started playing again (we go all the way back til OFP). Since we mostly play Coop style games in small numbers, i have startet to put down some thoughts about a mini patrol style campaign (a domination like game play) with revive and respawn, where a small SF Group will be dropped behind enemy lines and do small missions there. So there wont be a big base like with the domination maps since its behind enemy lines.

So the idea is that the Group leader will have a menu selection to build a patrol base and to remove it again when inside it, There can only be one at a time. When deployed it will create a small camp Ã­ngame and a marker on the map. Kinda like a MHQ but not fixed to a vehicle. There wont be selection to respawn at the patrol base. But it will happend automaticly if the entire Group is killed. until the entire Group is dead only revive is possible.

So i have been doing a lot of Google and forum reading since the last time i did missions editing was early ARMA 2. But im kinda reset in the scripting universe so im having a hard time with it.


So i have some question.


Can this idea be done?

Is it easy scripting or advanced?

Can someone point me in the right directions :-)


Hope someone can help

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Question 1: Yes.

Question 2: Somewhere in-between

Question 3: There are plenty of capable people here that can help you, I would but I have a limited understanding of the respawn system outside of just "base" respawn. Also where the more "advanced" things come into play is linking a revive system with the respawn, the physical creation and deletion of the patrol base itself is simple enough.

Sorry I'm limited to my phone and cannot provide adequet example code to point you in the right direction, but figured I could at least answer your other questions :).

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