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Basically here is what I want to do...

Whenever a bullet hits the player, his aim moves up. So i wanted to disable the fire geometry so that when the bullets hits the player, he does not budge or move but stand. I searched up and found disablegeo on resources.bistudio.


Description:Turns different geometry settings on and off.

A true argument turns the specific setting OFF.

Syntax: object disableGeo [visibility, fire, view, collision, roadways, shadows]


object: Object

visibility: Boolean - Toggles object's visibility

fire: Boolean - Toggles object's fire geometry

view: Boolean - Toggles object's view geometry

collision: Boolean - Toggles object's collision geometry

roadways: Boolean - Toggles object's roadways (V1.50+)

shadows: Boolean - Toggles object's shadows (V1.50+)

The problem with this command is that it also makes player immune to shots and he do not get any dammage, (the same as player allowdammage false) which i dont want. I want the player to be able to die, but just not budge when bullets hit him...

Any suggestions of what i could do....???

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I want to say in reality if your hit with a round your aim wouldn't go up I would say you would automatically hit the ground as a more natural reaction. So if your wanting a more realistic action after being hit maybe force the play to go prone. Just an idea nothing more. :D

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I want to say in reality if your hit with a round your aim wouldn't go up I would say you would automatically hit the ground as a more natural reaction. So if your wanting a more realistic action after being hit maybe force the play to go prone. Just an idea nothing more. :D

hey thanks for the suggestion... but what i want to do is the player's body should not react to the oncoming bullets in any way...he should not move, nudge etc...but want to record how many bullets hit him, so i can assign his health that way.... I was using evnet handler first, but when i use "disableGeo", the player completely ignores the bullets, no harm taken... :-(

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West Point Magazine had a picture of VBS in the background of its' cover in what I think is the Spring issue. I believe, as of the date of this post, that the cover is shown there. There was also an article inside that was about training simulators in general. VBS was mentioned in it but there wasn't really anything about it in it. I just thought someone might be interested in knowing.

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Sounds like the US Army is seeking for something equivalent to a "VBS3", and not something new and alien (CryEngine :rolleyes:) to their current systems (VBS2, VBS2 Fires, etc.).

I'm sure BISim is developing VBS3 as we speak. It would be silly not to develop VBS3 in conjunction with the release of ArmA 3 and its upgraded engine, obviously.

Hopefully that would satisfy the US Army. :)

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Hopefully we will get (the owner of the PE) a free upgrade if this happen. (I am dreaming :p )

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Sounds like the US Army is seeking for something equivalent to a "VBS3", and not something new and alien (CryEngine :rolleyes:) to their current systems (VBS2, VBS2 Fires, etc.).

I'm sure BISim is developing VBS3 as we speak. It would be silly not to develop VBS3 in conjunction with the release of ArmA 3 and its upgraded engine, obviously.

Hopefully that would satisfy the US Army. :)

crytek-supplied thing undereprforming, compared. and more proof-of-concept now, rather than [ready to use]product.

but as soon as they start filling gaps, this may change ...

two players at least, may mean at least formal competition, unless/if CryTek acquire BIS[wich isn't happen with BIS, i hope]

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crytek-supplied thing undereprforming, compared. and more proof-of-concept now, rather than [ready to use]product.

but as soon as they start filling gaps, this may change ...

Lack of content and functionality has always been the downfall to many sims out there. Cry took a stab at it last year and didn't do so hot since they had nothing to show other then a handful of models and tiny little demo world.

two players at least, may mean at least formal competition, unless/if CryTek acquire BIS[wich isn't happen with BIS, i hope]

Not likely to happen.... ever :)

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It's not anything new, but I think it's interesting (as is always when it comes to improvements in the area of AI). Am I right that it looks a bit different from the standard Arma2 AI (especially the bunching up)?

Has it been implemented already?

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Has it been implemented already?

This is in VBS2 2.0 currently, yes

1.x, no

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Will the AI still attack unarmed OPFOR units on sight in 2.0? I've seen a video of units surrendering I was wondering if that is all scripted up or was it a default action given by certain events. just curious no biggie...

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That stacking behavior and apparent cover height awareness looks awesome. I wish I could see whole fireteams sheltering behind buildings like that in ArmA.

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The VBS2 West Point Land Navigation Trainer V1.0 has been officially released. If you aren't already on our customer email list, you can get it on the NIPR network at https://milgaming.army.mil/ or from Google Drive at http://goo.gl/kGqhI

https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/291309_347140055366789_1334511031_o.jpg (553 kB)


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Will the AI still attack unarmed OPFOR units on sight in 2.0? I've seen a video of units surrendering I was wondering if that is all scripted up or was it a default action given by certain events. just curious no biggie...

AI will still attack by default in that case, it would require scripting to be controlled.

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That stacking behavior and apparent cover height awareness looks awesome. I wish I could see whole fireteams sheltering behind buildings like that in ArmA.

You can. The micro-AI enhancements in VBS2 2.0 are the same ones introduced with vanilla ArmA 2. VBS2 1.x still uses the old ArmA 1 AI.

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Well a squad stacked against the house Ive seen for sure (in Arma 2) or even more so a fence in which every team member either had an edge they were using for lean or the holes underneath - I was pretty impressed with that.

Not sure if height awareness is really being utilized as we see a soldier properly crouch behind that small wall then go prone facing out. The real question would be will he turn to the face of the wall while still aiming prone or does he go back to crouch to re-establish LOS. Have they implemented Xaitment in yet? Its not for me but my credit card was asking.

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You can. The micro-AI enhancements in VBS2 2.0 are the same ones introduced with vanilla ArmA 2. VBS2 1.x still uses the old ArmA 1 AI.

I'll rephrase. I wish I could see a fireteam sheltering behind a house in ArmA 2 and not nearly pass out from shock, then dive for the camera to document this fantastically rare occurrence.

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Hello all!

I am starting a project with a new company and am needing to learn how to import 3D assets into VBS2 from 3DSMax.

From what I have found the model must be sent through O2 then imported into VBS2. Beyond that I can't seem to find any tutorials or information on how to get the process underway.

Any help or suggestions would be quite appreciated. Thank you very much!

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Thank for your response Vandrel. I have not tried the http://resources.bisimulations.com/w..._FBX_converter yet, it is next on my list though.

I am seeing all of these tools for the very first time (excluding 3DSMax, I have been using it for a long time now) so I am actively perusing every avenue to learn how to develop assets for VBS2.

Thank you very much I will head on over to the http://forums.bisimulations.com boards and dig into them.

Thank you again!

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