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Adding EventHandlers to vehicles not working?

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ok, simply said, I'm working on a "Casualty Counters".


Without further due, here is the scripts that make it.



apcLosesRU = 0; // rhs_vehclass_apc
apcLosesListRU = [];
ifvLosesRU = 0; // rhs_vehclass_ifv
ifvLosesListRU = [];
carLosesRU = 0; // rhs_vehclass_car
carLosesListRU = [];
truckLosesRU = 0; // rhs_vehclass_truck - RHS_BM21_MSV_01
truckLosesListRU = [];
tankLosesRU = 0; // rhs_vehclass_tank
tankLosesListRU = [];
artilleryLosesRU = 0; // rhs_vehclass_artillery + RHS_BM21_MSV_01
artilleryLosesListRU = [];
infantryLosesRU = 0; // man (east)
staticLosesRU = 0; // StaticWeapon (east)
staticLosesListRU = [];
planeLosesRU = 0; // rhs_vehclass_aircraft
planeLosesListRU = [];
helicopterLosesRU = 0; // rhs_vehclass_helicopter
helicopterLosesListRU = [];
aaaLosesRU = 0; // rhs_vehclass_aa
aaaLosesListRU = [];

sleep 0.1;
nul = [] execVM "losesCounter\losesTrackerRU.sqf";
nul = [10] execVM "losesCounter\losesTrackerRU_Updates.sqf"; 


if (!isServer) exitWith {};


//_unit = _this select 0;

if (isPlayer _x) exitWith {}; //Checks if dead unit was a player; if it was then the script exits.

if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {  //Checks if the dead unit was infantry;
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
    infantryLosesRU = infantryLosesRU + 1; //Add +1 loses to the counter.
	publicVariable "infantryLosesRU"; //Broadcast the updated variable.
	//publicVariableServer "infantryLosesRU"; 
	hint format ["%1",infantryLosesRU];
if (_x isKindOf "rhs_vehclass_apc") then { //Make sure that the dead unit was a APC; if it was then it checks TRUE.
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	apcLosesRU = apcLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "apcLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "apcLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf _x; //Checks what type of vehicle was killed and create a string;
    apcLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType; //Add the unit to the vehicle loses array as a string.
	publicVariable "apcLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "apcLosesListRU";
if (_x isKindOf "rhs_vehclass_ifv") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	ifvLosesRU = ifvLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "ifvLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "ifvLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf _x; 
    ifvLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType; 
	publicVariable "ifvLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "ifvLosesListRU";
if (_x isKindOf "rhs_vehclass_car") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	carLosesRU = carLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "carLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "carLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf _x;
    carLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "carLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "carLosesListRU";
if ((_x isKindOf "rhs_vehclass_truck") && (!(_x isKindOf "RHS_BM21_MSV_01"))) then { //Since I want to consider the BM-21 as an artillery but is considered by the game as rhs_vehclass_truck, I have to create a double check to make sure it counted.
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	truckLosesRU = truckLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "truckLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "truckLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf _x; 
    truckLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType; 
	publicVariable "truckLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "truckLosesListRU";
if (_x isKindOf "rhs_vehclass_tank") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	tankLosesRU = tankLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "tankLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "tankLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf _x;
    tankLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "tankLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "tankLosesListRU";
if ((_x isKindOf "rhs_vehclass_artillery") or (_x isKindOf "RHS_BM21_MSV_01")) then { //Since I want to consider the BM-21 as an artillery, I have to create a double check to make sure it is counted.
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	artilleryLosesRU = artilleryLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "artilleryLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "artilleryLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf _x;
    artilleryLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "artilleryLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "artilleryLosesListRU";
if (_x isKindOf "Static") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	staticLosesRU = staticLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "staticLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "staticLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf _x;
    staticLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "staticLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "staticLosesListRU";
if (_x isKindOf "rhs_vehclass_aircraft") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	planeLosesRU = planeLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "planeLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "planeLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf _x;
    planeLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "planeLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "planeLosesListRU";
if (_x isKindOf "rhs_vehclass_helicopter") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	helicopterLosesRU = helicopterLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "helicopterLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "helicopterLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf _x;
    helicopterLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "helicopterLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "helicopterLosesListRU";
if (_x isKindOf "rhs_vehclass_aa") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	aaaLosesRU = aaaLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "aaaLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "aaaLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf _x;
    aaaLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "aaaLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "aaaLosesListRU";

}forEach allunits + vehicles;   


_timer = _this select 0; //In seconds
while{true} do {

_apcLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "apcLosesRU";
_apcLosesListRU = missionNamespace getVariable "apcLosesListRU";
_ifvLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "ifvLosesRU";
_ifvLosesListRU = missionNamespace getVariable "ifvLosesListRU";
_carLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "carLosesRU";
_carLosesListRU = missionNamespace getVariable "carLosesListRU";
_truckLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "truckLosesRU";
_truckLosesListRU = missionNamespace getVariable "truckLosesListRU";
_tankLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "tankLosesRU";
_tankLosesListRU = missionNamespace getVariable "tankLosesListRU";
_artilleryLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "artilleryLosesRU";
_artilleryLosesListRU = missionNamespace getVariable "artilleryLosesListRU";
_infantryLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "infantryLosesRU";
_staticLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "staticLosesRU";
_staticLosesListRU = missionNamespace getVariable "staticLosesListRU";
_planeLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "planeLosesRU";
_planeLosesListRU = missionNamespace getVariable "planeLosesListRU";
_helicopterLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "helicopterLosesRU";
_helicopterLosesListRU = missionNamespace getVariable "helicopterLosesListRU";
_aaaLosesRU = missionNamespace getVariable "aaaLosesRU";
_aaaLosesListRU = missionNamespace getVariable "aaaLosesListRU";

//paste the variables to .rpt (client-side)

diag_log "////////////////////////////////STARTS////////////////////////////////";
diag_log format ["Lost %1 APCs",_apcLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost APCs List : %1",_apcLosesListRU];
diag_log format ["Lost %1 IFVs", _ifvLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost IFVs List : %1",_ifvLosesListRU];
diag_log format ["Lost %1 Cars", _carLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost Cars List : %1",_carLosesListRU];
diag_log format ["Lost %1 Trucks", _truckLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost Trucks List : %1",_truckLosesListRU];
diag_log format ["Lost %1 Tanks", _tankLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost Tanks List : %1",_tankLosesListRU];
diag_log format ["Lost %1 SPGs/MRLS", _artilleryLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost SPGs/MRLS List : %1",_artilleryLosesListRU];
diag_log format ["Lost %1 Men", _infantryLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost %1 Static Emplacements", _staticLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost Static Emplacements List : %1",_staticLosesListRU];
diag_log format ["Lost %1 Planes", _planeLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost Planes List : %1",_planeLosesListRU];
diag_log format ["Lost %1 Helicopters", _helicopterLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost Helicopters List : %1",_helicopterLosesListRU];
diag_log format ["Lost %1 Armored Anti-Airs", _aaaLosesRU];
diag_log format ["Lost Armored Anti-Airs List : %1",_aaaLosesListRU];
diag_log "////////////////////////////////FINISHES//////////////////////////////";

sleep _timer;

So, what do not work, is that Vehicles are not pickup when they get killed/destroyed.


Results in .rpt

21:01:11 "////////////////////////////////STARTS////////////////////////////////"
21:01:11 "Lost 0 APCs"
21:01:11 "Lost APCs List : []"
21:01:11 "Lost 0 IFVs"
21:01:11 "Lost IFVs List : []"
21:01:11 "Lost 0 Cars"
21:01:11 "Lost Cars List : []"
21:01:11 "Lost 0 Trucks"
21:01:11 "Lost Trucks List : []"
21:01:11 "Lost 0 Tanks"
21:01:11 "Lost Tanks List : []"
21:01:11 "Lost 0 SPGs/MRLS"
21:01:11 "Lost SPGs/MRLS List : []"
21:01:11 "Lost 14 Men"
21:01:11 "Lost 0 Static Emplacements"
21:01:11 "Lost Static Emplacements List : []"
21:01:11 "Lost 0 Planes"
21:01:11 "Lost Planes List : []"
21:01:11 "Lost 0 Helicopters"
21:01:11 "Lost Helicopters List : []"
21:01:11 "Lost 0 Armored Anti-Airs"
21:01:11 "Lost Armored Anti-Airs List : []"
21:01:11 "////////////////////////////////FINISHES//////////////////////////////"

So, the loses detection works just great for infantry.

However it do not pick-up the vehicles.


Any clue?


Thanks in advance!

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You can not use _x within the eventHandler as it is undefined there. Use the object passed into the EH in _this select 0 instead. This will account for your type arrays being empty.

rhs_vehClass_# are not vehicle classes, they are classes used to sort the vehicle lists in the editor dropdowns. To find the vehicle classes highlight a class in CfgVehicles in the configViewer and look at the bottom line..

For example a "rhs_t80b" will say..

path : configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "rhs_t80b"

parents : ["rhs_tank_base","Tank_F","Tank","LandVehicle","Land","AllVehicles","All"]

So a "rhs_t80b" is a kindof "rhs_tank_base" which in turn is a kind of "Tank_F" which is a "Tank" etc etc.

So depending on how broad you need to be, the further up the list you go.

If you want to know based on the editor lists rhs_vehClass_# you can but instead of using isKindof, you will need to check their config. e.g

if ( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo  "rhs_vehclass_tank" ) then {
	_x addEventHandler ["killed", {
		tankLosesRU = tankLosesRU + 1;
		publicVariable "tankLosesRU";
		//publicVariableServer "tankLosesRU";
		_vehicleType = typeOf ( _this select 0 );
		tankLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
		publicVariable "tankLosesListRU";
		//publicVariableServer "tankLosesListRU";
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No change in results. Could it be that crewed vehicle cannot receive an event-handler?


I even tested on having "Tank" as the isKindOf check reference, nothing came-up. Could it have something to do with the crew bailing out before it explodes?


Ok, I can make work with what you wrote, the problem seemed to be:

}forEach allunits + vehicles;   

When I seperate the script in "allunits" and "vehicles" part, independant of each others, it works great.


Thanks for the help :)


Updated losesTrackerRU.sqf

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

//_unit = _this select 0;

if (isPlayer _x) exitWith {}; //Checks if dead unit was a player; if it was then the script exits.

if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {  //Checks if the dead unit was infantry;
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
    infantryLosesRU = infantryLosesRU + 1; //Add +1 loses to the counter.
	publicVariable "infantryLosesRU"; //Broadcast the updated variable.
	//publicVariableServer "infantryLosesRU"; 
	hint format ["%1",infantryLosesRU];
}forEach allunits;

if ( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo  "rhs_vehclass_apc") then { //Make sure that the dead unit was a APC; if it was then it checks TRUE.
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	apcLosesRU = apcLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "apcLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "apcLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf (_this select 0);  //Checks what type of vehicle was killed and create a string;
    apcLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType; //Add the unit to the vehicle loses array as a string.
	publicVariable "apcLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "apcLosesListRU";
if ( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo  "rhs_vehclass_ifv" ) then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	ifvLosesRU = ifvLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "ifvLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "ifvLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf (_this select 0); 
    ifvLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType; 
	publicVariable "ifvLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "ifvLosesListRU";
if ( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo  "rhs_vehclass_car") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	carLosesRU = carLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "carLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "carLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf (_this select 0); 
    carLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "carLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "carLosesListRU";
if (( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo "rhs_vehclass_truck") && (!(_x isKindOf "RHS_BM21_MSV_01"))) then { //Since I want to consider the BM-21 as an artillery but is considered by the game as rhs_vehclass_truck, I have to create a double check to make sure it counted.
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	truckLosesRU = truckLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "truckLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "truckLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf (_this select 0); 
    truckLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType; 
	publicVariable "truckLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "truckLosesListRU";
if ( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo  "rhs_vehclass_tank") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	tankLosesRU = tankLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "tankLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "tankLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf (_this select 0 );
    tankLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "tankLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "tankLosesListRU";
if (( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo  "rhs_vehclass_artillery") or (_x isKindOf "RHS_BM21_MSV_01")) then { //Since I want to consider the BM-21 as an artillery, I have to create a double check to make sure it is counted.
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	artilleryLosesRU = artilleryLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "artilleryLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "artilleryLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf (_this select 0); 
    artilleryLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "artilleryLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "artilleryLosesListRU";
if ( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo  "Static") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	staticLosesRU = staticLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "staticLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "staticLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf (_this select 0); 
    staticLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "staticLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "staticLosesListRU";
if ( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo  "rhs_vehclass_aircraft") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	planeLosesRU = planeLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "planeLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "planeLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf (_this select 0); 
    planeLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "planeLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "planeLosesListRU";
if ( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo  "rhs_vehclass_helicopter") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	helicopterLosesRU = helicopterLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "helicopterLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "helicopterLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf (_this select 0); 
    helicopterLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "helicopterLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "helicopterLosesListRU";
if ( getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" ) isEqualTo  "rhs_vehclass_aa") then { 
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", {
	aaaLosesRU = aaaLosesRU + 1;
	publicVariable "aaaLosesRU";
	//publicVariableServer "aaaLosesRU";
	_vehicleType = typeOf (_this select 0); 
    aaaLosesListRU pushBack _vehicleType;
	publicVariable "aaaLosesListRU";
	//publicVariableServer "aaaLosesListRU";
}forEach vehicles;   

Results in full glory :P

 8:48:31 "////////////////////////////////STARTS////////////////////////////////"
 8:48:31 "Lost 0 APCs"
 8:48:31 "Lost APCs List : []"
 8:48:31 "Lost 1 IFVs"
 8:48:31 "Lost IFVs List : ["rhs_bmp1p_msv"]"
 8:48:31 "Lost 0 Cars"
 8:48:31 "Lost Cars List : []"
 8:48:31 "Lost 0 Trucks"
 8:48:31 "Lost Trucks List : []"
 8:48:31 "Lost 1 Tanks"
 8:48:31 "Lost Tanks List : ["rhs_t72bb_tv"]"
 8:48:31 "Lost 1 SPGs/MRLS"
 8:48:31 "Lost SPGs/MRLS List : ["RHS_BM21_VMF_01"]"
 8:48:31 "Lost 24 Men"
 8:48:31 "Lost 0 Static Emplacements"
 8:48:31 "Lost Static Emplacements List : []"
 8:48:31 "Lost 0 Planes"
 8:48:31 "Lost Planes List : []"
 8:48:31 "Lost 0 Helicopters"
 8:48:31 "Lost Helicopters List : []"
 8:48:31 "Lost 1 Armored Anti-Airs"
 8:48:31 "Lost Armored Anti-Airs List : ["rhs_zsu234_aa"]"
 8:48:31 "////////////////////////////////FINISHES//////////////////////////////"

Thanks again!

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