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Arma 3 hands

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So, I have just finished porting across a few arma 2 models for a forthcoming 3CB opfor pack. I have seperated all of the helmets / turbans from the model, added new proxies for arma 3 backpacks, weapons, vests etc... and removed the old arma 2 heads and hands from the model. I used the provided a3 sample models for the hands and have them in place in all of the LODS and they reference the a3 folder for textures and .rvmats. However, when viewing the ported uniforms in the arsenal, I have noticed that when different skin tones are used for the head, the hands do not quite match. They are generally lighter in tone.


Is there another step required to fix this? It isn't too much of a problem as the pack is mainly for AI opponents, but if the uniforms were to be used in a TvT or PvP scenario, it might look a little odd.



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