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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

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First off, loving the mission. My friends and I all enjoy it very much. I was wondering if somebody could help me though. It would be much appreciated.


I've been trying to replace the NATO MRAPs with the RHS HMMWV vehicles with no success.


I tried editing the light vehicles in the classnames file from:

All this did was remove the MRAPs from the build menu. I did manage to change the four door HMMWV to the two door version though.  :D  That seems to be the only HMMWV it will accept for me. Any ideas? 



Hi Skelington,

I changed the vehicle list in Liberation v0.901 without problems. Here is part of mine:

light_vehicles = [

heavy_vehicles = [

air_vehicles = [

You must to turn on the -showScriptErrors parameter in launcher, to see the errors in game.

Btw Zbug, the RHS C-130 cannot be built because the red spheres around it are too close. (For your interest only)

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Hi Skelington,

I changed the vehicle list in Liberation v0.901 without problems.

Hey, Mario.


I see you have it as rhsusf_m1025_w_m2. That "_w_" is what I was missing. It works perfectly now. Thank you, really appreciate the reply.

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Btw Zbug, the RHS C-130 cannot be built because the red spheres around it are too close. (For your interest only)


That means the object is bigger than 50 meters side to side. Wow :p

I'll raise the maximum size to 60 meters and hope it's enough...

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Im trying to remove the CSAT stuff (enemies, vehicles, etc) by a Russian stuff (RHS).

I suppose the file to edit is "classnames.sqf".

But at times, while i'm playing, the cities are empty and only see an enemy vehicle  two (Guerrilla Land Rover).

I have just made all of the same changes, just to give it a go really. The first town I went to were just insurgent forces. I tried a military base and it was full of Russians. I'll give it a proper play later to see if I also get the issue with no spawning units.

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I did a tour of public servers yesterday, and if you're the admin of such a server then please make sure your server enforces mods signatures. It's a terrible experience when you join a server that looks and smells like vanilla and suddenly your PC is struggling to write megabytes of rpt errors about missing weapons, items and vehicles :(

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Moar request for moar classname to be included in official build :)



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I did a tour of public servers yesterday, and if you're the admin of such a server then please make sure your server enforces mods signatures. It's a terrible experience when you join a server that looks and smells like vanilla and suddenly your PC is struggling to write megabytes of rpt errors about missing weapons, items and vehicles :(

Yes, my dedicated server has "keys" enabled and the liberation mission has an "ACE module for check addons".

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Hi, thanks @zbug for the info and considering my suggestions!

Another question, Which parameter (and where is it) determines the size of each sector?


@gwiddik Thank you very much for the guide! But I have one question: What's the difference between copying 1 marker of each type and copying over and over, and just copying ALL the markers and simply placing in correct places (and renaming them)?



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Hi Zbug

We saw you trying to get join our 3para server but you kept disconnecting, this is because we added an addon checker which puts you on a mission complete screen if anyone is running addons we don't want on the server.

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Hi Zbug

We saw you trying to get join our 3para server but you kept disconnecting, this is because we added an addon checker which puts you on a mission complete screen if anyone is running addons we don't want on the server.


Yep, I did manage to connect in the end, no worries ;)


Looks like I have a new bug related to RHS to investigate



Hi, thanks @zbug for the info and considering my suggestions!

Another question, Which parameter (and where is it) determines the size of each sector?


@gwiddik Thank you very much for the guide! But I have one question: What's the difference between copying 1 marker of each type and copying over and over, and just copying ALL the markers and simply placing in correct places (and renaming them)?




In gameplay_constants.sqf:


GRLIB_sector_size = 1000;
GRLIB_capture_size = 250;
GRLIB_radiotower_size = 2500;

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@rob3para: I can't reproduce your issue :(

That would help if you could send me the classnames.sqf your server is using


So far russian soldiers, shilkas and bmps have been spawning just fine, no issue with sector activation either

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Hi Zbug we restarted the server but must have had a problem as it corrupted the save game file.

We have done a fresh start and wiped everything and so no problems so far.

Will post classnames shortly

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Classnames used-


// For this entire file: classnames that come from mods you don't have
// will be filtered out and won't cause any issues. You just won't see them ingame.

// Each array below represents one page of the build menu
// Format : [ "classname", manpower, ammo, fuel ]

infantry_units = [

light_vehicles = [

heavy_vehicles = [

air_vehicles = [

static_vehicles = [

buildings = [

support_vehicles = [

// Vehicles unlocked by military base control
elite_vehicles = ["B_UGV_01_rcws_F","Steve_MBT_Kuma","B_MBT_01_TUSK_F","Burnes_FV4034_01","B_MBT_01_arty_F","B_MBT_01_mlrs_F","B_Heli_Attack_01_F","RHS_AH1Z_wd_GS","H_RAH66","RHS_AH64D_wd","B_Plane_CAS_01_F","JS_JC_FA18E","JS_JC_FA18F","B_UAV_02_F","B_UAV_02_CAS_F","greuh_pandur_wdld","RHS_M2A3_BUSKIII_wd"

// Pre-made squads for the commander build menu
blufor_squad_inf_light = [ "B_Soldier_SL_F","B_Soldier_TL_F","B_Soldier_GL_F","B_soldier_AR_F","B_Soldier_GL_F","B_medic_F","B_Soldier_LAT_F","B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_F"];
blufor_squad_inf = [ "B_Soldier_SL_F","B_Soldier_TL_F","B_Soldier_AR_F","B_HeavyGunner_F","B_medic_F","B_Soldier_GL_F","B_Soldier_LAT_F","B_Soldier_LAT_F","B_soldier_M_F","B_Sharpshooter_F" ];
blufor_squad_at = [ "B_Soldier_SL_F","B_soldier_AT_F","B_soldier_AT_F","B_soldier_AT_F","B_medic_F","B_soldier_F" ];
blufor_squad_aa = [ "B_Soldier_SL_F","B_soldier_AA_F","B_soldier_AA_F","B_soldier_AA_F","B_medic_F","B_soldier_F" ];
blufor_squad_recon = [ "B_recon_TL_F","B_recon_F","B_recon_exp_F","B_recon_medic_F","B_recon_LAT_F","B_recon_LAT_F","B_recon_M_F","B_Recon_Sharpshooter_F","B_recon_F"];
blufor_squad_para = [ "B_soldier_PG_F","B_soldier_PG_F","B_soldier_PG_F","B_soldier_PG_F","B_soldier_PG_F","B_soldier_PG_F","B_soldier_PG_F","B_soldier_PG_F","B_soldier_PG_F","B_soldier_PG_F" ];

// [ squad, manpower, ammo, fuel ]
// The game doesn't calculate the actual cost of the squads when they're being bought and instead use the costs below (especially ammo),
// but once they're spawned the cost of each individual unit will be used to calculate caps (especially manpower and fuel)
squads = [

// All the UAVs you'll use must be declared here for technical purposes, otherwise there will be buggy issues
uavs = [ "B_UAV_01_F","B_UAV_02_F","B_UAV_02_CAS_F","B_UGV_01_F","B_UGV_01_rcws_F" ];

// Each of these should be unique, the same classnames for different purposes may cause various issues with actions
FOB_typename = "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F";
FOB_box_typename = "B_Slingload_01_Cargo_F";
FOB_truck_typename = "B_Truck_01_box_F";
Arsenal_typename = "B_supplyCrate_F";
Respawn_truck_typename = "B_Truck_01_medical_F";
huron_typename = "B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F";
ammobox_b_typename = "Box_NATO_AmmoVeh_F";
ammobox_o_typename = "Box_East_AmmoVeh_F";
ammobox_transports_typenames = [ "B_Truck_01_transport_F" ];

// Guerillas. It's only classnames the game will pick from, not the actual squad that will spawn, unlike the CSAT pre-made squads below
militia_squad = [ "B_G_Soldier_SL_F","B_G_Soldier_A_F","B_G_Soldier_AR_F","B_G_medic_F","B_G_engineer_F","B_G_Soldier_exp_F","B_G_Soldier_GL_F","B_G_Soldier_M_F","B_G_Soldier_F","B_G_Soldier_LAT_F","B_G_Soldier_lite_F","b_g_soldier_unarmed_f","B_G_Sharpshooter_F","b_g_survivor_F","B_G_Soldier_TL_F"];
// Same principle, only an array with everything for the game to randomly choose into
militia_vehicles = [ "rhs_btr70_chdkz","rhs_zsu234_chdkz","I_MU_mercs_Offroad_01_armed_F","I_MU_mercs_Offroad_01_armed_F","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","LOP_AFR_BTR60","LOP_AFR_M113_W","LOP_AFR_T72BA","I_MU_mercs_Offroad_01_armed_F"];

// All the CSAT pre-made squads
opfor_squad_low_intensity = ["rhs_msv_aa","rhs_msv_efreitor","rhs_msv_engineer","rhs_msv_grenadier","rhs_msv_at","rhs_msv_strelok_rpg_assist","rhs_msv_junior_sergeant","rhs_msv_machinegunner","rhs_msv_medic","rhs_msv_officer_armored","rhs_msv_LAT","rhs_msv_RShG2"];
opfor_squad_8_standard = ["rhs_msv_aa","rhs_msv_efreitor","rhs_msv_engineer","rhs_msv_grenadier","rhs_msv_at","rhs_msv_strelok_rpg_assist","rhs_msv_junior_sergeant","rhs_msv_machinegunner","rhs_msv_medic","rhs_msv_officer_armored","rhs_msv_LAT","rhs_msv_RShG2"];
opfor_squad_8_infkillers = ["rhs_vdv_aa","rhs_vdv_efreitor","rhs_vdv_engineer","rhs_vdv_grenadier","rhs_vdv_at","rhs_vdv_strelok_rpg_assist","rhs_vdv_junior_sergeant","rhs_vdv_machinegunner","rhs_vdv_medic","rhs_vdv_officer_armored","rhs_vdv_LAT","rhs_vdv_RShG2"];
opfor_squad_8_tankkillers = ["rhs_msv_aa","rhs_msv_efreitor","rhs_msv_engineer","rhs_msv_grenadier","rhs_msv_at","rhs_msv_strelok_rpg_assist","rhs_msv_junior_sergeant","rhs_msv_machinegunner","rhs_msv_medic","rhs_msv_officer_armored","rhs_msv_LAT","rhs_msv_RShG2"];
opfor_squad_8_airkillers = ["rhs_vdv_aa","rhs_vdv_efreitor","rhs_vdv_engineer","rhs_vdv_grenadier","rhs_vdv_at","rhs_vdv_strelok_rpg_assist","rhs_vdv_junior_sergeant","rhs_vdv_machinegunner","rhs_vdv_medic","rhs_vdv_officer_armored","rhs_vdv_LAT","rhs_vdv_RShG2"];

// Single units that will be used for secondary objectives and cargo posts garrisons
opfor_sentry = "rhs_msv_rifleman";
opfor_lookout_1 = "rhs_msv_marksman";
opfor_lookout_2 = "rhs_msv_machinegunner";

// All the vehicles that can spawn as sector defenders and patrols, the game will pick randomly
opfor_vehicles = ["rhs_btr60_vmf","rhs_btr70_vmf","rhs_btr80_vmf","rhs_bmp1_vmf","rhs_bmp2_vmf","rhs_brm1k_vmf","RHS_BM21_MSV_01","rhs_sprut_vdv","rhs_t72ba_tv","rhs_t80"];
// Same, with lighter choices to be used  when the alert level is low
opfor_vehicles_low_intensity = ["rhs_btr60_vmf","rhs_btr70_vmf","rhs_btr80_vmf","rhs_bmp1_vmf","rhs_bmp2_vmf"];

// All the vehicles that can spawn as battlegroup members, again the game will pick randomly
opfor_battlegroup_vehicles = ["rhs_btr60_vmf","rhs_btr70_vmf","rhs_btr80_vmf","rhs_bmp1_vmf","rhs_bmp2_vmf","rhs_brm1k_vmf","RHS_BM21_MSV_01","rhs_sprut_vdv","rhs_t72ba_tv","rhs_t80","RHS_Mi8AMTSh_vvs","O_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F"];
opfor_battlegroup_vehicles_low_intensity = ["rhs_btr60_vmf","rhs_btr70_vmf","rhs_btr80_vmf","rhs_bmp1_vmf","rhs_bmp2_vmf","O_Truck_03_covered_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F"];
// All the vehicles that can spawn as battlegroup members (see above) and hold 8 soldiers as passengers.
// If something can't hold all 8 soldiers then buggy behaviours may occur
opfor_troup_transports = ["rhs_tigr_vv","O_Truck_03_covered_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F"];
// Battlegroup members that will need to spawn in flight. Should be only helos but, who knows
opfor_choppers = ["RHS_Mi8AMTSh_vvs","O_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F"];

// Opfor attack aircrafts to choose from
opfor_air = ["RHS_Su25SM_vvs"];

// Civilians to randomly choose from
civilians = ["C_man_1","C_man_polo_6_F","C_man_polo_3_F","C_man_polo_2_F","C_man_polo_4_F","C_man_polo_5_F","C_man_polo_1_F","C_man_p_beggar_F","C_man_1_2_F","C_man_p_fugitive_F","C_man_hunter_1_F","C_journalist_F","C_man_shorts_2_F","C_man_w_worker_F"];
civilian_vehicles = [ "C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "C_Offroad_01_F", "C_SUV_01_F", "C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_box_F", "C_Van_01_fuel_F" ];



// !!
// Do not edit below this point!!
// Only boring technical stuff
// !!



infantry_units = [ infantry_units ] call F_filterMods;
light_vehicles = [ light_vehicles ] call F_filterMods;
heavy_vehicles = [ heavy_vehicles ] call F_filterMods;
air_vehicles = [ air_vehicles ] call F_filterMods;
support_vehicles = [ support_vehicles ] call F_filterMods;
static_vehicles = [ static_vehicles ] call F_filterMods;
buildings = [ buildings ] call F_filterMods;
build_lists = [[],infantry_units,light_vehicles,heavy_vehicles,air_vehicles,static_vehicles,buildings,support_vehicles,squads];
militia_vehicles = [ militia_vehicles , { [ _x ] call F_checkClass } ]  call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
military_alphabet = ["Alpha","Bravo","Charlie","Delta","Echo","Foxtrot","Golf","Hotel","India","Juliet","Kilo","Lima","Mike","November","Oscar","Papa","Quebec","Romeo","Sierra","Tango","Uniform","Victor","Whiskey","X-Ray","Yankee","Zulu"];
land_vehicles_classnames = (opfor_vehicles + militia_vehicles);
all_ofpor_troops = opfor_squad_low_intensity + opfor_squad_8_standard + opfor_squad_8_infkillers + opfor_squad_8_tankkillers + opfor_squad_8_airkillers + [opfor_sentry, opfor_lookout_1, opfor_lookout_2 ];
all_resistance_troops = militia_squad;
all_hostile_classnames = (land_vehicles_classnames + opfor_air + opfor_choppers + opfor_troup_transports + opfor_vehicles_low_intensity);
{ land_vehicles_classnames pushback (_x select 0); } foreach (heavy_vehicles + light_vehicles);
air_vehicles_classnames = opfor_choppers;
{ air_vehicles_classnames pushback (_x select 0); } foreach air_vehicles;
markers_reset = [99999,99999,0];
squads_names = [ localize "STR_LIGHT_RIFLE_SQUAD", localize "STR_RIFLE_SQUAD", localize "STR_AT_SQUAD", localize "STR_AA_SQUAD",  localize "STR_RECON_SQUAD", localize "STR_PARA_SQUAD" ];
boats_names = [ "B_Boat_Transport_01_F", "B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F" ];

box_transport_config = [
 [ "B_Truck_01_transport_F", -6.5, [0, -0.4, 0.4], [0, -2.1, 0.4], [0, -3.8, 0.4] ],
 [ "O_Truck_03_transport_F", -6.5, [0, -0.8, 0.4], [0, -2.4, 0.4], [0, -4.0, 0.4] ],
 [ "B_Heli_Transport_03_F", -7.5, [0, 2.2, -1], [0, 0.8, -1], [0, -1.0, -1] ],
 [ "B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F", -7.5, [0, 2.2, -1], [0, 0.8, -1], [0, -1.0, -1] ],
 [ "greuh_eh101_gr", -6.5, [0, 4.2, -1.45], [0, 2.5, -1.45], [0, 0.8, -1.45], [0, -0.9, -1.45] ]

ammobox_transports_typenames = [];
{ ammobox_transports_typenames pushback (_x select 0) } foreach box_transport_config;
ammobox_transports_typenames = [ ammobox_transports_typenames , { [ _x ] call F_checkClass } ]  call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;

elite_vehicles = [ elite_vehicles , { [ _x ] call F_checkClass } ]  call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;

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Hi Zbug we restarted the server but must have had a problem as it corrupted the save game file.

We have done a fresh start and wiped everything and so no problems so far.

Will post classnames shortly


Well, bad news. Using your classnames.sqf I have activated both Molos Airfield and Gatolia Powerplant a dozen times without any issues :(

The corrupted savegame is strange, too, it hardly ever happens either in local tests or on our server. In fact we didn't have a single one during 9 months of play 


So, yeah. I have no idea what's going on here, and no idea where to look. If you want me to look into your issues any further, I will need the server logs and the full sources of your version, otherwise I'm afraid there isn't much I can do :(


Edit: I didn't try with the newest RHS release that came out yesterday, in case you're using it on your server

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v0.903 is up, grab it here


Only small tweaks and fixes in this version, nothing major

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v0.903a is up, small hotfix correcting a few bugs:

- prisonners were getting killed by blufor AI units,

- unloading ammo boxes had a chance to cause an explosion (tentative fix),

- nato ammo boxes weren't spotted on the map


Next new feature will be a proper squad management UI, to replace or delete your AIs 

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Are you going to include some kind of high-command functionality ? Would be a hugh support for small groups / single players.

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The commander UI is the next roadmap item, until then you can use Zeus from the commander slot :)

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Could you please provide your client and server logs (rpt files) ? Are you using mods, or a modified version of the mission ?

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I'm running RHSAFRF, RHSAFUS, Leights OPFOR pack and greuh vehicles. I've changed the revive system so that everyone can revive. Unpacked and packed the mission with ARMA 3 Tools which you can find on steam. RTP files in link bellow.


Server shutting down before bug http://puu.sh/kfDJL/a7bfcb6c0f.rpt


Server restartting first time seeing bug http://puu.sh/kfDM8/455da41769.rpt


Client log http://puu.sh/kfDOt/124d821456.rpt

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I'm running RHSAFRF, RHSAFUS, Leights OPFOR pack and greuh vehicles. I've changed the revive system so that everyone can revive. Unpacked and packed the mission with ARMA 3 Tools which you can find on steam. RTP files in link bellow.


Server shutting down before bug http://puu.sh/kfDJL/a7bfcb6c0f.rpt


Server restartting first time seeing bug http://puu.sh/kfDM8/455da41769.rpt


Client log http://puu.sh/kfDOt/124d821456.rpt


Thanks for the logs and info. Could you please upload the savegame from your server? It's named <profile>.vars.Arma3Profile 

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Hi Zbug


We have had the same problem, once we restart the server lots of FOB's.


Closed server deleted old <profile>.vars.Arma3Profile  and uploaded a saved one but once we start server it must overwrite it as all captured towns are gone.

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And now I have a savegame with the problem, looking into it. When it's corrected I'll patch your stuff so you can keep your current savegames.

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