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Acre not connect to teamspeak. using windows 10.

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So with receiving the free windows 10 update i went for it and got w10. Somewhere along the update it messed up so I decide to do a clean installed and whip my entire hard drive and do a fresh install.
This worked like a charm and fixed any issues I had with win 10.

After that I re downloaded arma 2 and arma 2OA as usual ran it once to do all the Battle eye updates. After that I got my play with six and the repository I use for the server i play on and downloaded everything. Launched the game and everything was working splendid accept one mod.. ACRE. 

I'm using the old version of teamspeak which everybody else in my unit uses so that's not the issue.
I've copie pasted the ACRE win 32.dll and win 64.dll from acre to my team speak plugins that didn't fix it either.
Changed some settings in teamspeak itself which sometimes causes problems with acre but that also didn't fix it.
I'm force running my game as administrator trough the game option in pw6.

If I run my teamspeak as administrator I get the error ingame which says. Acre is not connected to teamspeak
When im not running teamspeak as administrator I get this error. https://gyazo.com/e97ea95516719b7b10614af111b695e8

With both running my TS as admin and just starting it up normally reloading plugins doesn't fix it.

So first off all I'm wondering if there's more people who have upgrade to win10 and have issues with acre
And of course second I want to know some addition tips or possible fixed to get this error out of my game :D

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same here mate. im having this exact same problem. reinstalled arma 2 , 2 times and still nothing. i tried all the possible troubleshoots but to no avail. acre is just not working for my ts3. have you found a solution yet?? my problem is almost as same sa you but it may not be a pipe error but in my case its not connecting at all

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Did either of you ever solve this problem? I'm trying to get an Arma 2 group going, running my own Arma/TS3 server, and I can connect just fine - but a friend, who's followed all the instructions, can't get "Arma 2 connected: YES". No idea how to help him, since the same thing works at my end.

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You guys might try to restart your TS3 as admin after you join the game server. I have problem that my ACRE never works on first time after joining server, but after restart of TS it works.


Also you might try TFAR instead of ACRE i have much better experience with using TFAR than with acre, + it allowes you to use more modern TS3 versions.


I use TFAR as my main Radiomod when playing with my clan. ACRE i use only on servers that require it. Lately i was helping to instal TFAR to 8 people using different versions of WIndows with no problem.


Out of 5 people i tried to help instaling ACRE, 3 never got it working, no matter what we tried. 


Also this shouldnt be a separate thread, it should be in ACRE thread.

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