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St. Jimmy

What's so hard to make the command menu work like quick chat in many other shooters?

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A good example:



In Wolfenstein: ET I can use all the number keys for weapon selection and when I press V it opens up the menu that can be navigated through with number keys just like in Arma? How hard is it to make work like that? Also there's one positive side for new players in that, you could actually see what the different command menus are. Only way to currently to know in what key all the MOVE commands are either try all the keys (7? Nope backspace... 5? Nope backspace... 3? Nope backspace... you're KIA...) or just by remembering. Why on earth in 2015 we even need to remember those things when we could have ONE KEY that brings up the menu like:

1. Move

2. Target

3. Engage

4. Mount

5. Status

6. Action

7. Combat Mode

8. Formation

9. Assing

0. Reply



Then just add that functions under those keys won't work when the menu is open, only commanding is working then, just like in the video. When the menu is closed again you can switch weapons or whatever you've assinged your number keys to.


My old ticket about this, though likely 30% of the voters didn't even understand what I meant. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11330



The old current one waste 9 keys from the keyboard! Why waste so many keys for so important thing when it's possible to use those keys for two things or even more when you count shift, ctrl, etc. modifiers! This is as ridiculous as the old Action Menu for a game in 2015.

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Yeah, I can't understand why they removed the top level (move,target,engage etc) menu in Arma 2 (I think). Very confusing for newbies, I assume.


But what do you mean by "functions under those keys won't work when the menu is open"? Of course they don't because they're bound to the same keys. Just change the weapons to ctrl+1/2/3 or whatever with modifier.


edit. oh right. They removed the visible top level when the quick command menu appeared. I think they could still coexist.

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But what do you mean by "functions under those keys won't work when the menu is open"? Of course they don't because they're bound to the same keys. Just change the weapons to ctrl+1/2/3 or whatever with modifier.


But the point is that you shouldn't need modifers or separate keys for selecting weapons and navigating the command menu. It should be contextual like every other shooter. Number keys should select weapons by default, but when the command menu is open (either by pressing a key or by selecting squad members) the number keys should stop selecting weapons and instead be used for navigating the command menu. No one is going to be switching weapons while their command menu is open, anyway, so why make things more complicated than they have to be?

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But what do you mean by "functions under those keys won't work when the menu is open"? Of course they don't because they're bound to the same keys. Just change the weapons to ctrl+1/2/3 or whatever with modifier.

Watch how in the video I change guns and I use that quick chat. Both are done with number keys but they don't conflict because it's contextual.

Think for example ACE 2 interaction menu or any similar stuff (even escape menu). When you have that open and you click through it you don't shoot the gun because you click LMB in the menu.

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IMO We need something like Battlefield's commo rose to control AI, the current system is so confusing and isn't user friendly in the slightest.

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IMO We need something like Battlefield's commo rose to control AI, the current system is so confusing and isn't user friendly in the slightest.

Downside of commo rose is that you can't move your view which is very important when commanding AI. It doesn't matter that much if you're requesting something but giving targets it's very important.

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+1000 to this thread. I have tryed to explain the same at other post. Arma series have some desing of things that are completly a pain in the ass.


The action menu.

Voice commands / orders.

Multiplayer server lobbies.

Multiplayer game modes.


The game have lots of posibilities and have the harder things done, but fails completely in the easiest things.

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