In September Arma3 2 years old.     
We all know the advantages Arma3. We appreciate the work of the team to create a series of BIS Arma games and OFP.
But I regret to have disappointing gaps. I think I am expressing not only their opinions on this topic.
Evaluate the work of the team BIS can be corrected on this page http://feedback.arma3.comhere
A lot of steps, a lot of tickets. Peering and rereading tickets, we probably do not always understand how this or that card can affect the game, and sometimes do not understand that a particular script is correct.
I am saddened by the process of correcting obvious errors in Arma3. What we see every day, with what face and trying to find possible ways to avoid these errors. All my tickets in my signature. All tickets are related to visible defects. Maybe some of them need a lot of rework. But I think that in part they should be seen for a long time and change. When I look at my tickets, I can not predict when it will be updated Arma3. My ticket is not two years, I can be impatient and excuse my sarcasm this subject.
You should be aware that more than one hundred players and fans of Armagh, continue today to play Arma2. Not all fixes will be convincing my ticket, there is still the question of requirements Arma3 to a PC and not for all can not be solved. But I know exactly what to turn out bad experiences they do not want.
Several videos of what I call obvious errors:
Net Arma3 editor, no mod.
- Scooter to heavy machinery and precision
  for example in that car with an eye all is well
- Accuracy of titanium and inertia
- AI drivers sometimes can not find a way
Everything else in the signature.Sorry I do not know English, maybe not all the translation looks like I want to explain it. Each ticket may have this status  - "new", "reviewed",  "acknowledged", "assigned need more info" . The status can be maintained infinite time.
As far as the status  "reviewed" and "acknowledged"   as it is far from the status
  "resolved" ? How do you rate this video? The video demonstrates how to detect and engage targets. From the position of the target I should not see him. But all the servers have the setting "Landscape" - the average, or below average. That's what comes out of it. We're playing with this for two years. I think for such action is not a banned servers. But this Arma3 vanilla, nor any changed files, it is absolutely fair game. ))) We also shoot well and the tank through the house))).
This will be the story for the next ticket to the request. I think it is also a long time will color in the "acknowledged". That's what happens when you see the enemy on the top of the hill where the landscape on the server average or below.
All that you hear after that, it's not going to be about fair play.