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I think it might a Growler ITV

pffft waste of space. Pocket tank, now that's something.


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pffft waste of space. Pocket tank, now that's something.


Well that is German stuff, as you can clearly see the german markings on the side of the helo

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pffft waste of space. Pocket tank, now that's something.


I'm ready for battle


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Pah, everyone knows that the mighty Bundeswehr can only be defeated by the EU superweapon known as "defense budget cuts".

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Have a questions about shtora red light in T90A RHS. Long time ago one of RHS dev team answer on feedbacktracker -this projector are infrared and  not visible with human eyes

Note that it was said those are not visible with human eyes. Cameras are another matter. If that video was shot with a digital camera, the lights will of course be visible. Likewise, some cameras can catch the IR LEDs in TV remotes and the like. It's also the reason colors look off on cheap cameras. While I don't think the cam in the video has a crappy IR filter, the Shtora gives out very strong IR light.

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Is anyone else able to confirm that when having the AI fire the missile from the SS-21 Scarab via the deploy - fire waypoints that there is no rocket launch noise?

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Deffo a growler ITV, Apex just added native vehicle in vehicle, the ITV stands for internally transportable vehicle, ground helo guy is in marpat, CH-53 is only widely used by the USMC, Raiders use the growler and look like the dudes in the first screenshot...
illuminati confirmed

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Note that it was said those are not visible with human eyes. Cameras are another matter. If that video was shot with a digital camera, the lights will of course be visible. Likewise, some cameras can catch the IR LEDs in TV remotes and the like. It's also the reason colors look off on cheap cameras. While I don't think the cam in the video has a crappy IR filter, the Shtora gives out very strong IR light.

it depends on the wave lengths. infrared  in the range of 850 nm can be seen by the human eye as a faint red glow in the dark.  Thats why I ask about this.

But you are right. Only digit camera can capture this strong red light

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dpv's are sweet but they don't really have as much versatility as growlers, at least in my eyes. less seating and capacity. what would be sweet to eventually see (not making a request, glorious RHS masters) is a flyer 60/72.

who needs protection when you have four machineguns!?


all the dakka dakka you'd need in one slightly protective fast vehicle, all internally transportable :>

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I'm guessing some sort of "Side by Side".  MARSOC /Raiders uses a few different vehicles like that, and ive heard the Growler is a piece of shit... (Sorry for massive pictures, pulled straight from MARSOC recruiting website)_DSC9082.jpg?format=1500w



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Some nice screenshots from a little fly around. Absolutely loving the mod!!





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Hey everyone! I don't know if this is the proper place to ask such questions but is there any way to remove the cargo doors on the back of the Mi-8?

So since no one's answering I'll take that as a no

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Hopefully before moving on to further Blufor assets they will work on the interior textures for the ,MRAPS, cars and fixing the interior view of the m1 tanks and other texture details.  I mean for 200,000 euros that you got, the mod doesn't seem that complete on the blufor side.

i was about to make some fun of you...but you did that yourself...hopefully you'll keep things for yourself from now on, saves me some spanking time ;)

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I'm thinking it's one of those combat UTV's that MARSOC/Scouts and Raiders use. They can be seen in some of their recruitment videos. Also the edited out portion of the second pic appears to have it coming off the ramp of the CH-53. Or it could be an armed 4-Wheeler but there's also one (unarmed) in the game already.


This bears looking at.



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kinda hoping its this golf buggy looking thing 




by the way would be delighted if someone who knows about this thing could tell me what its based off, quite interested.


EDIT: the post above me just answered my question hehehe. Came in as i was typing

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Basically just a side by side, as someone mentioned a lot earlier.


The first time we heard about them we all kind of laughed because we figured it was just SEALs being dumb (as per), when we realized what it was, that notion wasn't necessarily removed.


As far as what could fit or who uses what, I always thought the ITV was kinda funny because both the 

Land Rover SOV



and the M151A2 SOV



both fit in a CH-53 (and wow, the only thing worse than these is the MV-22) and an MH-47.


(Also, the KLR 250)


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I don't know what it as about American Military procurement, but anytime anyone adopts anything that wasn't invented in the mid 20th century, someone who has no actual experience with it feels the need to declare it a piece of crap.

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