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@rzon: AGM has several compatibility issues with RHS Escalation, if you want a realism enhancing mod that works good with RHS Escalation and ALiVE, I suggest you take a look at CSE.

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AGM will have official patch bringing more compatibility with RHS Escalation.

Also remember that there is still work in progress on the mod to add new stuff and features and fix any known issues.

Be patient and wait, development takes some time.

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Sorry must have missed that - can anyone please detail the compatable issues with AGM ?

In the middle of sense testing a huge new mission - would be a shame to change last minute details :(

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I'm aware there are compatibility issues - I've just not seen anyone else mentioning sluggish turning. I'll get a video of it later today if I can be arsed.

Sorry must have missed that - can anyone please detail the compatable issues with AGM ?

In the middle of sense testing a huge new mission - would be a shame to change last minute details :(


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Is there any chance of getting some sort of a rough roadmap for this mod? No specific timetables or anything, just a general listing of what you've got planned for the near/far future. Something like "Next patch: armed HMMWV, sometime in the future: Stryker and Su-34, possibly in the future but unlikely: aircraft carrier". It would be really helpful, because as a person responsible for the modset of our community, I'd like to avoid redundant mods, ie. adding an armed HMMWV from another mod now, only to have the same vehicle in the next patch of RHS and so on and so forth.

I understand you might be hesitant to do this, because then entitled internet fucktards could use the roadmap to whine about all things you've "promised them". However, it's probably safe to say that such people are a minority and can be safely disregarded, while for the rest of us such a roadmap would be pretty helpful in decision making regarding our modpacks.


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@JimiEz It's like you read my mind, but after having gotten this answer

Of course. In fact I'm gonna be 100% specific. No sooner nor later than: when it's done.

to this question

Can we get a rough ETA on the next release? Nothing specific, I don't want to rush anyone - just if we are we talking about days, weeks or months... would be very useful for our repo planning.

I'm not very confident we can get something like that... although I admit your formulation is a bit more advanced than mine was and states the intention behind the question more clearly.

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some feedback on the us uniforms - woodland - it really needs some deeper green in it - i didnt even recognise it as woodland initially because it was so brown.

my two cents.

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some feedback on the us uniforms - woodland - it really needs some deeper green in it - i didnt even recognise it as woodland initially because it was so brown.

my two cents.

Thats because its multicam?

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I'm aware there are compatibility issues - I've just not seen anyone else mentioning sluggish turning. I'll get a video of it later today if I can be arsed.


Thanks rzon. I see nothing in there to stop my mission playing against RHS Russian units - which is great.



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I noticed some problems with the hmmvw and its brakes, has this already been reported?

Please explain.

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Hello friends .... if I install the mod go the functions in the menu ... no more "mod WW_AIMenu" possibly a collision function .... Thanks

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Please explain.

It just takes an excessively long time to stop compared to other (much larger) wheeled vehicles (or RL).

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It takes a lot of times to stop the car, I don't know if it's intentional or not but it's too much i think. The model is "rhsusf_m1025_d_s"

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It just takes an excessively long time to stop compared to other (much larger) wheeled vehicles.

Okay, noted. The Humvee is the only vehicle I am not able to finish as something is making the suspension to act weirdly....

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We've been still missing BLUFOR units in official documentation.

Some changes are still made to their loads, so it wouldn't make much sense to add them, to change them in few weeks.

Remember that the mod is still W.I.P. :)

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Does anyone have an issue with AI not flying to their waypoint in the Mi24V (Perhaps Mi24P too, I didn't check)? I noticed all other choppers in the game seem to work fine (Including other RHS choppers), and I've tried switching between advanced and standard flight model.

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Does anyone have an issue with AI not flying to their waypoint in the Mi24V (Perhaps Mi24P too, I didn't check)? I noticed all other choppers in the game seem to work fine (Including other RHS choppers), and I've tried switching between advanced and standard flight model.

It was reported a three pages ago in this same thread. We are already looking into it :)

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Speaking of helicopters

on the Mi8/Mi17 there is a rotor bug issue (same issue from A2 > https://dev.withsix.com/issues/15286) and tail rotor proxy blur bug

on Mi24 seems the top oil cooler is missing > http://mms.tiger.tw/upload/2010-7/20107286545.jpg

also on the way you can fix these issues from A2 too , for your Mi17/Mi24 > https://dev.withsix.com/issues/7275

Not sure if these issues are already fixed in current RHS but better check them

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Nice job on the addon. I was utterly gutted when you announced years ago that you stopped development for A2 and instead turned to A3 (that wasn't even out or Alpha at that point IIRC), but didn't really have any choice but to accept it. But with how A2 multiplayer just died away (except for dayz, life and wasteland - then again, they're not really A2 multiplay) I'm glad RHS survived and is now in A3 where it can do much to improve the multiplayer which is sadly centered on Life - who knows, maybe RHS can be one of the basis' for A3's version of advanced multiplayer like ACE was for A2...

Anyway, just wanted to ask something. Is there any advantage to the folders lacking the "@"? Will I cause any bugs or issues with my game if I rename them to @afrf for example? Reason I'm asking is because my preferred mod launcher doesn't detect non-@ folders and the other launcher that does... well, it's definitely not as good as the first one. Thanks!

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The "@" symbol is just for organization. It's just a way to sort all the mod folders to the top of the list when sorting by name or type.

Edited by roshnak

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Having a problem where I can't put down any of the vehicles in the editor. They aren't even coming up in the drop down. I can select Army/Marines ect but then no vehicle below it.

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Nice job on the addon. I was utterly gutted when you announced years ago that you stopped development for A2 and instead turned to A3 (that wasn't even out or Alpha at that point IIRC), but didn't really have any choice but to accept it. But with how A2 multiplayer just died away (except for dayz, life and wasteland - then again, they're not really A2 multiplay) I'm glad RHS survived and is now in A3 where it can do much to improve the multiplayer which is sadly centered on Life - who knows, maybe RHS can be one of the basis' for A3's version of advanced multiplayer like ACE was for A2...

Anyway, just wanted to ask something. Is there any advantage to the folders lacking the "@"? Will I cause any bugs or issues with my game if I rename them to @afrf for example? Reason I'm asking is because my preferred mod launcher doesn't detect non-@ folders and the other launcher that does... well, it's definitely not as good as the first one. Thanks!

you can put an @ if you want. It should not break anything.

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