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Why is the wiki down? I cant get class names without it.

Server died, no backup. A new solution for documentation is currently WIP.

In the mean time, use the Arma 3 editor's built in config browser. All RHS class names begin with rhs. Weapons, uniforms, and gear are in cfgWeapons, vehicles and units are in cfgVehicles, and magazines are in cfgMagazines.

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Server died, no backup. A new solution for documentation is currently WIP.

In the mean time, use the Arma 3 editor's built in config browser. All RHS class names begin with rhs. Weapons, uniforms, and gear are in cfgWeapons, vehicles and units are in cfgVehicles, and magazines are in cfgMagazines.

Thanks mate, thanks everyone and sorry for asking without looking up previous pages for answer. :D

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figured it out

Edited by CosmiC10R

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I have yet to hear anything about this, but will all the RHS weapons have 'tail' sounds configured in the next update?

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Is there any way to configure some (or all custom) weapon sounds to inherit from default (A3) classes? (like 5.56 ammo)

I m using JSRS Dragonfyre and (in example) the M4 sounds are like champagne pop compared to it.. :/

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Nope. The sound is right in our opinion but improvements will come along.

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Any update on the documentation? Without being able to copy and paste, or even just look at the class names with a bit of structure, the number of class names I'm working with makes what I'm trying to do downright impossible. :(

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Any update on the documentation? Without being able to copy and paste, or even just look at the class names with a bit of structure, the number of class names I'm working with makes what I'm trying to do downright impossible. :(


We said it more than a dozen times that we are not bringing back the wiki because we have something way better just around the corner.

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Does anyone have a list of the weapon, item and ammo classnames? (My google-fu served me bad today, and sadly the documentation page is still down)

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Go into the editor, press the config viewer button (top bar, looks like a cog), find cfgWeapons and cfgMagazines, the relevant stuff starts with rhs_

Alternately use the export function in the virtual arsenal.

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Go into the editor, press the config viewer button (top bar, looks like a cog), find cfgWeapons and cfgMagazines, the relevant stuff starts with rhs_

Alternately use the export function in the virtual arsenal.

Oh, cheers man. I actually didn't know about the config viewer!

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Does anyone have a list of the weapon, item and ammo classnames? (My google-fu served me bad today, and sadly the documentation page is still down)

Its funny that you ask :)

Today we are proud to present to you a new website: http://class.rhsmods.org/

This is the first version of complete class documentation of RHS: Escalation. It is auto generated by a tool I wrote called DocForge which I will also make available for everyone once it is refined.

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Is there anyway to add (or script) flashlights to the russian weapons?

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Still hoping for a proper "mil-spec" MK18 and M4A1... right now they still look like civilian clones, since both barrels are way too long...

http://i.imgur.com/5X00bqq.jpg (174 kB)

Indeed... :p

Here's a "civilian" with a M4A1:


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Nice website for the doc it's much clearer than before.

Do you plan on fixing some of the fucked up memory points on your uniforms or vehicles ? (UH1z got it's main one 2m in front of the nose, uniforms got memory points for legs below the ground)

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It is auto generated by a tool I wrote called DocForge which I will also make available for everyone once it is refined.

good work, very nice :yay:

Here's a "civilian" with a M4A1:

He's not operator enough to be milspec, can't you see :p

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Nice new documentation tool! Looking forward to its release!

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Its funny that you ask :)

Today we are proud to present to you a new website: http://class.rhsmods.org/

This is the first version of complete class documentation of RHS: Escalation. It is auto generated by a tool I wrote called DocForge which I will also make available for everyone once it is refined.

Holy shit. Talk about timing! Thanks a bunch man!

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