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@haleks A bug report worth investigating, seems the loot module is spawning the Caravans in amongst the ambient furniture compositions, @Recaldy reported it here on Ravage Discord and I can replicate it in a vanilla environment too, just Ravage/CBA on Livonia. (maybe worth noting I'm running A3 Dev Build atm)



The caravan in the picture has a furniture composition inside it as it should, but no idea why the loot system is spawning the caravans.


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Hi all.


I've been playing the Altis mission by haleks that's included with the Ravage mod and have encountered some issues. I've had radiation sickness for an hour or so and my health hasn't dropped at all. Also, my frame rate has dropped considerably whilst working my way through one of the larger towns. I know the frames will take a dip in a built up area, but the performance is choppy almost to the point of non playable low 20 fps. 700 or so hours total in Ravage missions and I've never encountered such performance. Mine's a i7 7700K overclocked to 4.8 GHz with 32 Gigs of ram, installed on SSD. The saves are taking longer and longer as well. Thanks.




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With the new PC now, it was too good NOT TO do it, I had to... I simply had to :icon_biggrin:


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On 2/7/2022 at 7:01 AM, cmw71 said:

Hi all.


I've been playing the Altis mission by haleks that's included with the Ravage mod and have encountered some issues. I've had radiation sickness for an hour or so and my health hasn't dropped at all. Also, my frame rate has dropped considerably whilst working my way through one of the larger towns. I know the frames will take a dip in a built up area, but the performance is choppy almost to the point of non playable low 20 fps. 700 or so hours total in Ravage missions and I've never encountered such performance. Mine's a i7 7700K overclocked to 4.8 GHz with 32 Gigs of ram, installed on SSD. The saves are taking longer and longer as well. Thanks.




Add and try Halkes's m3mory, see if it helps - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2648482641

I know Arma is doing these things, but I just don't know the way around it... It's just Arma clogging itself up to the point where it's unplayable.

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12 hours ago, RZNUNKWN said:

Add and try Halkes's m3mory, see if it helps - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2648482641

I know Arma is doing these things, but I just don't know the way around it... It's just Arma clogging itself up to the point where it's unplayable.

Yeah the save system work fine in my mp scenario but not until i played it with friend for 6 hours, after i load that save again. i spawn in the middle of ocean [0,0], thanks for info, i will try this mod out.


 i also have question to ask here, i followed this guide on how to make the respawn tent work, but i’m not sure which tent it is. And also not sure if this really work since i can’t test it. Is it the backpack that can take off and deploy as a tent? not the tent that named “Folded tent” that able to be put in any storage? I have only ever found the latter one though. https://ravage.fandom.com/wiki/Respawning_players_in_multiplayer


another question is how to make sleeping bag sleep-able in multiplayer? Is it possible?

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Well something is causing you to spawn at 0,0 coordinates, not sure how the save game goes in MP

As for the respawn, I've read that respawn is for MP only, but I could be wrong since I've played some SPs with 'respawn' (basically you just hop into another character). I suggest you look for some additional respawn tutorials (I know I got one from Youtube).

And sleeping in MP is not doable, as far as I know, you'd have to force everyone to 'sleep' somehow (though I can't imagine how to do this). Maybe better just place sleeping bags and forward time to simulate sleeping.

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Surviving the war between East and West on Chernarus 2020 is now Multiplayer! Coop, PvP or solo, any playstyle is possible. Features side-reserved ready rooms with unique spawn locations and reserved limited ACE Arsenals. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2750369823

(Now NOT-featuring random train cars.)


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Is anyone aware of how one disables the loot dropped by the AI or at least blacklists the default ravage items found on a corpse (eg: tin can, documents, notepad) stuff. Can it be done via the ravage modules or would i need to create like a loot blacklist system?

Thanks in advance!

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So, been trying to search the 480 pages here, and can't seem to do it without getting results from... everything but Ravage...  So, if there's a trick to only searching this topic, light me up!


Ok, so I've run into this before in single player.  If you set up multiple units as playable, you have the option to team switch between them.  Very useful if you want to stage them around the map and such.  Unfortunately, only the one you started on gets the action to search for loot.  


Fast forward, working in multiplayer now and having a really good time with a playthrough on my current mod.  To solve another issue, I ran removeAllActions one of my units - and bam, no more looting.  I'm just looking for the addAction command that puts that back into place (and which, I imagine I could paste into secondary units' init to give it to them if I do any more single player as well).


So, looking for:


player addAction ["Search", {*************}];


If that's something you don't want to release, I'd be just as happy with a way to transfer it from another unit.

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4 hours ago, dragonmalice said:

So, been trying to search the 480 pages here, and can't seem to do it without getting results from... everything but Ravage...  So, if there's a trick to only searching this topic, light me up!



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I can't interact with any of the spawned vehicles in the base Ravage - Tanoa scenario. They all seem to have simulation turned off by the looks of it.


sleep 1;
waitUntil {!isNil "rvg_uniqueItems"}; 
sleep 1; 
_blacklisted_items = ["rvg_sleepingBag_Blue", "rvg_foldedTent", "rvg_foldedTent_grey", "rvg_foldedTent_blue", "rvg_plasticBottleEmpty", "rvg_canteenEmpty",  "rvg_canOpener", "rvg_plasticBottle", "rvg_plasticBottlePurified", "rvg_spirit", "rvg_franta", "rvg_beans", "rvg_bacon", "rvg_milk", "rvg_rice", "rvg_rustyCan", "rvg_purificationTablets", "rvg_rustyCanEmpty", "rvg_beansEmpty", "rvg_baconEmpty", "rvg_spiritEmpty", "rvg_frantaEmpty", "rvg_rustyCanEmpty", "rvg_beansEmpty", "rvg_baconEmpty", "rvg_spiritEmpty", "rvg_frantaEmpty"]; 
_rvg_items = rvg_uniqueItems; 
rvg_uniqueItems = _rvg_items - _blacklisted_items; 
publicVariable "rvg_uniqueItems";

Speaking of search... I've went back to the above for stuff I'm working on and I'm still looting items from this list (Trying to not use ravage consumables).




My latest project: a Praire Fire Campaign coming soon!


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Thanks to some Community members in the Discord we are back up and running with another 24/7 dedicated Ravage server (Hosted in Germany)


Wasteland Walkers Community Server (20 slots) Status: (Online)  
Port: 2306

CUP Terrains - Core
Chernarus Redux
Ravage CUP
TCRP - Survival ACE3 Extension
TCRP - Survival
Enhanced Movement
Heros survive
(local install ONLY)

Feel free to join! Please PM if any issues arise. And please remember this is still a WIP



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On 11/9/2021 at 7:17 PM, Recaldy said:

Survive in an East vs West conflict zone in Chernarus Redux featuring: SimpleShops, custom units, anomalies, spooks, respawning hostile AI and more!

Out of my scenario collection, I've spent the most time creating Ravage: Just Another Day. I consider it to be in a Beta state atm as I take feedback and tweak things accordingly. 


Multiplayer version of Ravage: Just Another Day is now on the workshop. Scenario features Escape From Tarkov PMC selection, equipment selection with ACE Arsenal and chosen spawn locations with new destinations. Many aspecs of the original have been tweaked including new special infected.




S.O.G. Prairie Fire campaign is expected to be released in May. (Big FFXIV content update will delay my April dev/testing time.)

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Helloooo Haleks and Eo!  Long time no see 😃

Hope all is well with you, all of you!


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@Zakuaz Hey there man, it's been a while, good to see your still floating around. :-)

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Hope this is the right place to ask. I am playing a few scenarios, but I'd like to reduce the hunger and thirst rates. What would be the easiest and quickest way to do this?

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From Eden, put module "Survival system". Parameters are there.

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I've just got .pbo's from workshop. I imagine there's a little script i can add or edit or something?

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Hello people!


It's been 7 years since we began our own, cozy apocalypse in Arma 3! With Arma Reforger being released, it's time for me to "reforge" my main projects; to that end I'm going to push a few updates across my mods so I can focus on the new environment - beginning with Ravage. It's not necessarily the last update, but once I've pushed the pending updates for Impact and Remnant, priority will go to the new platform.




Forced lights on for bandit squads.
Disabled a few low quality zed SFX.
Slightly reduced force of zed 'physX attacks' on vehicles.

Attaching chemlights causing unwanted behaviour.
Zeds unable to get back up on their feet.

New zed module parameter to enable zed physX interactions with occupied vehicles.


Mission makers can now disable zed physX attacks on vehicles if they observe unwanted behaviours in MP; zeds can now get back on their feet too (untested, but it should be safe to enable the Impact mod on them).



Download : Ravage v0.1.89




I'd like to thank anyone who contributed, supported, or simply played Ravage over the years : on a personal level, it has been a wild (and instructive) ride for something that began as a simple, non configurable, SP mission. As my first and most popular project, Ravage holds a special place in my heart, largely thanks to the amazing community it gathered. I'm super excited about what Arma Reforger, and later down the road Arma 4, can bring to the new iteration of Ravage, and I hope you will enjoy my future projects! 😉 


As always, have fun people!

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Thank you for continuing on a must-have mod for many Arma players. 

Please if you can help me with setting sleep above the sea. This is the problem:

I placed beds on the platform out on the sea and they are not useble. Simply don't show up sleep menu on them but the same beds on land are working properly. I placed bedrolls and tents in Eden in the same place (ocean base)- the same thing and if I want to unpack one from inventory it says "You need more space to build this". I manage to understand that if beds are placed above the sea (no matter what height the platform is), the function for sleep or unpacking bedrolls and tents is not allowed.

I found "unfold.sqf" and similar scripts in .pbo trying to understand what forbids placing above water surface but cant understand.

Please, if you can tell me what to change in the script, what script, and which way? Thanks in advance

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9 hours ago, Nemanjic said:

Thank you for continuing on a must-have mod for many Arma players. 

Please if you can help me with setting sleep above the sea. This is the problem:

I placed beds on the platform out on the sea and they are not useble. Simply don't show up sleep menu on them but the same beds on land are working properly. I placed bedrolls and tents in Eden in the same place (ocean base)- the same thing and if I want to unpack one from inventory it says "You need more space to build this". I manage to understand that if beds are placed above the sea (no matter what height the platform is), the function for sleep or unpacking bedrolls and tents is not allowed.

I found "unfold.sqf" and similar scripts in .pbo trying to understand what forbids placing above water surface but cant understand.

Please, if you can tell me what to change in the script, what script, and which way? Thanks in advance


That feature uses an outdated BIS function to validate positions - that's most likely what's causing that behaviour above sea. I've pinned the issue as "to be fixed" for the next update.

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Hi Haleks! Ever since Armaholic was kaput and I have hard time downloading steam mods through steam, I´ve been using steamdownloader site... but recently ARMA3 is being sketichy and not all mods permit this download... the guys at steamdownloader put this step-by-step to enable external downloading (as ravage is blocked =P
"The steps that your game developer has to follow, are:

Log into the steamgames partner site with your publisher account.

Go to the page of your app (https://partner.steamgames.com/apps/workshop/[appid]).

Scroll down to "Technical tools"

Go to the "Edit steamworks" setting

Go to the "Workshop" tab, scroll down to the setting "Enable anonymous game servers to download workshop items" and check the checkbox.

Hit "Save" on the bottom of the page.

Lastly, you probably have to Publish the app.

Unfortunately we can't show screenshots because that breaks the NDA."

Thanks in advance, as tehre´s no other mirror site now


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22 hours ago, haleks said:

I'd like to thank anyone who contributed, supported, or simply played Ravage over the years

Damn, has it really been 7 years? 

Thank you again for all the hard work and pure dedication towards the development of this mod my friend, (and remnant 😉 ) some of my best memories in Arma in general are from Ravage. And I hope to make more on the new platform!


Cheers man,



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