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My love for Ravage is much stronger than my love for A3, which is slowly ebbing away, (does that make sense?) Some kind of solid Ravage persistence in a dedicated environment would definitely pull me back in. Wishing you guys good luck with your persistence endeavours. 

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I am pretty sure deletion savezones for zombies was a topic here before:



It seems that both Blacklist and save Zones are not deleting zombies that would enter these areas.

Not sure if this is intentional. specially for the save zone, see above thread.


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6 hours ago, EO said:

My love for Ravage is much stronger than my love for A3, which is slowly ebbing away, (does that make sense?) Some kind of solid Ravage persistence in a dedicated environment would definitely pull me back in. Wishing you guys good luck with your persistence endeavours. 


Amen brother!

May the Gods grant us this one final feature so we can finally game in peace knowing that our progress is saved and we don't have to rely on BI's buggy and non MP compatible save system.

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8 hours ago, Vandeanson said:

Can you post your github? Couldnt find it sorry:) 


No worries mate,




In addition to the init files.

You'll probably wanna look at the server and client pveh.sqf files, the and the functions in the  fn\persistence folder.


I'm sorry I'm not great at commenting my code. So I hope it makes sense


I handle the player saving two ways, first is a keydown event handler so the player tells the server to save whenever they press escape and aren't in a vehicle. Second is the server doing it on player disconnect.


Vehicles save when the player does a claim action on them. After that they update when the gear is accessed or the driver gets out.


Base Objects save whenever a player moves them, so that's done by hijacking one of the r3f logi scripts


But it's all done with publicvariableserver and PV event handlers.


Code34 has really good documentation on how to use inidbi2





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2 minutes ago, JakeHekesFists said:


No worries mate,




In addition to the init files.

You'll probably wanna look at the server and client pveh.sqf files, the and the functions in the  fn\persistence folder.


I'm sorry I'm not great at commenting my code. So I hope it makes sense


I handle the player saving two ways, first is a keydown event handler so the player tells the server to save whenever they press escape and aren't in a vehicle. Second is the server doing it on player disconnect.


Vehicles save when the player does a claim action on them. After that they update when the gear is accessed or the driver gets out.


Base Objects save whenever a player moves them, so that's done by hijacking one of the r3f logi scripts


But it's all done with publicvariableserver and PV event handlers.


Code34 has really good documentation on how to use inidbi2





Thanks mate,


I had a look at your files and trying to find out what you do different than my version.

It seems the only issue is that i am doing something wrong when applying it to dedicated.


Will dig through your files and keep you posted=)




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I was having problems initially when I had the server scripts and functions called from initserver.sqf, worked well when player hosted, but not on dedi. nfi why.
but when I moved everything out of initserver.sqf into serverScripts.sqf and then called it from init.sqf like so.

if ((isDedicated) || (hasInterface && isServer)) then { [] execVM "serverScripts.sqf"; };

It now seems to work properly when player hosted and when run as a dedi through TADST. 
The only other thing I can think of that I'm doing different is I copied the workshop inidbi folder into its own @inidbi2 folder, and i exec it from there so it doesnt get confused with my playerhosted save files. 

honestly I just hit it repeatedly until it worked. 😂
there were so many failed attempts along the way.
and i'm still not confident that its 100% working on dedi. just dont have the means to test it properly anymore.

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11 hours ago, JakeHekesFists said:

Hey fam,

I've made some more changes and published them  to steam workshop and github.  
It seems to work (almost perfectly)* on my "dedi", but once again I'd love to see some real-world feedback.
* it works, but on first spawn, -or- logging out on dead character. == respawn  >> spawn in >> die >> respawn.

so minor issue, but still annoying and one i cant figure out just yet. 


If you can do me a massive favour and try again, on your next test, just run @inidbi2 as a -servermod, and dont run inidbi2 on the client
Seems great on VM, but to quote the bloodhound gang, I'd appreciate your input. 😄


@JakeHekesFists NP, will check it out this weekend on my "true" dedi server!

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An external database was usefull in Arma 2, now in arma 3 everything can be stocked via profileNamespace https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/profileNamespace

Thats how works the character persistence in Ravage (i think, maybe im wrong), just make sure to keep the same server profile, new server profile = clean start.


So i think an external database may be usefull for a rented server or for script like a personal vault or vehicle storage... but in my opinion a personal vault or vehicle garage system is not really great for a survival scenario, more usefull for a life server.


On my side i never had issue with the character persistence provided with the ravage mod, i only lost it if i do thing with Zeus but i think its not a bug Haleck have done this to avoid any exploit, im right ?

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You could use profilenamespace in Arma 2 as well.

I used it to save things like whether players could get a one off starter vehicle, their connection count, view distance and earplugs preferences were on my dayz epoch servers.


I prefer external databases though. In my early pre release version of the mission I used profile namespace and it was very inconsistent to say the least


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Hey just toying with the alias anomaly by combine twin anomaly with gravity that look not bad!!



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I can not use the Foldet Tent. When unpacking, it is not   in the 'Sleep' menu. Is this just my problem?


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6 minutes ago, Vald77r said:

I can not use the Foldet Tent. When unpacking, it is not   in the 'Sleep' menu. Is this just my problem?


If you play in MP, its normal

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21 minutes ago, Vald77r said:

Only SP.

Are all ravage modules up? It might be connected with the survival module (not sure) 

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1 hour ago, Vald77r said:

I can not use the Foldet Tent. When unpacking, it is not   in the 'Sleep' menu. Is this just my problem?


All the dome tents are working fine for me...



...are you using the latest version of Ravage?...if not you might just have to update the "Usable Beds" array in the Survival Module.



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48 minutes ago, EO said:


All the dome tents are working fine for me...

  Hide contents


...are you using the latest version of Ravage?...if not you might just have to update the "Usable Beds" array in the Survival Module. 



Thanks, the problem was in the Survival Module. I have a new version, but I copied all the modules from the old mission, so there was a problem.

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Something i encountered:

Once an AI resurrects as a zombie, his gun is dropped on the ground, and when you access that holder, there also appears some kind of "Underwear" clothing.


Is it normal?



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thanks @JakeHekesFists

going through your files trying to figure out what i do different.


20 hours ago, JakeHekesFists said:

The only other thing I can think of that I'm doing different is I copied the workshop inidbi folder into its own @inidbi2 folder, and i exec it from there so it doesnt get confused with my playerhosted save files. 


what do you mean by that? where is that own @inidbi2 folder?

I also use tadst, but it seems that nothing is written into the db on dedi.(mission is added, local mod that is saved in the arma 3 folder is loaded).


its maddening XD i feel like i am soo close.

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I've just copied the @inidi2 folder from the !workshop folder into the arma 3 root.
And load it as an extra parameter


and as you can see below, the files have been writing into the db directory as it should. 


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4 hours ago, JakeHekesFists said:


Hm that i have not tried yet, i just checked the mod under the tadst mods tab. Thanks! 

I did some step by step tests yday and noticed that my eventhandlers are working, but the database exists check at the beginning returns null or any, hence i believe that the code is fine, but my server setup is wrong and the mod is not loaded. The above might solve that hopefully, will try asap! 


Cheers vd

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I remember someone saying that Ravage isn't like it is used to be, that there's no gunfights in the background or something like that. I'm not hating, I'm just saying that some areas on the map have less zombies/bandits/vehicle patrols and some areas just trigger the hell out of car patrols/bandits/zombs. Probably because Ravage looks at settlements and configures the spawn rate (if I recall from my poking at Ravage pbo, but I'm known for talking out of my ass since I usually don't know what I'm doing).

This came back to my mind this morning after a freaking massacre at the factory west of Kore. No matter how long you linger there, it's always hell, patrols spawning, bandits, it's a constant shootout, zombies rarely spawn and when they do, it's a refreshment. I'm pretty sure most of you folks know this, but if anyone is looking for a fight on Altis, head there. xD Somehow, IMO, that place is worse than Kavala xD. 


My kills over there (we had T72 and two groups of traders I control via Zeus and my squad of 5 in about one and a half day:
2x BMP-2
2x UAZ
2x T55

2x MT-LB

1x BMP-1
1x Ural ZU23
1x BTR-60

1x Huey freaking came upon buy we gunned him down
and a whole lotta bandits 😄

Ended loosing pretty much 70% of BLUFOR guys, and my tank damaged.

So, whatever Haleks did there, let it stay like that, it's always fun. Cheers! 😄 

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16 hours ago, UnDeaD. said:

Is it normal?

Going by the cropped screenshot I'd say that's not normal, Competitor Suit with an Underwear description looks pretty weird, resurrected AI should rise with their original loadout they spawned in with.

Are you using any other mods?




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There is a way to add the search feature on map object ?


Cause i would like to add search action on all the map object like non enterable wooden shack



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On 9/15/2019 at 3:23 AM, JakeHekesFists said:

I've just copied the @inidi2 folder from the !workshop folder into the arma 3 root.
And load it as an extra parameter


and as you can see below, the files have been writing into the db directory as it should. 


Hm damn, that was not it. 

I started to test the publicvariableserver eventhandler. (so as a positive, i atleast understand how that stuff works now:)) 

It gets triggered and the information gets passed to the server. 

However, when performing the "exists" (inidb2 functions ) check, i notice that the databasecheck does not return true or false, but null. 

Hence i think the problem is related to my arma 3 or inidb2.dll permissions. 

Maybe either of em does have restricted access... 

Not sure if anyone knows about such issues? 


I have rightclicked arma3 64bit exe and the dll file in inidb2, and granted all accesses under properties/security, but not sure if that was the right way. 


This is one of these arma moments where you jump from maximum excitement to "fuck this shit i am out" 🤣


Sorry for the thread hijacking, but i am desperately pulling all ressources i can get since i can not get feedback from the mod thread, yt and such. 


General though tho: how can it be such a f****ng mystery on how to set up a persistent solution? There seems to be very limited knowledge transfer on the forums in that respect. 




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