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Maybe this question was already asked (search gave me no result).. 

Are there zombie sounds ?? I have no screams, no hit sounds, nothing. Anything else is runnning fine and flawless. 

Playing on a dedicated server with the current version of the mod. The only sound mod used is Dragonfyre (current version).




Some ideas :

A spawn module that spawns zeds only in the designated area instead of the whole island . Like the spawn inhibitor module just "inverted" (if you know what i mean). 

A ratio setting in the AI Zombie module were the mission-builder can choose the amount of zeds spawned in the wild against zeds spawn in urban / town environment. 

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how can i edit the ravage tanoa map? i successfully edited the altis map but whenever i edited the tanoa map when press play on scenario in the tanoa map i edited nothing happens.. but it works when i try it on the editor..

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how can i edit the ravage tanoa map? i successfully edited the altis map but whenever i edited the tanoa map when press play on scenario in the tanoa map i edited nothing happens.. but it works when i try it on the editor..


im so DUMB.. so i need to export it to single player to play it.. -___- sorry my bad. hahahaha

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Haleks have you changed something regarding zombie's HP or it's the change due to new ArmA update? It takes 3 shots (even headshots arent instant kills) to take the zombie out with PSG1, G3, AKs, M16s etc. (I'm using NIArms mod i.e. former HLC and RHS). Until now they'd normally be killed with 1-2 shots depending on the caliber (7.62x51 or 5.56x54)

EDIT: everything is fine. It was just a matter of distance. Projectile wouldnt kill zombie when doing headshot at distance but on closer range ~200-300m it does. My bad. Well, I guess I havent been in Ravage world for some time.

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Maybe this question was already asked (search gave me no result).. 

Are there zombie sounds ?? I have no screams, no hit sounds, nothing. Anything else is runnning fine and flawless. 

Playing on a dedicated server with the current version of the mod. The only sound mod used is Dragonfyre (current version).




Some ideas :

A spawn module that spawns zeds only in the designated area instead of the whole island . Like the spawn inhibitor module just "inverted" (if you know what i mean). 



Any other mods than Dragonfyre? The sounds you're missing are broadcasted with remoteExec, wich, if I'm not mistaken, can be blocked by other mods like Exile.

As for the spawn module ideas, it's something that could be achieved with a bit of tweaking on the Hordes module - thanks for the suggestion!


@Gunter : regarding dead turning into zeds - yes, it's feasable, eventhough that's not how I pictured the White Plague virus. ^^

But that's certainly something I could add as an optionnal setting, eventually.

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Haleks, IIRC you wrote something like "I have pleeeenty of developing time left, I am soooo bored ;) and can do Iron Front now..."

Have you made changes to the spawning, which we talked about? Some sleep() into the process, so that ArmA does not reveal the spawning process? Too often I think "ah, I'm running into a spawn trigger, need to be careful now"... 

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Haleks, IIRC you wrote something like "I have pleeeenty of developing time left, I am soooo bored ;) and can do Iron Front now..."

Have you made changes to the spawning, which we talked about? Some sleep() into the process, so that ArmA does not reveal the spawning process? Too often I think "ah, I'm running into a spawn trigger, need to be careful now"... 


Haha, where did I write that? ^^

I haven't changed the spawning process yet, so those mini-freezes still occur whenever bandits or wrecks are spawning... :/

I'll try to have this fixed for Ravage 1.40. ;) Like I said some time ago, BB had a very interesting concept for this; but I need to tweak the modules and write some specific functions for this to work properly.

(And I have some secret projects on the work too...)

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I really want to play this mod. But im getting the error: "Addon 'cba_diagnostic' requires addon '3DEN'". Google it and find nothing. Just some things about CBA version.. 
I have Arma 3 1.62 and last cba. Dont know what to do! Please if someone already has this problem, answer me!

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Any other mods than Dragonfyre? The sounds you're missing are broadcasted with remoteExec, wich, if I'm not mistaken, can be blocked by other mods like Exile.



Yes, i have Exile running too. Thanks for the advice. Has anyone managed to fix this ? 

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Played SP yesterday for about an hour and a half and it was very immersing. Great mod!

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I really want to play this mod. But im getting the error: "Addon 'cba_diagnostic' requires addon '3DEN'". Google it and find nothing. Just some things about CBA version.. 

I have Arma 3 1.62 and last cba. Dont know what to do! Please if someone already has this problem, answer me!


This sounds like an old issue. I really don't know why you would have such an error - if you're on 1.62, then you should definitely have 3den loaded with stock addons...


Yes, i have Exile running too. Thanks for the advice. Has anyone managed to fix this ? 


What you need to do is whitelisting all the Ravage functions so that Exile lets them remoteExec. You would probably need to whitelist some scripting commands too - a PITA...


Another option wich might work : if it's possible to override this from the mission file, you could write a new remoteExec config. Add this to the description.ext file in your mission :

class CfgRemoteExec
       class Functions
		mode = 2;
		jip = 1;

Basically, this allows any function or command to be remoteExec'd - whitelists will be ignored. Tell me if this solves your problems. ;)

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Auto healing script


Hey guys, if anyone is interested, I wrote some auto healing for my Ravage playing and for fun. Do what you want with it, all rights. The script applies to the player object in a SP instance. Please let's not discuss realism, we all know auto healing is not realistic.


comment "secondsUntilHealed, [sitMultiplier, clockInafter], [removeDamageUntil, addDamageAbove, moreDamageAbove, addDamageUntil], randomFactor";

0 = [900, [4,20], [0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.9], 0.1] spawn
   waituntil {alive player};

   tortdoit = true;
   tortdebug = false;
   private ["_i", "_addDamage_above_damage", "_moreDamage_above_damage", "_removeDamage_until", "_addDamage_until", "_player_damage", "_speed", "_heal_bonus_multiplier", "_heal_bonus_after_seconds", "_prone_exponent", "_speedmult", "_crouch_exponent", "_stand_exponent", "_sitsec", "_prone_modifier_min", "_prone_modifier_max", "_prone_maxspd", "_crouch_modifier_min", "_crouch_modifier_max", "_crouch_maxspd", "_stand_modifier_min", "_stand_modifier_max", "_stand_maxspd", "_modifier", "_pom", "_playerdmg", "_full_heal_seconds", "_random_factor"];

   _prone_modifier_min = -0.75; _prone_modifier_max = 0.6; _prone_maxspd = 5; _prone_exponent = 1;
   _crouch_modifier_min = -0.3; _crouch_modifier_max = 0.55; _crouch_maxspd = 18; _crouch_exponent = 1.5;
   _stand_modifier_min = -0.65; _stand_modifier_max = 0.7; _stand_maxspd = 19; _stand_exponent = 2;
   _full_heal_seconds = _this select 0;
   _heal_bonus_multiplier = _this select 1 select 0;
   _heal_bonus_after_seconds = _this select 1 select 1;
   _removeDamage_until = _this select 2 select 0;
   _addDamage_above_damage = _this select 2 select 1;
   _moredamage_above_damage = _this select 2 select 2;
   _addDamage_until = _this select 2 select 3;
   _random_factor = _this select 3;
   _sitsec = 0;

   if (_random_factor > 0) then {
      _full_heal_seconds = _full_heal_seconds - random (_random_factor * _full_heal_seconds) + random (2 * _random_factor * _full_heal_seconds);
      _heal_bonus_multiplier = _heal_bonus_multiplier - random (_random_factor * _heal_bonus_multiplier) + random (2 * _random_factor * _heal_bonus_multiplier);
      _heal_bonus_after_seconds = _heal_bonus_after_seconds - random (_random_factor * _heal_bonus_after_seconds) + random (2 * _random_factor * _heal_bonus_after_seconds);
      _removeDamage_until = random [0, _removeDamage_until, _addDamage_above_damage];
      _addDamage_above_damage = random [_removeDamage_until, _addDamage_above_damage, _moreDamage_above_damage];
      _moreDamage_above_damage = random [_addDamage_above_damage, _moreDamage_above_damage, _addDamage_until];
      _addDamage_until = random [_moreDamage_above_damage, _addDamage_until, 1];

   while {tortdoit} do
      _pom = 0; _modifier = 0;
      for "_i" from 1 to 10  do
         _player_damage = damage player;
         if (vehicle player == player) then
            if (_player_damage >= _moredamage_above_damage) then {
               _speed = abs(speed player) * _stand_maxspd}
            else {
               _speed = abs(speed player)};
            switch (stance player) do
               case "PRONE": {
                  _sitsec = 0;
                  _speedmult = ((_speed / _prone_maxspd) min 1) ^ (_prone_exponent);
                  _pom = _prone_modifier_min + (_prone_modifier_max - _prone_modifier_min) * _speedmult;};
               case "CROUCH": {
                  if (((animationstate player) find "amovpsit") == 0) then {
                     _sitsec = _sitsec + 1;
                     if (_sitsec > _heal_bonus_after_seconds) then {
                        _pom = _prone_modifier_min * _heal_bonus_multiplier;
                     } else {
                        _pom = _prone_modifier_min;
                     _sitsec = 0;
                     _speedmult = ((_speed / _crouch_maxspd) min 1)^(_crouch_exponent);
                     _pom = _crouch_modifier_min + (_crouch_modifier_max - _crouch_modifier_min) * _speedmult;
               case "STAND": {
                  _sitsec = 0;
                  _speedmult = ((_speed / _stand_maxspd) min 1)^(_stand_exponent);
                  _pom = _stand_modifier_min + (_stand_modifier_max - _stand_modifier_min) * _speedmult;};
               case "UNDEFINED": {
                  _sitsec = 0;
                  _pom = _prone_modifier_min;};
               default {
                  _sitsec = 0;
                  _speedmult = ((_speed / _stand_maxspd) min 1)^(_stand_exponent);
                  _pom = _stand_modifier_min + (_stand_modifier_max - _stand_modifier_min) * _speedmult;};
         } else
            _sitsec = _sitsec + 1; _speed = 0;
            if (_sitsec > _heal_bonus_after_seconds) then {
               _pom = _prone_modifier_min * _heal_bonus_multiplier;
            } else {
               _pom = _prone_modifier_min;
         _modifier = _modifier + _pom;
         sleep 1;
      _modifier = (_modifier / _full_heal_seconds) / abs(_prone_modifier_min);
      _modifier = _modifier - ((random _random_factor) * _modifier) + ((random _random_factor) * 2 * _modifier);
      if (_modifier < 0) then {
         if (_player_damage <= _addDamage_until) then {
            if (_sitsec < _heal_bonus_after_seconds) then {
               if ((_player_damage + _modifier) >= _removeDamage_until) then {player setDamage (_player_damage + _modifier)};
            else {
               player setDamage (_player_damage + _modifier);
         if (_player_damage > _addDamage_above_damage) then {player setDamage (((_player_damage + _modifier) min _addDamage_until) max _player_damage)};
      if (tortdebug) then {player sideChat format ["SPD:%1 MODIFIER:%2 DAMAGE:%3 SITSEC:%4 %5", _speed, _modifier, (damage player), _sitsec, animationstate player]};
      if ((_player_damage > 0) && ((damage player) == 0)) then {player sideChat (["Oooooh yeah!", "So good...", "I am feeling so good now!", "I feel I am fully healed.", "I feel like superman.", "The Haleks in me has awoken!", "I feel haleksed."] select (floor (random 7)))};

Paste it into an init field in an Eden editor module, e.g. a game logic.


- Auto heals and also applies damage depending on your movement speed and stance

- E.g. Standing is better than crouching (less exhausting), prone better than crouch

- Heal bonus for sitting (on ground, in vehicles)

- Full healing only with sitting

- Should be harmless on CPU, some simple maths every second, applies new damage value every 10 seconds


Configure the numbers in the brackets to your liking, values are fine for me:

0 = [900, [4,20], [0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.9], 0.1]

/* Description:

900: ~ Time in seconds until fully healed from 0.999 damage to 0 damage. When prone and not moving
[4,20] Sit multiplier 4, active after 20 seconds of uninterrupted sitting. I.e., if you always sit, you can fully heal in ~245 seconds.
0.25 only heal down to 0.25,
0.35 add damage if your damage >=0.35 and you do more exhausting things, e.g. if you run.
0.5, add damage if your damage >=0.5 more easily if you do not rest
0.9 will add damage until 0.9 (i.e., script will not kill you), also no! auto heal if your damage is >0.9 - only medicine can help
0.1 - Random factor, some fuzzyness */

Have fun, I hope it works for you, easy things always turn out to be more complex than expected...

I like to play with it, when injured it makes me taking a break, sit down, observe...

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This sounds like an old issue. I really don't know why you would have such an error - if you're on 1.62, then you should definitely have 3den loaded with stock addons...



What you need to do is whitelisting all the Ravage functions so that Exile lets them remoteExec. You would probably need to whitelist some scripting commands too - a PITA...


Another option wich might work : if it's possible to override this from the mission file, you could write a new remoteExec config. Add this to the description.ext file in your mission :

class CfgRemoteExec
       class Functions
		mode = 2;
		jip = 1;

Basically, this allows any function or command to be remoteExec'd - whitelists will be ignored. Tell me if this solves your problems. ;)



Thanks man. Really appreciate this. I'll give it a try and let you know as soon as i can.

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Loving this so far, any chance we could get the class names for food e.c.t.


You will be able to export them yourself from the Virtual Arsenal as soon as Arma 1.64 hits stable branch and Ravage is updated (sometime this week). ;)

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Guys did i ever showed you this video before? don't think so,

well basically it was from the time i was trying to find exploits of the mod, only Kodabar probably know about this because i made that video for him while i was watching him having a hard time with the zombies in his videos. :D

Note this is old and only one of the few i have found all the time i'm playing the mod, there still some which i'm not going to reveal B) .


On a second note: what you see on the video, applies for all the type of zombies on a low light condition circumstances (not necessarily night time).

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Does this mod work with Chernobyl Zone map? (Stupid question I guess)


It should work - to some extent. Buildings on this map won't spawn any loot (but then again you always have the option to manually place a few ones from Arma3 or CUP); everything else should spawn : zeds, bandits and wrecks.

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@jimmakos....maybe those infected didn't care for your malodor... stink-1-gif.85485

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This sounds like an old issue. I really don't know why you would have such an error - if you're on 1.62, then you should definitely have 3den loaded with stock addons...


Yes.. it should work, but it didn't. Really don't know what to do. Anything i could do to try to solve? Thanks for replying. 

Really thinking about another singleplayer mod that does not need CBA. Any tips? With zombie theme?

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Really thinking about another singleplayer mod that does not need CBA. Any tips? With zombie theme?


Not so much a mod, more a mission.....check out Sentinel Outbreak, no addons required.  :)

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Yes.. it should work, but it didn't. Really don't know what to do. Anything i could do to try to solve? Thanks for replying. 


I've encountered several people having this kind of problem. It has always been due to ArmA 3 not being updated.

Usually ArmA updates don't break anything, but big ones do. The update to 1.62 was a big one and it broke a lot of things. CBA had to change the way it works as did Ravage.

There are two possible solutions:

1. Update ArmA 3 to at least 1.62. You can check what version you've got by running ArmA 3. On the main menu, in the bottom right, it shows the version number.

2. Use an older version of CBA (with your older version of ArmA 3)

Here's an older version of CBA which I've sent to people having this problem. Delete the existing CBA and use this one instead. I can't guarantee it will solve things, but it's worked for everyone else so far.


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FYI Haleks... someone copied your mod and put it on workshop...



I only know because someone messaged me with error codes on the mission I made for workshop, and after helping them troubleshoot it was discovered they were trying to use the pirated version of Ravage that is on workshop.

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Loving this so far, any chance we could get the class names for food e.c.t.





































There are some listed that shouldn't be, and likely some missing but I'm sure you get the idea.

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FYI Haleks... someone copied your mod and put it on workshop...



I only know because someone messaged me with error codes on the mission I made for workshop, and after helping them troubleshoot it was discovered they were trying to use the pirated version of Ravage that is on workshop.


Thanks Donnie, I've been informed and contacted Valve already.

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