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Nice update.

Just tried zombie sound pitching on 0.25 and well, what can I say... I don't want to meet them at night. :D

Keep up the good work!

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So far it appears that the gas siphon and vehicle repair is fixed. I just received feedback that it is working properly.

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9 hours ago, MisterOth said:

Well, I put it also in init and description but it didn't work for me. But i'm interested to know how and be able to save only with a bed or campfire.

@haleks Teach us your ways :hyper:

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Hello, M. Haleks


I think I may have discovered an unintended consequence of the new cleanup function in the Loot module.  When removing tents, it doesn't seem to determine whether they are empty or contain items before removing them.  I had a couple of tents full of gear vanish on me, and nearly had kittens until I realized what must have happened.  Perhaps I'm mistaken and this is functioning as you intended?  Related to this, is there a limit to the number of tents a player can have "active" at one time?  

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Aww man, I totally screwed there, haha... ^^''

Gonna need to fix that soon, maybe tomorrow!

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1 hour ago, haleks said:

Aww man, I totally screwed there, haha... ^^''

Gonna need to fix that soon, maybe tomorrow!

Hey Haleks I managed to catch the problem on video still not sure what is causing it I'm on the Map Tanoa The mods I am using are Ravage, CBA, Cup Weapons, and Fox Fuel mod/script and THA Sharks. I have Tanoa selected as the preset and have both apex buildings and arma 3 buildings selected in the loot module. It seems that after playing for 10 or 15 minutes and or after saving the loot wheel becomes delayed and eventually does not work along with the sleeping function then I also noticed that health hunger and thirst box is delayed when you open the inventory also when trying to eat food or drink had to click many times eventually I ate the can of bacon and drank the can of Franta but eneded up with like 6 to 8 empty cans even though i only had one of each before eating if you don't mind could I send you the video so you can see the issue occur.

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3 hours ago, haleks said:

Aww man, I totally screwed there, haha... ^^''

Gonna need to fix that soon, maybe tomorrow!

Here is the link to the video you will see the problem start to occur around 14:10 minutes then gets worse at 22:58 along with 23:48 hopefully we can figure out what is causing the issue


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Hello there to everyone !


Is there a way to disable the  "open backpack"  option for the traders?


is there a way , to select from the aimodule settings , to spawn only  "one"  survivor trader team or none?

because :

If i spawn a "scripted" survivor trader then ,

if i don't enable any survivors spawn from the aimodule,then is not a trader (it doesn't set the variable maybe)

Is there a way ?



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12 hours ago, Gill93 said:

Here is the link to the video you will see the problem start to occur around 14:10 minutes then gets worse at 22:58 along with 23:48 hopefully we can figure out what is causing the issue



First time I'm seeing this; looks like a scripts overload.

Have you tried with Ravage+CBA only?



2 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

Hello there to everyone !


Is there a way to disable the  "open backpack"  option for the traders?


is there a way , to select from the aimodule settings , to spawn only  "one"  survivor trader team or none?

because :

If i spawn a "scripted" survivor trader then ,

if i don't enable any survivors spawn from the aimodule,then is not a trader (it doesn't set the variable maybe)

Is there a way ?




I'll tweak the AI module, until then you can use this :

0 spawn {
	sleep 3;//make sure custom gear settings kick in
	call compile preprocessFile "\ravage\code\scripts\system\trade_init.sqf";
	_color = "color='#00ff88'";
		if (!isNil {_x getVariable "isTrader"} && {isNil {_x getVariable "_traderDone"}}) then {
			[_x] execVM "\ravage\code\scripts\mission\isTrader.sqf";
	} forEach entities "CAManBase";


Not sure how to deal with the "open backpack" option ATM though... You could use an "InventoryOpened" EH to check if a backpack is being accessed - but I'm not sure it's possible to return the owner of said backpack.

EDIT : see if you can set a variable on the backpack of your traders, and then check for it from the EH.

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5 hours ago, haleks said:


First time I'm seeing this; looks like a scripts overload.

Have you tried with Ravage+CBA only?




I'll tweak the AI module, until then you can use this :

0 spawn {
	sleep 3;//make sure custom gear settings kick in
	call compile preprocessFile "\ravage\code\scripts\system\trade_init.sqf";
	_color = "color='#00ff88'";
		if (!isNil {_x getVariable "isTrader"} && {isNil {_x getVariable "_traderDone"}}) then {
			[_x] execVM "\ravage\code\scripts\mission\isTrader.sqf";
	} forEach entities "CAManBase";


Not sure how to deal with the "open backpack" option ATM though... You could use an "InventoryOpened" EH to check if a backpack is being accessed - but I'm not sure it's possible to return the owner of said backpack.

EDIT : see if you can set a variable on the backpack of your traders, and then check for it from the EH.

That is some good code i could use right there anyway, haleks did you get that sleeping bag/code you got me to work?

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8 hours ago, haleks said:


First time I'm seeing this; looks like a scripts overload.

Have you tried with Ravage+CBA only?




I'll tweak the AI module, until then you can use this :

0 spawn {
	sleep 3;//make sure custom gear settings kick in
	call compile preprocessFile "\ravage\code\scripts\system\trade_init.sqf";
	_color = "color='#00ff88'";
		if (!isNil {_x getVariable "isTrader"} && {isNil {_x getVariable "_traderDone"}}) then {
			[_x] execVM "\ravage\code\scripts\mission\isTrader.sqf";
	} forEach entities "CAManBase";


Not sure how to deal with the "open backpack" option ATM though... You could use an "InventoryOpened" EH to check if a backpack is being accessed - but I'm not sure it's possible to return the owner of said backpack.

EDIT : see if you can set a variable on the backpack of your traders, and then check for it from the EH.

Ok so i was using a script called ETG Heli crash&supply drop I thought that mabey this was causing the issue but once removed it still occurred so I will make a fresh scenario using just Ravage and CBA to see what happens then.

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5 minutes ago, Gill93 said:

Ok so i was using a script called ETG Heli crash&supply drop


I have something similar and is working to every map  , without do anything extra.

Spawn Random Crash sites , at Random position, including configurable loot,

simple and easy to use and adapt.


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2 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


I have something similar and is working to every map  , without do anything extra.

Spawn Random Crash sites , at Random position, including configurable loot,

simple and easy to use and adapt.

This made my day man thak you very much i will definitely credit you


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3 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


I have something similar and is working to every map  , without do anything extra.

Spawn Random Crash sites , at Random position, including configurable loot,

simple and easy to use and adapt.


So I see that their are exile items/weapons in the file should i remove those since I'm not using exile

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7 hours ago, Gill93 said:

So I see that their are exile items/weapons in the file should i remove those since I'm not using exile


For any questions write on my Crashsites_GF Script

Everything that is with // or between /*    */ means that is not active code , so even if there is written , it doesn't matter.

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Hi I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed a change in the zombie behavior it seems they have become more static or are having issues with locating the Player as they seem to walk past the player and or just stand next to him without attacking this doesn't happen all the time but it seems likes it more often then not.

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3 hours ago, Gill93 said:

Hi I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed a change in the zombie behavior it seems they have become more static or are having issues with locating the Player as they seem to walk past the player and or just stand next to him without attacking this doesn't happen all the time but it seems likes it more often then not.


Are you running the latest version of Ravage? And what mods are you using?

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On 05/02/2018 at 8:26 AM, Gill93 said:

Hi I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed a change in the zombie behavior it seems they have become more static or are having issues with locating the Player as they seem to walk past the player and or just stand next to him without attacking this doesn't happen all the time but it seems likes it more often then not.

I can confirm I too am seeing the same behaviour from the zombies since updating to ravage 1.49.

Im using the same mods as I was with ravage 1.48.

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Halecks i think my Ravage mod is sick cause i take too much radiation ;)



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On ‎2‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 6:11 AM, R0adki11 said:


Are you running the latest version of Ravage? And what mods are you using?

yep good ole ravage cba and fox fuel that's it

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There is a problem with "switching between playable units" when using Ravage mod in the same singleplayer mission. That function totally disappear. I cant play any mission where I suposed to use playable units due to that this is my very nececery function. Please, any advice?

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It is something I had disabled, fearing that it could break the survival systems.

I will enable it back with the next update, but use it at your own risks.

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Ohha thats wonderful news. I count so much on ravage system, implementing it in every segment of mission making.

Sorry if I boring, but is there any chance to enable it before next update? Or tell me what to do? Any solution?

(With MCC you can "hijack" any character even so switching is disabled so I run few tests and Revage system showed himself very stable. Therefore, every tested unit spent uniqe values for themselfs). Due to many shortcomings with "hijacking", this way is useless to combine characters in game so only solution is normal switching between playable units. Maybe this little test is not enought to put Ravange stability to the limit because I try it just with few hijacked soldiers, dint want to push it and exaggerate. 

Sorry on my English, and thanks for this great, most complete mode of survival theme. Just great.

Thanks in advance.

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You can try this bit of code for now :

0 spawn {
	waitUntil {!teamSwitchEnabled};
	enableTeamSwitch true;


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