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I an run into my Model (Noob)

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I can run into my Model (Noob):

Hi, i want to make some Structures. Everything works fine but i can run into my Model. I know that i have to add something in my Config but what?

class CfgPatches
class KKA3_Objects
 units[] = {"KKA3_Objects"};
 weapons[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 0.1;
 requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Structures_F"};

class CfgVehicles
class Static;
class KKA3_telescope : Static
 scope = 2;
 model = "Projects\KKA3_Objects\dish.p3d";
 displayName = "Telescope";
 vehicleClass = "structures";
 mapSize = 350.27;
 class KKA3_Jungle_Tree_1 : Static
 scope = 2;
 model = "Projects\KKA3_Objects\Jungle_Tree_1.p3d";
 displayName = "Jungle Tree 1";
 vehicleClass = "structures";
 mapSize = 1.27;

Edited by oOKokaKolaOo
Forgot the C in the Title :D

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you can run into it? you mean you can run though it? if that's the case it's something with your geo lod

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you can run into it? you mean you can run though it? if that's the case it's something with your geo lod

Sry that i answer so slow, yes i can run though it. How can i create Geo Lods? I made a Model with Cinema 4d and wrote the config, i didnt anything with LOD's

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Sry that i answer so slow, yes i can run though it. How can i create Geo Lods? I made a Model with Cinema 4d and wrote the config, i didnt anything with LOD's

Well there a bunch of other kids that will need to be created in order for your model to function correctly in game. I would suggest you take a look at the mlods that bis has released from arma 1 and 2 and the sample models they released with the arma 3 tools.

For the geolod you need to use simple shapes and create your walls that stop the character from going through the object. Once it's created you add weight to the model and that's pretty much it. You need to make sure all the components are closed and convex.

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