EO 11277 Posted March 18, 2021 thanks @pierremgi, I'll definitely give that a try later tonight ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Victor_Cross 0 Posted May 15, 2021 Hey Jezuro, Is there a way to set the spawned ai relations. Say for example the INDE garrisoned. e.g INDEPENDENT setFriend [civilian,0]. Cheers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
damsous 329 Posted June 5, 2021 There is a way to add a piece of code that running on the AI Teamate and also manage all the vehicle asset with dynamic simulation ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexRUS 4 Posted October 12, 2021 Guys, what a mess with Warlords official servers for a last one day? Some servers down, some settings with no fast travel, no scoretable (custom difficulty level), etc... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lasss 0 Posted October 12, 2021 Yea, all the US servers are dead and no more fast travel. What a mess 😕 Hope this will change soon. Had a ton of fun in Warlorlds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexRUS 4 Posted October 27, 2021 @JezuroThere is a bug on EU3 Warlord server, when you in arsenal, you can't get UAV, Static MG's, etc. Only backpacks. Could you fix it, pls? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drgreenthumb 2 Posted November 6, 2021 @pierremgi @Jezuro I've searched around but couldn't find much. "WLAIRequisitonBlacklist" only seems to work for soldiers. Is there a way to stop the AI from purchasing certain vehicles? Example: WLAIRequisitonBlacklist[] = { "CFP_B_USRANGERS_Quad_Bike_WDL_01", "CUP_I_Van_Transport_ION", "CUP_I_LSV_02_Minigun_ION", "CUP_I_SUV_Armored_ION", "CUP_I_BTR80A_ION", "CUP_O_T72_SLA", "CUP_B_RM70_CZ", "CUP_B_T810_Reammo_CZ_DES", "CUP_B_T810_Refuel_CZ_DES", "CUP_B_T810_Repair_CZ_DES", "CUP_O_TT650_CHDKZ", "CFP_O_SSREBELS_Hilux_01", "CFP_O_SSREBELS_Hilux_DShKM_01", "CFP_O_SSREBELS_Hilux_AGS_30_01", "CFP_O_SSREBELS_Hilux_SPG_01", "CFP_O_SSREBELS_Hilux_Podnos_01", "CFP_O_SSREBELS_Hilux_ZU_23_01", "CFP_O_SSREBELS_Hilux_MLRS_01", "CFP_O_SSREBELS_BM_21_01", "CFP_O_WAGNER_BTR_80_DESERT_01", "CFP_O_WAGNER_BMP_2_DESERT_01", "CFP_O_SSREBELS_T55_01", "CFP_O_WAGNER_Van_Transport_DESERT_01", "CFP_O_WAGNER_Ural_DESERT_01", "CFP_O_WAGNER_Ural_Ammo_DESERT_01", "CFP_O_WAGNER_Ural_Refuel_DESERT_01", "CFP_O_WAGNER_Ural_Repair_DESERT_01" }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hostilian 11 Posted December 8, 2021 Hey all Quick query about modding this mission. managed to get everything working - just a small query about the respawn. For some reason, when the respawn 'countdown' normally appears, it does not show on the screen. Repawn works fine otherwise (after the 'hidden' countdown timer is complete). Any idea how to fix this please? #H Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chicolenouk 0 Posted December 8, 2021 Hello everyone would it be possible to have the full script of a warlords with RHS mods (GREF for independent, USAF for BLUFOR and AFRF for OPFOR) please. I've been trying to create a multiplayer game for myself and my colleagues for about 3 months, but I really can't do it. Sorry to ask it like that. thank you in advance for your help Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d3rt13n 5 Posted February 1, 2022 Hello, I have followed the instructions in this wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_MP_Warlords I also de-pbo-ed the regular vanilla warlords scenario on Altis. I would like to setup the AAF (IND_F) as the blufor faction, CSAT (OPF_F) as the opfor faction and the GM extras mod (gmx_fc_tak) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1737435871 as independent faction config. I have done so in the 'Warlords init' module (as shown in the screenshot-link below), and setup 'warlords base' module as blufor, but the mission keeps spawning BLUFOR NATO units instead of AAF, which when they land start fighting with the AAF vehicles I have placed there. What am I doing wrong or missing here? https://ibb.co/WPdp7dm"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/WPdp7dm/2022-01-24-15-38-32-Window-kanniet-betalen.png When using NATO and blufor, everything works fine, but would like to have the AAF on my side this time. Can someone help? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d3rt13n 5 Posted February 1, 2022 Also, AFAIK, only BLUfor and Opfor can be chosen in the drop down menu of the warlords base module.... don't fathom why IND_F was not implemented as an option.... This means that even if you set up IND as blufor in the Warlords INIT module, NATO blufor still parachutes in, instead of AAF. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4926 Posted April 12, 2022 Not sure Warlords is still maintained... Anyway, there is a bug in Bis_fnc_WLInit: .... [] spawn { while {TRUE} do { sleep 30; _vehiclesBelowGround = vehicles select {_pos = getPosATL _x; _depth = _pos # 2; _depth < -0.7 || (_depth < -0.55 && surfaceIsWater _pos)}; _vehiclesBelowGroundCnt = count _vehiclesBelowGround; { _x spawn { _veh = _this; sleep 2; if (!isNull _veh) then { _pos = getPosATL _veh; _depth = _pos # 2; if (_depth < -0.7 || (_depth < -0.55 && surfaceIsWater _pos)) then { { if (!isNull _x) then { _x setPos position _veh; _grp = group _x; if (isPlayer _x) then {_x setDamage 1} else {deleteVehicle _x}; if (count units _grp == 0) then {deleteGroup _grp}; } } forEach crew _x; ///////////////////////////////// should be _veh instead of _x HERE, because _x is not defined in this scope. deleteVehicle _veh; } } } } forEach _vehiclesBelowGround; }; }; .... Message error : Error in expression <en {deleteGroup _grp}; } } forEach crew _x; deleteVehicle _veh; } } } } forEach > 8:53:56 Error position: <_x; deleteVehicle _veh; } } } } forEach > 8:53:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x 8:53:56 File A3\Functions_F_Warlords\Warlords\fn_WLInit.sqf..., line 397 Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nasi0s 0 Posted May 27, 2022 Hello guyz! I need your help plz. HOW I can make my bots (soldiers) when i choose red team speak English in the radio? I need to listen them and understand what they say. I hope for your replie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4926 Posted May 27, 2022 18 minutes ago, Nasi0s said: Hello guyz! I need your help plz. HOW I can make my bots (soldiers) when i choose red team speak English in the radio? I need to listen them and understand what they say. I hope for your replie. You need to tweak the "speaker" of the units: - for edited units, just choose the voice attribute in object identity menu (attributes of the unit). - for spawned units (WL sector or bought AIs), you need to write a little loop like this (depending on faction): in init.sqf (must run everywhere): [] spawn { while {true} do { private "_spk"; sleep 2; { call { if (faction _x isEqualTo "OPF_SFIA_lxWS") exitWith { _spk = selectRandom ["Male01RUS","Male02RUS","Male03RUS"]; _x setSpeaker _spk; }; if (faction _x in ["OPF_TURA_lxWS","IND_C_F"]) exitWith { _spk = selectRandom ["Male01PER","Male02PER","Male03PER"]; _x setSpeaker _spk; }; }; _x setVariable ["passedVoice",TRUE] } forEach (allUnits select {isNil {_x getVariable "passedVoice"}}); }; }; - Now, if your units are respawnable, you need an extra code (in init.sqf also): addMissionEventHandler ["EntityRespawned", { params ["_unit","_corpse"]; _unit setSpeaker speaker _unit; }]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hostilian 11 Posted September 9, 2022 It's been this way for a while now, but no fix? When attacking enemy base in Malden2035, there is like a small zone (within both Opfor/Blufor bases) where you can't damage the enemy (maybe 20m square around center of the zone). Very frustrating. Bullets/Shells seem to go nowhere when fired at anything in the zone.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nighttrash3 0 Posted September 12, 2022 Any one have any tips on how to take down cheetas with shikra like do you go to 4k and get a lucky laser lock and bomb it or go fast and low and somehow lock it and then bomb it or is there a specific way of doing it cause tried it a few times and just can't get em but I can use a heli to take down the defender pretty easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coy74 1 Posted November 13, 2022 Hello, everyone! I am creating a Warlords mission using CUP maps, vehicles and weapons and would like to know from someone if it is possible to set up voting to attack sectors by just one individual. If there is a possibility how should I proceed with scripts? Thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N F 0 Posted January 1, 2023 Hi :) I am making a warlords scenario on a custom map. This map has only one main airport that lies on blufor side. When i try to spawn a plane it will land on the main airport insttead of the very close cusom airport that ive built. How can i fix that? Thank you in advance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4926 Posted January 1, 2023 4 hours ago, N F said: Hi 🙂 I am making a warlords scenario on a custom map. This map has only one main airport that lies on blufor side. When i try to spawn a plane it will land on the main airport insttead of the very close cusom airport that ive built. How can i fix that? Thank you in advance How did you build this airport? If i remember, you need to create a mod for that. Static airports come from cfgWorlds (ILS) Dynamic ones (as USS freedom): https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Dynamic_Airport_Configuration Created dynamic airports are also returned by allAirports You can set the side by setAirPortSide but I don't think you need that for WL. Aircraft will spawn at nearest airport if I'm right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N F 0 Posted January 1, 2023 9 hours ago, pierremgi said: How did you build this airport? If i remember, you need to create a mod for that. Static airports come from cfgWorlds (ILS) Dynamic ones (as USS freedom): https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Dynamic_Airport_Configuration Created dynamic airports are also returned by allAirports You can set the side by setAirPortSide but I don't think you need that for WL. Aircraft will spawn at nearest airport if I'm right. ive built it with ai airport helper. Im not experienced in this but i was able to find airports as workshop presets in which the creators describe it as AI working airports. I mean i see the airport on the map though, but opfor planes are still landing at the main airport, not the custom one. To be honest i am already a little confused by your answer, just because i have 0 knowledge about those things. I dont know where to put what, basically i dont know what to do at all. Sry. All i can answer is that my custom built airport should act like your mentioned USS freedom, but how can i tell opfor planes to land there after getting spawned? Thank you so much for your patience Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4926 Posted January 1, 2023 Well you need to know what kind of airport (static/dynamic) it is, and what airport id it is for static one. Your custom built is a dynamic one (That doesn't mean it moves!, it's just a difference between embedded static airports on map and (dynamic) placed ones). For full explanation, diverting an aircraft to a static airport is simple if you know the id of this airport. For example, on Altis there are 5 static airports [0,1,2,3,4,5]. If you test a landing (very simple code): this landAt 3; In init field of a flying aircraft (so, running at start), you can see this aircraft diverting to FERES runway (SE of Altis). I'll come back on the code for Warlords, because you are spawning aircraft in this case. If you build a dynamic airport, this airport is an object, which type is: "DynamicAirport_01_F". This object is returned by allAirports , as element of the 2nd part of the array. If you build just one dynamic airport (test with USS Freedom for example), it's easy peasy: you can divert (at start) a flying aircraft to USS Freedom (or what ever your dynamic airport could be) : this landAt (allAirports #1#0); Now, for Warlords, you need to hack any (BLUFOR or else) spawned aircraft for diverting: This code works for BLUFOR planes. Place it in a trigger , server only, condition set to TRUE (this way the code will fire at start), or... if you know that, in initServer.sqf: [] spawn { private _allBluAirInit = vehicles select {_x isKindOf "plane" && ([_x,TRUE] call BIS_fnc_objectSide) == WEST}; private _spawnedBluAir = objNull; private _allBluAir = []; while {true} do { waitUntil {sleep 2; _allBluAir = vehicles select {_x isKindOf "plane" && {([_x,TRUE] call BIS_fnc_objectSide) == WEST}}; _allBluAir isNotEqualTo _allBluAirInit}; if (count _allBluAir > count _allBluAirInit) then { _spawnedBluAir = (_allBluAir - _allBluAirInit)#0; _spawnedBluAir landAt (allAirports #1#0); }; _allBluAirInit = _allBluAir; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N F 0 Posted January 1, 2023 It says Invalid number in Expression. Maybe im doing it wrong 😞 Or does it not know what airport number the ai airport helper is? I am sorry, i dont want to waste your time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4926 Posted January 2, 2023 Airport number (id) is for static one. I wrote the code above (try again) for the first dynamic one... if I'm right with your explanation. This code is tested for a USS Freedom as dynamic airfield but it could work with any "first of created ones". So, try again. For more help, go to debug console, write in one of the 4 watch lines: allAirports and copy/paste the result here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N F 0 Posted January 2, 2023 Thank you 🙂 If i do that with the debug console, nothing happens.Ive created a picture. https://paste.pics/376760beb9c632f9e7daa8db8b362d46 This picture contains 3 screenshots. The left one shows the custom built airport. The only thing i did was to place some runway assets, place the ai airport helper object without editing anything and afterwards placed a trigger right next to it with your code. Second picture top right is the ai airport helper without any changes. The last picture in the debug console. I tried all 4 watch lines. First one blinks red for a fraction of second, second watch line stays red all the time. I cant copy and paste anything here, only thing is the little error box you see on the left side of the debug console Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4926 Posted January 2, 2023 You've got an error. Probably due to a copy /paste from here to the debug console. Don't do that (there are often f..king invisible character(s) due to copying/pasting things in this forum and that doesn't seem to bother the devs). Just write allAirports by your own. and return For Altis, you obtain: [[0,1,2,3,4,5],[]] So 5 static, 0 dynamic ones. If I add USS Freedom, something like: [[0,1,2,3,4,5],[19a1f890b80# 1813623: empty.p3d]] I don't know your map, so I can't test. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites