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Increasing BIS_fnc_liveFeed Display Size?

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Does anyone know how to increase the size of the display that comes up when BIS_fnc_liveFeed is called? The little postage stamp that appears by default is pretty neat but not really a big help for gameplay in some cases.

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Heres a little function you can use to scale and position it.

fnc_resizePIP = {

_dispPos = [ _this, 0, [ 0, 0 ], [ [] ], [ 2 ] ] call BIS_fnc_param;
_scale = [ _this, 1, 1, [ 0 ] ] call BIS_fnc_param;

_display = uiNamespace getVariable "BIS_fnc_PIP_RscPIP";
_basePos = ctrlPosition ( _display displayCtrl 2300 );
_baseScale = ctrlScale ( _display displayCtrl 2300 );
_scaleDiff = _scale / _baseScale;
	_ctrl = _x;
	_pos = ctrlPosition _ctrl;
	_pos resize 2;
		_diff = _x - ( _basePos select _forEachIndex );
		_newpos = ( _dispPos select _forEachIndex ) + ( _diff * _scaleDiff );
		_pos set [ _forEachIndex, _newpos ];
	}forEach _pos;
	_ctrl ctrlSetPosition _pos;
	_ctrl ctrlSetScale _scale;
	_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
}forEach allControls _display;


[ [ 0, 0 ], 2 ] call fnc_resizePIP

Thats [ position, scale] Where position is based on screen coordinates (safezone values) and scale is multiplier of original size.

So [ [ safezonex, safezoney ], 2 ] would position it in the top left corner of your screen at twice its original size. Note, location is based off of the actual render picture so that example would place the top and left frame just off of the screen.

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Thank you! That function definitely did its job, but I also have another question: is there any way to make the object view distance in PIP greater? I'm making a custom UAV recon support and it's kind of annoying that the terrain is there but you can't see units on the ground.

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it's kind of annoying that the terrain is there but you can't see units on the ground
because you are too far away versus your objectView setting? or just because the camera is so far away they look like ants?
is there any way to make the object view distance in PIP greater?

If its the first i dont believe you can change render distance for objects just for a camera, you would have to use setObjectViewDistance but this would also have the effect of changing the object view distance for the players view, maybe leading to decreased performance for them.

If its the second you could try changing the PiP cameras FOV with camPrepareFov. Once the live feed is active the camera is available in the global variable BIS_liveFeed. e.g

//Set a live feed viewing yourself from 100m above
[ getPosATL player vectorAdd [ 0, 0, 100 ], player, player ] call BIS_fnc_liveFeed;
//Get the camera
BIS_livefeed camPrepareFov 0.01;
//Commit changes to camera
BIS_livefeed camCommitPrepared 0;

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It's a case of the former, and I don't think it's a view distance thing... I have my view distance at 3200 and the drone is 500m high at a 750m loiter radius. Is there some limiter on the PIP to save frames or something that can be reduced since it's just pointing at the ground?

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