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[Need Help] Text View2 - create own paa./nopx - normal map DXT5 how?

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i'm on the way to create a map with my own textures, but if i look at my normal map paa./nopx it have not the same value like for example a arma 3 given texture. How can i create this file? I use Photoshop and Gimp, make an alpha channel, but if i wanna save it with DXT5 value it doesn`t works.

I have an RGBA picture with ARGB1555 but i need this DXT5. I try to save it as this format, but it wont work.

Anybody here who can help me?

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Sure, i allready read that post, but if i "play around" its not what i accepted. Thought it is only one simple solution...:(

But thx to the wake up call! :cool:

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Sure, i allready read that post, but if i "play around" its not what i accepted. Thought it is only one simple solution...:(

But thx to the wake up call! :cool:

I don't really understand what you just said. In that other forum post it tells you how to make the nopx texture which is what you are asking , no?

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Ahh okay, my problem is i can`t save it under this format, think i have to download a addon for gimp/pixplant.

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TexView should be supplied with the BI Tools - it will convert most image formats to the required .paa format


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If it's not saving under that format perhaps you don't have the proper setup for the file. You are making ground textures right?

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Yes you are right, i try to make ground textures. I already get it work BUT it looks not good because of the bad setup. :(

Edited by Njord47

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Yes you are right, i try to make ground textures. I already get it work BUT it looks not good because of the bad setup. :(

I think perhaps you are not making them correctly. Do you mind telling us how you are making your nopx textures. Step by step.

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I GET IT! Play around and it works good and looks better than excepted. ^^

My way: 1. look at a high texture image (my 2000x3008 pixel by 24bit/png)

2. cut it in the form i want (2048x2048 pixel/png)

3. open the picture via textview2 > RGBA-ARGB8888/None-ARGB8888 change it to RGBA-DXT1/None DXT1 ----> for the ...co.paa (2mb)

4. open the png again use gimp/ picture + alpha channel/2048x2048 pixel by 32 bit/png

5. open the picture via textview2 > RGBA-ARGB8888/None-ARGB8888 change it to RGBA-DXT5/None DXT5 ----> for the ...nopx.paa (4mb)

I saw that some guys use .tga texture also, for what is this texture file?

By the way thx for the help!

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Yes but just adding an alpha channel doesn't make it a correctly made nopx texture. so what else are you doing to the texture?

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most images you need for textures/maps are 8bit per channel. So you have RedGreenBlue + Alpha - so 3x8=24bit for a non alpha file (co file for instance) and 4x8=32bit for an alpha file (ca file for instance).

most of us use TGA instead of PNG, simply because TGA files are the "norm" (or in fact used to be the norm) when it comes to uncompressed texture files for game. Besides, back in the day when i started, texview had issues with PNG. And thirdly, TGA is closer to how .PAA files are. PNG is a single layer file, WITH an alpha layer no matter what (PNG was developed for website development instead of legacy GIF and JPGs because it allowed transparency).

The current version of texview deals with TGAs and PNGs just the same. I am not aware if o2 DX viewport supports PNG as well, i am certain it shows and translates corrently TGAs

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most images you need for textures/maps are 8bit per channel. So you have RedGreenBlue + Alpha - so 3x8=24bit for a non alpha file (co file for instance) and 4x8=32bit for an alpha file (ca file for instance).

I have the same Textures PuFu explained. My png is 3x8=24bit and with alpha its the 32bit version. Than i create with the 24 bit version without alpha channel my co.paa -------< and works

With my 32 bit version with alpha channel i craete the nopx.paa-----< also works

Forgott to say i create with the 32 bit version a normal map so it is the look it should be, i think^^

But mybe it is not the best looking or why is it not correctly?

Edited by Njord47

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You keep skating around the question for some reason. I keep asking you what information are you adding to the alpha channel and you just saying it works. So again. Can you please tell us exactly how you are making the nopx texture then we can tell you if it's correct or not

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