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Linux Server Problems with Mods

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I'm trying to load server with mods and I have so many issues.

I followed a tutorial with scripts, this is what the function looks like: danielgibbs.co.uk/dl/arma3server is where I put my startup line and stuff.

I put my mods @allinarmaterrainpacklite\;@cba_a3\;@cse\;@task_force_radio\;@kunduz\;@max_lav\;@msim\;@prkz\;@rhsafrf\;@rhsusaf\;@mcc_sandbox

^fails to start (http://gyazo.com/ecfab1bef09bfaae59cc1f6741109629)

I put my mods /@allinarmaterrainpacklite\;/@cba_a3\;/@cse\;/@task_force_radio\;/@kunduz\;/@max_lav\;/@msim\;/@prkz\;/@rhsafrf\;/@rhsusaf\;/@mcc_sandbox

^server can start, in the server browser I see no mods in the bottom right box for the server. It kicks me when I join and console shows nothing on the reason, my mods are the same except I have SThud and stamina

and have all the keys http://gyazo.com/1c9df74c7e05c8d03d54a947204b75dc

any suggestions that can help or let me post more details?

I'd be willing to give FTP access if it would help me.

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I use this to make my -mod parameter with Daniel Gibbs's script:

mods="$(ls -1 ~/serverfiles/mods/ | grep @ | grep -v @cba | sed -e 's#@#mods/@#' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/;/g')"

It parses my mod folder and build the -mod string accordingly.

The "| grep -v @cba" is specific to my folder structure and should be ignored in your case.

Then the parms line looks like that, with escaped double quotes around the mod list:

parms="-netlog exThreads=1 -ip=${ip} -name=prod -cfg=${networkcfgfullpath} -config=${servercfgfullpath} -mod=\"${mods}\""

Be wary of one thing though, the -mod parameter seems to bug out when the mod string is too long, so I merged my .pbo's into a few @ folders to reduce it.

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I use this to make my -mod parameter with Daniel Gibbs's script:

mods="$(ls -1 ~/serverfiles/mods/ | grep @ | grep -v @cba | sed -e 's#@#mods/@#' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/;/g')"

It parses my mod folder and build the -mod string accordingly.

The "| grep -v @cba" is specific to my folder structure and should be ignored in your case.

Then the parms line looks like that, with escaped double quotes around the mod list:

parms="-netlog exThreads=1 -ip=${ip} -name=prod -cfg=${networkcfgfullpath} -config=${servercfgfullpath} -mod=\"${mods}\""

Be wary of one thing though, the -mod parameter seems to bug out when the mod string is too long, so I merged my .pbo's into a few @ folders to reduce it.

I dont get what

mods="$(ls -1 ~/serverfiles/mods/ | grep @ | grep -v @cba | sed -e 's#@#mods/@#' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/;/g')"


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ls -1 ~/serverfiles/mods/

lists the mods in your mod directory. If you put them at the server installation root, change the path accordingly.

| grep @

will isolate the mods folders, prefixed with @

| grep -v @cba

Will take out the cba from this list (ignore that, I do this so I can run @cba befor any mods)

| sed -e 's#@#mods/@#'

sed replaces "@" with "mods/@", so that the -mod param has the correct path. Again, you should change that to match your own path. If your mods are directly within the main server folder, you don't need this pipe at all.

| sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/;/g'

Will find newlines (\n) and replace them with ;.

If you run this in a terminal, while in your mod folder:

ls -1 | grep @ | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/;/g'

You will get the correct string to put into -mod="yourstringhere" when you start the server.

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