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[60 TvT] Battle Grid

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Battle Grid

By: Niipaa and Genesis92x

Game Type: TvT Sector Control

Description: Battle Grid is a highly customizable team versus team (Blufor,Opfor, and Independent) sector control mission setup on Altis. The mission picks randomly from a list of areas each game and rotates the starting positions of the teams to keep the combat fresh. Battle Grid is focused on fun gameplay even if that means a lack of a realism.

Here's a first glance video:

Older Videos

Battle Grid is mainly focused on infantry combat but can be easily changed (via parameters) to obtain whatever experience a group wants.


Weapon Mod Support

The Arsenal system should support any modded weapons - just make sure that everyone has the mods!

Player Progression

Players can progress to a *current* max level of 33. Levels do not gate any weapons or restrict any core mechanics. Leveling does not make a player innately better than other player. Leveling up will offer fun and unique perks that players can use. (I.E. Ability to have a larger group, create dynamic spawn points, and etc). Levels will be visible to others players in-game.

Dynamic Loadout Systems

Before the mission starts, you can choose if you want to have an arsenal type loadout system tied to money or a strict class based loadout system. The choice is yours. While it is easy to add your own loadouts to the mission - it still comes with some default loadouts. Don't forget you can change the maximum amount of money a unit can have!

Vehicles and Vehicle Restrictions

As a host, you can determine what kind of vehicles will be available - and for how much. If you don't want a lot of vehicles, just reduce the available amount and increase the cost.

Ticket Based System

Once your team's tickets reach 0 - you have lost. The last team standing wins. However, you get to say how fast the tickets get removed - and how many tickets to even start with. Do you want a quick game or a long one? Again, your choice.

Fast Paced

This mission is designed to get players into combat quickly. The randomized arenas are setup to encourage combat and movement while not heavily punishing players who die. If you have a loadout saved and a spawn vehicle in place, you can get back into the combat within 30 seconds or less.

Randomized Arenas

The arenas you will be fighting in will be randomly selected all over Altis and will have different fighting environments. A town, a city, a forest, or ruins.

Tracked Stats

Your stats as a player will be saved. Your kills, death, and even shots fired are all saved and easily displayed for you, in game.

This game mode is not completed yet - and is receiving updates

Download V0.1 - [Dropbox]

Thank you,


Edited by Genesis92x

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Hey Genesis.

give me a heads up and I can help. Not sure if your using bravo co too. but send me the info and i will try and show up. most likely

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Hey Y'all,

I did a quick youtube video update and decided to release an alpha version for the public.

The framework is in there - but I would like more feedback.

Thank you,


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This looks interesting indeed, I will get this onto our public Sever tonight and see how it goes. I like the concept :) the main problem for PVP is getting the players on in the first place though, I'll let you know how it goes. Well done

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This looks interesting indeed, I will get this onto our public Sever tonight and see how it goes. I like the concept :) the main problem for PVP is getting the players on in the first place though, I'll let you know how it goes. Well done

Thank you! I hope it provides at least 1 fun game :P

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No problems, I have a few suggestions for you I was on last night to give it a try :)

Might be worth changing the flag poles to a banner for an instructions board for when players spawn in, give them some guidance upon JIP. Also the same maybe for the M-coms...maybe.

I would also change the wording from surrender to something like 'Mobile FOB' I was a little confused with the word surrender Lol.

The game is looking really really good and credit goes to you and your mate for doing this, well done.

I only had a whistle stop tour last night but will take another look and play around with this, maybe also if you could set some enemies somehow initially just to start the game for when there is only a couple of players on? I dunno just a thought to get interest early on...

Great work, will be watching this develop.

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im playing this today.. looks awesome

BiNaRyBoNe BooTCamP :total_warfare:Maximum FPS: NO ADDONS


PORT 2302

everyone is welcome to play, ill post server log file to Genesis92x end of day or later...

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No problems, I have a few suggestions for you I was on last night to give it a try :)

Might be worth changing the flag poles to a banner for an instructions board for when players spawn in, give them some guidance upon JIP. Also the same maybe for the M-coms...maybe.

I would also change the wording from surrender to something like 'Mobile FOB' I was a little confused with the word surrender Lol.

The game is looking really really good and credit goes to you and your mate for doing this, well done.

I only had a whistle stop tour last night but will take another look and play around with this, maybe also if you could set some enemies somehow initially just to start the game for when there is only a couple of players on? I dunno just a thought to get interest early on...

Great work, will be watching this develop.

Hmm. What kind of instructions do you think? Like how to get gear/what the objectives are? I agree with you - but I struggle to know what exactly would be helpful. I think I will also clean up the action menu and highlight the important actions at HQ and the Mcoms.

And the word "Sunderer" was something that I did as a joke in development and never bothered to change it...I definitely will do that. It was a word I stole from PlanetSide 2 haha. It would make it easier for players to understand initially.

Thank you for the support! I will look into updating what you said.

im playing this today.. looks awesome

BiNaRyBoNe BooTCamP :total_warfare:Maximum FPS: NO ADDONS


PORT 2302

everyone is welcome to play, ill post server log file to Genesis92x end of day or later...

Perfect, after I get some of my chores done today I will hop on and try to attract players.

Thank you!!

looking good, well done :yay:

Thank you!

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Longtime Planetside player here, good to see some Planetside references.

This gamemode looks to have alot of potential. I run a community of around 40 arma players that would be happy to help you test, if needed.

Just a quick question:

Have you considered limiting what is available in Virtual Arsenal? Some weapons and thermal optics can be pretty overpowered for PvP.

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Longtime Planetside player here, good to see some Planetside references.

This gamemode looks to have alot of potential. I run a community of around 40 arma players that would be happy to help you test, if needed.

Just a quick question:

Have you considered limiting what is available in Virtual Arsenal? Some weapons and thermal optics can be pretty overpowered for PvP.

not a bad idea. not sure the time it would take, but may be limit weapons and such to side specific player is on.

DzireCML is your server public? i would like to join in some time and play this with a larger group.

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Longtime Planetside player here, good to see some Planetside references.

This gamemode looks to have alot of potential. I run a community of around 40 arma players that would be happy to help you test, if needed.

Just a quick question:

Have you considered limiting what is available in Virtual Arsenal? Some weapons and thermal optics can be pretty overpowered for PvP.

Sure! There is a download link on the front page for the most up-to-date version.

I am thinking of having a parameter to limit optics. Currently, optics that are more "op" are very expensive to purchase. Iron sights are free, a dot sight is like 10 credits, and some of the NVS/sniper scopes are 150-200 credits to even purchase.

not a bad idea. not sure the time it would take, but may be limit weapons and such to side specific player is on.

DzireCML is your server public? i would like to join in some time and play this with a larger group.

That would also be do-able :) The only problem there would be defining the proper weapon balance.

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is this project dead?

To be honest I forgot about this project for awhile - the demand for other projects is much higher so I just let BG slip.


I still love the idea and feel of Battle Grid but I'm not really sure where to take it as of now.

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To be honest I forgot about this project for awhile - the demand for other projects is much higher so I just let BG slip.


I still love the idea and feel of Battle Grid but I'm not really sure where to take it as of now.

Id love to see it fixed as it is, ... I mean the mission works but it has things not working ...

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ill have an update on some fixes soon (with permission) ..

if anyone wants to chip in , it would be awesome ...

fixed some respawn  weapons errors. 

added no sway ( I don't know the maker of this script).

fixed tk punishment ..

and some other small things

still getting errors :


log: ERROR: [bIS_fnc_inString] Error: type SCALAR, expected STRING, on index 1, in ["SOS",10]"
log: ERROR: [bIS_fnc_inString] Error: type SCALAR, expected STRING, on index 1, in ["tws",10]"
Error in expression < = ["SOS",_x] call BIS_fnc_inString;if (_SOSCheck) then {_InitialCertCost = _Ini>
Error position: <_SOSCheck) then {_InitialCertCost = _Ini>
Error Undefined variable in expression: _soscheck

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ok it seems once I upload my fix , don't change the params with weapon's..

ill upload soon as I fix last issue "independent side" has cert issues .. anyone wanna help my name is the same in steam. 

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just a small were I'm at with update, I found dialog idc sharing same idc .. something I need to look into.. because as I changed a few I see things working but new errors.. so this is a big job to research .. I will try to have something for anyone waiting hopefully tonight..  

and thank you genesis92x for letting work on this... I added all independent vehicles..

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heres a fix




basically I locked a few params , wepons and to bravo mode...

seams everything from there works.

about certs you start out with 500, but no matter if you spend it or end up with 800 , if you die you end up with 500 again.. if for some reason certs don't work , just perches something and they will work again..


have fun.. ill be updating params again soon and add more solder types...


or you can test on my server

BiNaRyBoNe BooTCamP    
port 2302

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is anyone working/updating anything to this mission?

its too good of a mission to go to waste...

ill be having another update soon..

but if anyone else is working on it ill correspond with what ever they have. 


so far ...

next update will include

recompile.ext and recompile.sqf for weapon system. (made by eRazor).

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Looks interesting. Need to look into it.

hope you join in, these guys put a lot of work into it. but I think there both busy "life wise ", all they ask is if updating/fixing is to share.. and keep all credits were they belong and add your own if you need too..

I'm sure they will be back to work on this someday, or help ... who knows...

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