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Critical Ai Fail

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In the multiplayer mission I am now working on I have a serious Ai issue. Here is the situation:

The players are tasked to go and protect a base from enemy attack waves. Once they arrive at the base 4 bluefor members are grouped to the players with a player as the leader. And so the attack begins.

[Keep in mind that the enemy units exist from the start of the mission but are triggered to move once the players arrive at the particular base]

[The enemy units are armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters, infantry]

In the attack everything works great and the Ai is shooting at the players and at the Ai bluefor units. But in the fight the Ai bluefor units are killed and only the players with the instant respawn remain. And here is my problem:

Once all of the bluefor members are killed the enemy Ai no longer attack the players. You can literally come face to face with the enemy Ai and shoot them and still they will not respond.

So what is going on???

Things I have tried:

a) Thinking it was a respawn issue I grouped the players with a bluefor member that was far from the site and therefore could not be killed. Nothing Changed

b) Making an Ai bluefor member of the group become invincible so as for him not to be able to die. The Ai stopped thinking that the players were a threat and they all started to shoot the invincible player, after they killed the other bluefor Ai.

c) Making an Ai bluefor member of the group unable to move, by making him injured form the start. The Ai would constantly look for him and still pay no attention to the players.

Now i have also thought about giving orders to the enemy Ai to attack the players specifically but I don't know how to exactly do that.

So guys your help will be appreciated. Hope this is solved because this mission really needs this issue to be fixed.

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Maybe you have a problem with respawn? Maybe respawn makes your unit captive, changes side to side that is friendly to attacking units?

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Maybe you have a problem with respawn? Maybe respawn makes your unit captive, changes side to side that is friendly to attacking units?

Killed units are switched to side civilian. Maybe the respawn being instant isn't letting the player's side switch back to their side joined? Could test the thought with a small delay. Or a trigger querying and hinting player unit's side when the problem is noticed.

Edited by OpusFmSPol

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