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@Flodos The laser and guided rounds have been implemented, we just do not add the magazines to the arsenal, because they are not in BAF service.

Here are the class names for your scripts:  UK3CB_BAF_1Rnd_81mm_Mo_Guided and UK3CB_BAF_1Rnd_81mm_Mo_LG


The "Airburst HE" option changes the function of the standard HE rounds.  I'm not aware of any bug

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There's seems to be a bug with the L115A3 and L118A1 rifles. No matter which variant you choose, they always revert back to their sand version.


People have been reporting it on the Steam workshop and I noticed it to and was wandering if you guys know.

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I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but ACE has deprecated their visible laser pointer in ACE 3.16.0, as you can now make visible laser attachments using the engine.
See https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/pull/9411 for an example how to do it via the engine.


The above are the class names still relying on the laser pointer ACE provided, throwing the following warning in the config (see https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/pull/9416):

20:06:47 [ACE] (laserpointer) WARNING: 2 attachements still using unsupported ACE_laserpointer config

It's only a minor inconvenience really, but it would be nice to see this be addressed.

On another note, skipWhenMissingDependencies was added in Arma 2.14 (see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgPatches). I suggest, if you haven't already considered it, using this to remove the optional PBOs folder.

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Today i found out...


...UK3CB_BAF_338_5Rnd shoots all tracers. Just like the Tracer mags. Is that intended?


Tested with CBA, ACE, RHS, 3CB, all in the newest version.




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@NSCT Fixed in the dev build to last round only, plus we added a mag with no tracers.

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I've got some issues to report concerning the assemble-able "turrets", L7A3, L111A1, L134A1 and L16

The first one is in conjunction with ACE cargo loading. Loading and then unloading any of the (Mid) or (High) variants of the L7A3, L111A1 or L134A1 will make the option to get in to the turrets disappear. (Tested using Jackal HMG and Huron Container) EDIT: After some testing it seems that this only occurs if 3CB BAF Vehicles is loaded. Should it be reported on that page instead? EDIT2: Previous edit might have been correlation not causation, disregard. Instead, seems to be related to the next issue below, unloading a turret that is to heavy to carry with ACE. Disabling the ACE Dragging option for weight seems to fix it. I don't know if the bug belongs here or with ACE though.

While a very minor issue since it can be disabled in ACE, they also seem to have a different weight than their (Low) variants, and is too heavy too be dragged or carried with ACE and default settings. Should they not realistically have the same weight since it's a telescopic tripod? The L7A3 variants seem to have their weights mixed up though, with the (Low) not being able to be dragged or carried, (Mid) able to be dragged and carried, and (High) only able to be dragged.

When I was trying to figure out the previous issues, I stumbled on to another one: Assembling a loaded launcher-slot "gunbag" with the tripod will cause the loaded magazine to disappear, and since they are automatically loaded when grabbed from inventories it can impact you a lot if you need to pack up and move intermittently during gameplay. This also applies to the L16 mortar in addition to the previously mentioned turrets.

As you can imagine, all of this together makes for a very frustrating experience using these assets.

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