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I understood the mission objectives but am 100% unable to complete this showcase.

I am playing on Elite difficulty which means that as soon as the enemy knows where you are, you are basically dead. The mission objective is to cause a distraction, it does not say that I have to kill a lot of enemies. So what I tried so far was the following:

Blow up the truck at the camp directly East of the insertion point (the one in the valley), blow up the lighthouse and the truck in front of it, and finally blow up the Ifrit and the Quad at the Spartan camp in the South, plus I killed the AA specialist and even took his Titan launcher. Result? Bishop is running out of time and the mission fails at some point.

Then I tried to look for answers on the web, and I found

where someone just does some run and gun gameplay with completely incompetent AI (the AI, for me, kills me from 800m with a maximum of approx 10 shots). At some point near the Spartan camp, he simply gets the job done and is told to leave the area, even though he didn't even cause as much damage as I did a dozen times already.

So my question is: What exactly do I need to do to trigger the tasks (remember please: Elite difficulty)? Blowing all of the stuff up I mentioned above plus killing 20+ enemies around those 3 bases apparently isn't enough. It's really frustrating and quite not logical for me.

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Ok, I tried to finish this showcase the entire Sunday and finally managed to complete it...

I am not saying that this is 100% correct, so take this with a grain of salt, but this is what worked for me to not get overrun on Elite difficulty:

1. After the landing, head directly East to the small camp in the valley. Sneak up to the truck (actually, you can crawl directly underneath it!) from the North without getting spotted (watch out for the 2 guys patrolling around the camp clockwise!) and plant one of your three remote explosives. Do not set the timer! Move away from the camp unspotted. From the truck, head East and then make a turn to the South, heading directly to the lighthouse.

2. Sneak up to the lighthouse from the North-East direction. Go prone and go close enough so you can literally touch the tower. Plant another remote explosive. Go back the same direction you were coming from, you should NOT get spotted for now!

3. Make an anti-clockwise move around the lighthouse-base until you can see another truck. Sneak up to the right side of the truck in prone position until you can literally touch the second wheel from the back (you can prone over the small stone wall). Plant your third remote explosive and retreat the same direction again. Still, you should not have been spotted by now!

4. Move back a little towards the North into the direction of the first base until your action menu reads to set off 3 explosives instead of just the 2 from the lighthouse. Set them off, and now the fighting starts!

5. Flares should come off both bases and both truck MUST be destroyed, otherwise restart the mission because you won't have enough time to fix these errors. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Bishop should give you the message that he "doesn't know what you're doing, but keep doing it".

6. Move up to the destroyed lighthouse and engage the remaining hostiles. Grab yourself a Katiba with an underbarrel grenade launcher (at least one guy near the fireplace should have one). The Katiba deals a lot more damage. Your initial weapon sports the 5.56mm caliber, but for some reason it is not enough in this showcase. 10 hits per kill are quite common, even up close, while the Katiba usually only takes 2 or 3 hits. From now on, pick up as many 40mm HE shells from every dead grenadier you can find.

7. Head South towards the "AA base". Once you're there, make sure to kill everyone who is carrying a rocket launcher (there are at least two AA specialists with Titan launchers). A flare should go off that base as well once you are spotted. Try to spare the Quad in the firefights. You'll need it. Be careful though, there might be an Ifrit coming from the road block in the North-East to support this base. It will patrol a little and eventually move back to the road block.

8. Once pretty much everyone is dead at the "AA base" or "Spartan base" hop onto the Quad and drive to the North to the marked base which is North of your insertion point. It's quite a distance, and you'll safe up a lot of time on the Quad. Try to stay as close to the West coast as possible to avoid detection.

9. Approach the Northern base from the South-West. There should be at least two OPFOR around a campfire and another truck. Kill the 2 guys with grenades if possible, but make sure a flare goes off this base as well. Once they are down, shoot some underbarrel grenades at the truck until it explodes (Warning: It took me at least 10 underbarrel grenades to destroy it! Remember I told you you should pick up every 40mm grenade you can find?).

10. When the truck got destroyed, Bishop will tell that the distraction and the extraction were a full success. Everyone should get off the island. Since you are very close to the extraction point, all you have to do is race down the hill again on your Quad in the South-West direction. Approach the boat in the bay and you are done.

I am not going to tell you how many reverts it took me to actually figure out what to do. Constantly getting sniped with a sngle bullet from 500m+ distances, terrible starter gear and generally no good description of what to do paired with a 30 minute time limit made this showcase not enjoyable. When you literally have the entire island cleaned of enemies, killed all vehicles around INCLUDING the mobile Ifrit with MG by shooting (and hitting!) him with an AA Titan launcher (except for the parked truck in the Northern base), you know what you have done and that you are an bada$$. But noup, not enough of a distraction. Everyone dead, armored vehicles destroyed with terrible gear while in a hot zone where everyone will one shot you from miles away... Yeah, frustrating to the max.

I finished all showcases on Elite now, but I have to say I enjoyed almost all of them. The night showcase however was just terrible and frustrating because I had to start over hundreds of times because of unclear mission objectives. I did not enjoy this showcase.

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I've also had major problems with this one despite making a mess on their equipment (in various sequences) killing inf. etc and never completed it, will try your way next time.


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This showcase can be very frustrating, especially with the non-scoped weapon provided and lack of NVG. Here is what will complete the mission in the shortest time:



1) Attack lighthouse from NW. Stay undetected before attacking (avoid patrolling enemy). Lob grenades toward campfire, and kill off any remaining guys. Plant charge at base of lighthouse between lighthouse and truck. Blow it. Make sure lighthouse and truck are completely destroyed. You should hear various messages from command that what you are doing is working.

2) Avoid AA base south of lighthouse at all costs.

3) Head 100-300m northeast of lighthouse along road. Attack house with truck in valley (026012) due east of insertion point. This is crux of mission and will take several tries. Snipe it from range with your crappy non-scoped weapon while prone behind a rock for cover. Watch out for patrolling guards between house and lighthouse. Try and kill everyone near house and patrolling enemy north of house. When clear, head to house and blow truck with charge.

4) Steal quad bike and head northwest from house into the hills. You now must attack a small camp with truck on hilltop north of house at 023016 which is marked on map. Approach camp from west. Lob grenades and shoot any survivors. Then blow truck with charge.

5) That is it. Head to extraction point. Mission complete.


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Sneaked past the nearest camp to clear the NE camp and steal the Ifrit along with AT launcher. Run everyone over, even the lighthouse camp. Try to avoid grenadiers unless you can run them over quickly. Thank goodness the AI doesn't know to aim for tires.

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This mission seemed really fun and freeform up until you fail it for not meeting some unstated objective.  Reading the replies here and it seems the freeform part was merely an illusion.  I don't have time for missions that can't make the fail state triggers obvious.

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thx omac, after hours of trying your post saved my nerves ;D

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Yeah this mission objective was not very clear. Although as I played this mission a while ago I think after killing everyone near the light house go and do the same to the small town next to you. There is a video about this mission here.

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Thanks for the info, I've been doing this mission for 2 or 3 nights now. The vague description and narrow completion objectives make this mission 100% NOT fun in my opinion.


I've wiped out practically everyone, demolished the lighthouse, blown the Ifrit, etc....turns out I "failed" because trucks are the most important assets...apparently.


Bohemia Guys, if you're going to put in such open ended objectives please make the AI/completion triggers robust enough to not waste our time like this.

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On 1/17/2017 at 4:25 PM, Kai Mhor said:

Thanks for the info, I've been doing this mission for 2 or 3 nights now. The vague description and narrow completion objectives make this mission 100% NOT fun in my opinion.


I've wiped out practically everyone, demolished the lighthouse, blown the Ifrit, etc....turns out I "failed" because trucks are the most important assets...apparently.


Bohemia Guys, if you're going to put in such open ended objectives please make the AI/completion triggers robust enough to not waste our time like this.

Although I recognize the good work BI does for other aspects of the game and DLCs, these annoyances reported a thousand times are not fixed or improved years later.  In this case, super easy fix: inform the player of those specific objectives/triggers.  Ideal would be to allow more triggers for success.  It was hard to destroy and defeat so many units to then be told you failed for unknown reasons.

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I found this mission quite easy. There are two objectives:

1. Blow the lighthouse and surrounding buildings.

2. Eliminate all enemies around the camp near the entry point and blow the objects like truck and stone buildings.

Finally, escape the island.

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On 2/3/2018 at 10:53 AM, Joxon said:

I found this mission quite easy. There are two objectives:

1. Blow the lighthouse and surrounding buildings.

2. Eliminate all enemies around the camp near the entry point and blow the objects like truck and stone buildings.

Finally, escape the island.

The issue or topic is not the difficulty as such (which is a very subjective point), as the discussion here shows : it is about how, if you do not trigger the proper objectives, the mission fails even if you were to kill everyone there.  So the triggers (objectives) could be made clearer or they could be made more flexible (if the mission is done a bit differently). 

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