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Hello everybody. I found a lot of threads talking about this topic, but none of them helped me (prolly I'm making mistakes but I can't understand why..)

I just want a simple text (like the one in the campaign) showing at the bottom right of the screen when the mission starts.

Thanks in advance.

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Hello everybody. I found a lot of threads talking about this topic, but none of them helped me (prolly I'm making mistakes but I can't understand why..)

I just want a simple text (like the one in the campaign) showing at the bottom right of the screen when the mission starts.

Thanks in advance.

There is a module called "Mission Name", at least i think that what it was. Anyway that should give you what you are looking for.

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Thanks a lot, didn't notice it. But how can I use more of them? I mean, I made 3 modules, linked to 3 different triggers with different countdowns in order to have a sequence, but it just shows me the latest that has been put in the editor..

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If you want it exactly how it's done in the campaign, here are two methods. Unfortunately as far as I can see, BIS didn't include these functions in the function library, so you'll have to create your own. They are fnc_SITREP and fnc_showOSD. They both display lines of information in the lower right corner. SITREP shows the date, then whatever lines of custom text you want under that. showOSD doesn't require any parameters - it automatically shows the time, date and location on BIS islands.

First, copy these into script files with the filenames shown and place them in a folder named functions in your mission folder.


_this spawn {
private ["_text"];
_text = _this;

// Compile date
private ["_month", "_day", "_hour", "_minute"];
_month = str (date select 1);
_day = str (date select 2);
_hour = str (date select 3);
_minute = str (date select 4);

if (date select 1 < 10) then {_month = format ["0%1", str (date select 1)]};
if (date select 2 < 10) then {_day = format ["0%1", str (date select 2)]};
if (date select 3 < 10) then {_hour = format ["0%1", str (date select 3)]};
if (date select 4 < 10) then {_minute = format ["0%1", str (date select 4)]};

private ["_time", "_date"];
_time = format ["%1:%2", _hour, _minute];
_date = format ["%1-%2-%3", str (date select 0), _month, _day];

// Compile SITREP
private ["_SITREP"];
	[_date + " ", ""],
	[_time, "font = 'PuristaMedium'"]

if (count _text > 0) then {
	_SITREP = _SITREP + [["", "<br/>"]];
	{_SITREP = _SITREP + [_x]} forEach _text;

// Display SITREP
	safeZoneX - 0.01,
	safeZoneY + (1 - 0.125) * safeZoneH,
	"<t align = 'right' size = '1.0' font = 'PuristaLight'>%1</t>"
] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;


Author: Jiri Wainar

Display OSD with location, time and possibly some other campaign related info.

_this select 0: array (optional)	- position (default: player's position)
_this select 1: array (optional)	- date in format [_year,_month,_day,_hour,_min] (default: current date)

[] call BIS_fnc_camp_showOSD;

- nothing -

if (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_fnc_camp_showOSD__running",false]) exitWith {};

BIS_fnc_camp_showOSD__running = true;


_fn_getSector =

_map = toLower worldName;

if !(_map in ["altis","stratis"]) exitWith

if (_map == "stratis") then
	_bottomLeftX = 1302;
	_bottomLeftY = 230;
	_topRightX   = 6825;
	_topRightY   = 7810;
	_bottomLeftX = 1765;
	_bottomLeftY = 4639;
	_topRightX   = 28624;
	_topRightY   = 26008;

_posX = _this select 0;
_posY = _this select 1;

//check if player is outside the map grid
if !(_posX > _bottomLeftX && _posX < _topRightX && _posY > _bottomLeftY && _posY < _topRightY) exitWith

//offset player pos to [0,0]
_posX      = _posX - _bottomLeftX;
_posY      = _posY - _bottomLeftY;

_secWidth  = (_topRightX - _bottomLeftX)/3;
_secHeight = (_topRightY - _bottomLeftY)/3;

_gridX = floor (_posX/_secWidth);
_gridY = floor (_posY/_secHeight);

((_gridY * 3) + _gridX + 1)


_showDate 	= true;

_position  	= [_this, 0, getPos player, [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_date 	   	= [_this, 1, date, [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_tMap		= [_this, 2, "auto", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_tLoc		= [_this, 3, "auto", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;

//safecheck _date to make sure no values are out of boundries
_date = _date call BIS_fnc_fixDate;

if (_tMap != "") then
_showMap = true;
_showMap = false;

if (_tLoc != "") then
_showLocation = true;
_showLocation = false;

//get map text
if (_showMap && _tMap == "auto") then

_sector = _position call _fn_getSector;

if (_sector == -1) then
	["Map not recognized! Only 'Altis' and 'Stratis' are supported."] call BIS_fnc_error;

	_showMap 	= false;
	_showLocation 	= false;

_map = gettext (configfile >> "cfgworlds" >> worldname >> "description");

_template = switch (_sector) do
	case 7: {localize "STR_A3_SectorNorthWest"};
	case 8: {localize "STR_A3_SectorNorth"};
	case 9: {localize "STR_A3_SectorNorthEast"};
	case 4: {localize "STR_A3_SectorWest"};
	case 5: {localize "STR_A3_SectorCentral"};
	case 6: {localize "STR_A3_SectorEast"};
	case 1: {localize "STR_A3_SectorSouthWest"};
	case 2: {localize "STR_A3_SectorSouth"};
	case 3: {localize "STR_A3_SectorSouthEast"};

		_showLocation = false;

		//hardcoded for Stratis and Altis only
		if (worldname == "Stratis") then
			localize "STR_A3_NearStratis"
			localize "STR_A3_NearAltis"

_tMap = format[_template,_map];

//get current location text
if (_showLocation && _tLoc == "auto") then

_locations = nearestLocations [getPos player, ["NameCity","NameCityCapital","NameLocal","NameMarine","NameVillage"], 500];

//filter-out locations without names
	if (text _x == "") then
		locations set [_forEachIndex, objNull];
forEach _locations; _locations = _locations - [objNull];

if (count _locations > 0) then
	_loc = _locations select 0;

	if ((getPos player) in _loc) then
		_tLoc  = text _loc;
		_tLoc = format[localize "STR_A3_NearLocation", text _loc];		//tolocalize: "Poblíž lokace %1"
	_tLoc = "";
	_showLocation = false;

//get daytime data
_tYear 	= _date select 0;
_tMonth = _date select 1;
_tDay 	= _date select 2;

if (_tMonth < 10) then {_tMonth = format["0%1",_tMonth]};
if (_tDay < 10) then {_tDay = format["0%1",_tDay]};

//get date text
_tDate = format["%1-%2-%3 ",_tYear,_tMonth,_tDay];

//get time text
_tTimeH = _date select 3;
_tTimeM = _date select 4;

if (_tTimeH < 10) then {_tTimeH = format["0%1",_tTimeH]};
if (_tTimeM < 10) then {_tTimeM = format["0%1",_tTimeM]};

_tTime = format["%1:%2",_tTimeH,_tTimeM];

A3 fonts:


//sum the output params & print it
_output =

if (_showLocation) then
_output = _output + [[toUpper _tLoc,""],["","<br/>"]];

if (_showMap) then
_output = _output + [[_tMap,""],["","<br/>"]];


//vertically align to cinematic border
_handle = [_output,safezoneX - 0.01,safeZoneY + (1 - 0.125) * safeZoneH,true,"<t align='right' size='1.0' font='PuristaLight'>%1</t>"] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;

scriptDone _handle;

BIS_fnc_camp_showOSD__running = false;

Then copy this into your description.ext:

class CfgFunctions {
class TAG {

		class sitrep		{ file = "functions\fn_SITREP.sqf"; };
		class osd		        { file = "functions\fn_showOSD.sqf"; };


To use:

//--- SITREP, shows time and date then your own custom text
   ["NEAR CAMP ROGAIN", ""], ["", "<br/>"],   

] call TAG_fnc_SITREP;

//--- showOSD, shows date, time and location automatically
[] call TAG_fnc_OSD;

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