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X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

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ive been 


Having an issue exporting to Terrain builder a project that has objects that used, "import from mission" function. 


Using V1.21 all the objects from the mission import into the xcam project fine, however when i create a terrain builder export, each object does not have it's class name exported, only it's positional data.


So all entries in the text file export look like this: "";208881.1875;4801.641602;429.148;0;0;1;-0.125929


Any ideas?


Ive been using 1.21 since release and haven't encountered this problem

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Need Help. 



@inidbi and @xCAm they are located in the root of the game. Not for the first time to install it, but today there was such a mistake. Prior to this, Windows10 rolled back to its original condition.


You have checked the xCam folder within @inidbi\db ???

Both mod folders loaded / activated ??


No other reason possible for this error message.



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if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
 0:33:44   Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
 0:33:44   Error ÐÐµÐ¾Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð² выражении: _data
 0:33:44 Error in expression <Cam\xCamSettings" call iniDB_exists;
if(_isIni) then
xCam_dialog  = createDial>
 0:33:44   Error position: <_isIni) then
xCam_dialog  = createDial>
 0:33:44   Error ÐÐµÐ¾Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð² выражении: _isini
 0:33:44 File xCam\xCam\data\xCam_Start_UI.sqf, line 18


It looks like inidbi is missing.

Please check "Addons" folder within @inidbi ... maybe inidbi.pbo is not installed correctly.



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Is it possible to rotate a wall so that it is horizontal to the ground rather than vertical. Im making a kill house and i need to make a floor for the 2nd story. Help?

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I'm working on an additional tool for X-Cam.

If you want to know more details, please watch the following video ;-)







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any plans on adding vehicle scripts Silola? I find myself using the dreaded Eden for vehicle placement.

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wow that wall builder is fantastic 

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any plans on adding vehicle scripts Silola? I find myself using the dreaded Eden for vehicle placement.


Hi Auss,


no plans so far for this part of X-Cam, cause it's very time intensive to script the whole unit & vehicle part. Sorry.

Another reason is ... Eden is perfect in case of this, but it's only my opinion.



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Well that road placing at the end looked interesting. :P

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While writing this I put myself at the risk of repeating myself, but you are truly a god amongst men, Silola. Really good work.

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on playwithsix the mod is still in version 1.0

comes with inidbi_xcam mod

is the right indbi mod or i need the inidbi from 1.21?


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on playwithsix the mod is still in version 1.0

comes with inidbi_xcam mod

is the right indbi mod or i need the inidbi from 1.21?



 Please do not download X-Cam from "playwithsix", because the data structure is broken.


Try Armaholic or X-Cam website (Version 1.21).



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ok i have the last version of inidbi and xcam 1.21 from this threat 1st post.

btw,  all inidbi mods (and the last one) have problems with battleye . (inidbi.dll blocked by BE) and gives FATAL ERROR . (kartaviy post #528)



When i start the xcam mission from editor then when i move the windows of favorites , positioning etc , the main window (camera) turns blue until i leave the windows in a place.

is this normal??


i think not because version 1 have not this behaviour

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silola, ich habe in problem wenn ich xcam starte, habe es auch neu runtergeladen aber es klappt nicht, woran kann das liegen?



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ok i have the last version of inidbi and xcam 1.21 from this threat 1st post.

btw,  all inidbi mods (and the last one) have problems with battleye . (inidbi.dll blocked by BE) and gives FATAL ERROR . (kartaviy post #528)



When i start the xcam mission from editor then when i move the windows of favorites , positioning etc , the main window (camera) turns blue until i leave the windows in a place.

is this normal??


i think not because version 1 have not this behaviour


That's "normal" with the newest version, because with the old version it was sometimes a bit laggy if u move a window.

And yes, BE is now blocking inidbi. So simply deactivate BE as long as u are working with X-Cam.

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16.05.2016 18:41:30 - Laden von Datei 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@inidbi\iniDB.dll' blockiert


ich habe die neuste version 

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silola, ich habe in problem wenn ich xcam starte, habe es auch neu runtergeladen aber es klappt nicht, woran kann das liegen?




As the error message says ... I think @inidbi is missing or not (correct) loaded.

Make sure @inidbi contains the "xCam" folder with all the needed files.


... and deactivate BattlEye ;)


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As the error message says ... I think @inidbi is missing or not (correct) loaded.

Make sure @inidbi contains the "xCam" folder with all the needed files.


... and deactivate BattlEye ;)



This did the trick! Thanks Silola for the help and this magnificent tool!

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Can you make it so we can rotate objects upside down etc? You can do it in the eden editor and it imports fine into Terrain Builder.

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Hey Silola, now that the Apex sneak peak build is available, would it be possible to get an updated library with the Tanoa objects since they're now in the Eden Editor?

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Looks like the latest update last night has broken Xcam in the Apex preview Silola

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Hey Silola.

First let me thank you for amazing work. And a huge thank you for the pitch and bank functions but (there is a but) there is a "bug", like not really but a very anoying thing.

So when you set the pitch to 90 degres (ou flip the object on his side), the pitch vector became the same as the rotation one (Less detailed, SHIFT meets ";") .

This is btw causing weird glitches with the whole engine and xcam saves.

Hope you'll quick fix this out soon.


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Need some help with a stuck window:  




As you can see the top of the window is in a place that I can left click on.  I have also tried pressing Pause and nothing happens.  Is there somewhere in the file structure I can just change?  I don't want to have to do a clean install if I don't have to.  Thanks.  

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... please delete the following file in order to reset all the window positions:


...\Arma 3\@inidbi\db\xCam\xCamWindows.ini



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