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Issue with ropeCreate alternative syntax

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According to the wiki, the ropeCreate command possesses alternative syntax, which allows for a rope to be created from one object.

However, when I use the alternative syntax in the following form, although a rope is created, the optional arguments appear to be ignored, and an error is thrown.

myRope = ropeCreate [helicopter, 'slingLoad0', 15, 5, true];

Error in expression <myRope = ropeCreate [helicopter, 'slingLoad0', 15>
Error position: <ropeCreate [helicopter, 'slingLoad0', 15>
Error Type Number, expected Array

Any assistance in this matter would be appreciated.

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Same issue for me. When I get this error, which is always, the rope length is never the length set in the parameters, it's only around 20 feet long or so.

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Seeing as that alt syntax is from 2011, it's possible its only for TKOH. When I use the auto complete example I get these:

ropeCreate [veh1, [0,0,-2], veh2, [0,0,0], 10]


ropeCreate [veh1, [0,0,-2], 10]


ropeCreate [veh1, [0,0,-2], veh2, [0,0,0], 10, [], ["ropeend", [0,0,-1]]]

If you want the rope to unwind you can always start it at zero and then use ropeUnwind

myrope = ropeCreate [vehicle player, [0,0,-2], 0];
ropeUnwind [myrope, 3, 10]


Edited by Benargee

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