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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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Dunedain, anychance you can already tell us a bit more about this:

"Improved interactions for AARs and ammo bearers"?

You can basically interact with the heavy weaponry carried by other people while they fire or keep aim: link ammo belts to machineguns, reload launchers, etc

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SACLOS system sights

So a shoulder fired light , 1500m wire guided missile :) awesome.

I am not a fan at all of the lock on at in vanilla.

Wonder if the Spike will get its TV missile capabilities under ACE.

For the love of god as long as we have the Advanced Artillery System my life will be complete.

Makes me smile when I keep seeing that people really loved the artillery in ACE.

For a long time I thought it was very niche but it really makes me happy people loved it as much as I did.

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If i were you. i'd hold off until Marksman. The new pops are... good.

I don't think you quite got the reference there.

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I don't think you quite got the reference there.


Now I am curious as to where the pops come from.

Are the pops from the missile using its thrusters to correct its flight path ?

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Now I am curious as to where the pops come from.

Are the pops from the missile using its thrusters to correct its flight path ?

The US military's ridiculous idea to use explosives to push an explosive to its target. The fly-by-wire missile uses rocket charges angled down to keep in the air every second or so as it flies. Wonderfully stupid and I love it.

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Why would you announce this on April Fools? I dont understand, haha.

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Loving it. Can't wait to see artillery stuff. I know I'll be spending hundreds of hours doing that.

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The US military's ridiculous idea to use explosives to push an explosive to its target. The fly-by-wire missile uses rocket charges angled down to keep in the air every second or so as it flies. Wonderfully stupid and I love it.

God that is hilarious yet must be terrifying on the receiving end.

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It's my favorite missile in the whole world. Well... maybe not my favorite.

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A fire control system for armored vehicles and helicopters
Quite interested in this part..

Will it be to the extend that it was in arma 2(i.e. the different hellfires and such) or would it be possible to take it even further?

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Great news, Keep up the good work guys. Looking forward to taking it for a spin

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in to join the celebration train :yay:

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Please... for the love of all that is holy in this world we call ArmA.. don't let this be an April fools joke, my heart can't much more of this.

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Really hope this isn't an April Fools joke.. HYPE

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has to be some of the best news of 2015.... just saying. Very glad to see teams coming together for the greater good

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Awesome news... 2015 is gonna rock for Arma with mods like this and all of the maps in dev.

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It's my favorite missile in the whole world. Well... maybe not my favorite.

What is your favorite ?

Red rocket ? Javelin? SPike NLOS ? Eryx ? Milan ? Tow ?

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Was it ragdolled unconscious soldier? Ragdolled? Without fixed anims? rly?

I thought the exact same thing when I saw the video; had a little "OMGOMGOMG" moment (on top of how much I was already jizzing uncontrollably at both the announcement and the merger itself) :p Rationally, though, I'd say what naizarak said is probably true and the guy was simply dead. I can understand why you were excited though, considering this GitHub thread you opened:


For those who aren't aware, it is not currently possible to force a unit to ragdoll unless they are killed outright, or hit by something big (e.g. a car). In all seriousness, this is a pretty important issue (or at least IMO). Being able to easily spot the difference between dead and unconscious units kills a decent chunk of the gameplay value and tension that that mechanic added in ACE2's medical system.

If it is indeed still the case that forcing ragdoll on a unit is not realistically possible within the ACE3 devs' scope, I would strongly encourage people to upvote this issue right now (for what it's worth) if you haven't done so already:

Or maybe there's more to this line

[*] Improved Ragdoll Physics

than I had first assumed? :yay:

Edited by LuckyLegs

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This. It would be nice to see some dedicated Ace servers running some kind of Game Mode that many can access at any time with the mod(s), and enjoy an epic new experience.

Have you tried Tactical Battlefield? I mean, it is simply awesome.

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so, congrats on the announcement and tease ;) can't wait for play-test

{let's bet who makes next big announce}

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