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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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Please, don't rename vanilla weapons ingame to their real analogs, mkay?

Should be modular like AGM, I think.

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I am still trying to determine if this is real life. Welcome back.

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Oh man, this sounds really good. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with this time ACE 2 is one of my favorite mods of all time, and AGM and CSE have really set the bar high, good luck :).

Edited by CyclonicTuna

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Which means, at least to the ears of someone incapable of coding (like myself :p), that to be truly compatible the 3D models need to be largely following the same standards. So I'm wondering how much of a congruence can be achieved without asking other mod makers to rebuild their models according to this "standard"? Not trying to be contrary, just really curious. :)

I would only say what i gathered from the ones working on this (olds and bakerman). You can either try to keep very general, but the simulation you can achieve is a vast approximation and cannot really take into account stuff like ERA (which is what is usually when you have no access to the original files - such as A3 models), or you can go in the actual .p3d model and actually create this "on top" layer that would help simulate more advanced materials and penetration. I cannot tell you more because it is a bit of trial and error, and i am far from being close to the subject, before one can put together configs, model changes and scripts, but basically, it should be possible to create a set of rules to go by, yes, but in order to integrate it one would need edit/improve the actual geo(?) lod per vehicle, besides all the configs. So it is more than just standards here, those are set by BIS and their samples / previous content released as mlod.

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All you noobies to the ArmA series are in for a treat, one of the best mods ever for the ArmA series :D Chits about to get real :D

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It would be awesome to have a selection of Modules for ACE. we have so many great modules, even since BETA, and most of them are updated. US, Canada, British, German, Russian, PLA, Swedish, and much more forces. This could be an epic experience. Cant't wait to see more, especially about existing systems in Arma 3. Spike, NLAW, XM-307, we won't need AGM's weapon resting anymore come Marksman DLC. This is going to be amazing.

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Please, don't rename vanilla weapons ingame to their real analogs, mkay?

Please, rename all vanilla weapons, items and vehicles ingame to their real analogs. Real is more fun ;)

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Please, rename all vanilla weapons, items and vehicles ingame to their real analogs. Real is more fun ;)

It will be a module, just like it was in AGM if it will be made. (as much as I know)

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Completely new 3D Interaction/Action

That looked already epic in the teaser :cool:

Goodbye Action Menu. You'll never be missed.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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Fucking yes! So much fucking yes the positivity is unreal. The conspiracies were right!

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Keep up the good work & thanks for your time, passion, effort.

Ps : if you need us to take care of your girlfriend/wife (:rolleyes:), keep busy your children, just say the word ! ;)

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Maaaan.... you allmost killed me a few days ago and now this....


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But please don't work on vanilla stuff, no one cares about vanilla content ;D

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luck with the project! the community is happy! ;)

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Any plans for the new ACE3 mod and others mods, for example the great RHS? Compatibility, cross job?

Compatibility or assistance between mods are good way. For example, share 3D PiP for RHS and ACE3. If you have same features (best) in RHS, ACE3, is more good.

But these are only positive suggestions, nothing more xD

Edited by Legolasindar

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Great idea to collaborate like this, best wishes to all involved.

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