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Waypoint marker nearly impossible to see

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I was wondering if there is anyway that I can make my waypoint marker more visible when I'm looking at it. As you can tell from the two follow pictures, it's nearly impossible to spot the marker when you're looking at it, forcing you to turn sideways and even then it should be more visible.

How do I change the color, or make it more visible in general?

http://i.imgur.com/zLvuwMb.jpg (730 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/I5tCqz6.jpg (638 kB)

Thank you,


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Yeah waypoints, move commands etc. have always been pretty hard to spot, sometimes takes hell a lot of time to find in a mission that there even was a waypoint.

Try changing GUI colors. That changes at least those move etc. markers but I can't remember if it changes the waypoint's. Too bad that the whole GUI color (weapon info etc.) gets changed also so I'm just living with hard to spot waypoints because of that.

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I did actually try that and that didn't change the color on the marker for me. Active Elements, right?

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It looks like the temporary waypoint (shift + click on map) marker is always white, ignoring the users Active Elements colour.

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Hmm, I've never had a problem seeing a marker when looking straight at it.

Not sure if this will help but markers do fade away on some difficulty settings.

Go in and out of map or press Esc twice to refresh them...

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what i do is look at the sky and then see an arrow on my screen haha or look at floor, works both ways

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Another trick... turn on NV. It's easier to spot then.

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