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All very nice stuff. You realize entire FOB's are going to be created from your mod here :)

With your great eye for detail I'm sure you've thought about this but the eyelets etc on the top of the crates that would be needed to airlift these beauties into the conflict area would be a nice touch :) I've also been a fan of the adjustable leg system appearance BI did with their portable units.

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I will provide either with the loops or the internal version on the corners, so that is defenatly planned.

Also, I will be be adding those adjustable legs to crates, as most real once have that as an option so that you can have a stable horisontal setup in less than flat terrain. :cool:

Container Flatbed Trailer

So since people will be hauling all my stuff around I might as well provide some solutions for that.

Seeing the progress with rope hauling im going to have to look into how that works and get that for release as an optional thing.


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One thing is to have a FOB constructed. Another is to have it secured.
With a watchtower system you are able to hold that piece of land safe.
Coming standard with a 360* degree FLIR pod you will have the upper hand.
When the bullets start flying our defensive slits will stop up to 30mm cannon fire.
Can be outfited with RCWS or similar systems on demand.

Edited by Arctic Fox Defense Solutions

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AGM-114 Hellfire Missiles & Hydra 70 Rockets Container
Made to keep your missiles out of the environmental decay of your deployment zone.
Battle proven trough many deployments to the harshest enviroments known to mankind.
Will house either 12 AGM-114 Hellfire Missiles or 48 Hydra Rockets depending on internal tube layout.
Both shock and electrical shock are certified for the highest levels of security while stored.

Edited by Arctic Fox Defense Solutions

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So I feel like blender is kinda limited when it comes to rendering stuff out for showcasing.

Because of this I will be moving on to rendering out in 3DS Max from now on.

Takes alot longer time but looks 100x as good (damn you to hell spotlights)

All I can say is long live the AO god.

Somehow forgot to add the kitchen before render at 3AM.. oh well.. untill the next. :o

High Resolution (162 kB)


Edited by AFDS

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G'day from Down Under AFDS. Things are coming along nicely. Just a couple of quick thoughts after looking at your mock-up FOB.

Do you plan on creating modular stair cases to allow personnel to gain access to the modules positioned to create higher floors?

Have you considered adding a potable water storage facility to provide fresh water for the kitchen and the hygiene crate as well as a grey water/water treatment plant for waste water and sewerage?

The textures you posted the other day look great. Have you implemented them onto the models yet or is that awaiting completion of the model building phase?

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Hello Wansec!

Im guessing a few people are wondering about the staircases, and to answer that:

Yes, there will be staircase modules to gain upper access to containers. Up to 3 Stories high is the main idea.

I have had the idea of getting water storage part of the whole experience.

I also have quite a few reference pictures on greywater treatment, both small scale and larger in deployment zones.

So both will make its way onto the FOB at one point. At this rate, sooner rather than later. :o

When it comes to textures, I will do that as the last step before config.

The reason I want to wait untill then is rather simple, at least to me. That way I can guarantee that everything gets the same overall finish.

I am working on making some texture assets as well, and therefor it makes sense to do a complete fob texture session after "everything" is completed.

Hope that answers your questions. :)

Edited by AFDS

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Thanks for the quick reply AFDS. Questions all answered. Looking forward to seeing this project completed. Please keep up the good work.

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So today I've thought about what really annoyed me when making missions..

Hesco barriers. My god those things are awfull ingame at the moment.

What sadistic bastard found out maximum of 4 hesco blocks together was the max..

Anyway, I'll be making *alot* of preset hesco barrier variations so one can setup of a fob in no time at all.

Nothing more annoying that spending 30 minutes rotating things to line up..

Also the FOB is starting to look like a FOB.. More to come tomorrow.

Hesco Barriers

4K Render (Just do it) (312 kB)


Edited by AFDS
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FOB Arctic Fox is certainly developing rapidly. When do you get time to sleep?

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Good move re - ready build hescos...

My Bob the Builder dreams could come true - can we get an excavator/backhoe to fill them ? I assume they come stacked in a pallet when empty ? Might be another scence element you could add.

Can imagine the dissapoint when I tell charlie section that tonight's drill is setting up and filling Hescos.... lol

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There is a incoming render of a "complete" FOB tonight, that will hold 112 personnel.

Aka what you would logically need for ArmA.

As far as your bob the builder dreams, there will be some kind of asset to do that job, not quite sure what yet, but ill figure out something.

A fortifications crate is in the works, that will hold all the emty hescos, barbed wire etc that would be needed to make your perimeter goodness.

With a bit of luck, can get that to spit out what you need trough a dropdown menu or something like that. It's really just a matter of time.

A small thing made since last (will be shown on render later today) is some basic Bollards, the automatic kind. The type that will stop a truck from 60mph to 0 in,well, 1 second flat.

Gates are for suckers after all. :cool:

Also, since this is being built towards the British (after all, I am in a British unit) the Camp Bastion memorial will be included as well.

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So, I figured it was about time to scale the preview FOB to what you would eventually end up at ingame with a full server clan.

This is currently made to fit 112 men, obviously a bit over what you would need for ArmA.

Throw away one story on the center barracks and you'll have enough room for a normal server filled to the brim with personel.

Own rooms? Sure, why not.

Bollards will be made to operate like the real thing, and probably throw in a quick trigger example for making them automated unless I do that in the file itself.

Bastion Memorial by the helipads in respect of fallen soldiers overseas.

Current FOB setup has a medevac helipad up to the left and a entrance to get straight to the surgical container so can enter at another angle for quicker clearance.

Motorpool on the left side of the road and some helipads on the right for transport or cas to just give an idea of what I think a small sized FOB should probably look like with current assets.

Untill nexttime.. Enjoy.

Click me for HIGH RES (429 kB)


Edited by AFDS

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That's coming together really well. Keep up the good wook.

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So I felt like I was missing some assets for both visual appeal and also immersion wise.

Since the British dont really use any of the anti air assets that are ingame at the moment I figued I would just bloody well make it.

At the moment it will just be a static asset, but if I get around to it, maybe I will make it something workable.

If I make it workable there will be a container to go with it for control.

Rapier Field Standard C

It might be the ugliest AA in the world..

But it's British. So I will love it like a bastard child. :)

Clicky for High Res (267 kB)


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It's great to see the attention you're getting here in such a short amount of time, turns out it's not only something we wanted, but the rest of the MilSim Community needed :P

This is awesome, keep up the great work (and get some sleep)! xD

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OMG... proper British AA - Thank you SO much !

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You sir earn a cookie! This is really needed in ArmA 3, some realistic looking Camps are defently missing, keep up the great work!

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Another day, another render, and new stuff in the works.

For tonight, among other things that will be worked on, is to get the Starstreak HVM Launcher(MANPAD) done.

Gotta have that AA Defense up and running if your supposed to call it home..:o

Clicky for High Resolution (274 kB)


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Starstreak HVM

So, this is the lovely Starstreak SAM site. Roughly 80% done.

Kinda unique in that it has 3 pods to fire before needs to reload.

Shooting out its missiles at a staggering Mach 3.5.

Good luck getting away in your fancy plane..

Highres Version (305 kB)


Edited by AFDS

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