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Questions about arty

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I’m having some trouble using the arty computer (with the Scorcher), and was hoping for some advice. There are quite a few threads about arty on this forum, I have looked through these and I don’t think my questions have been answered – if they have, apologies...

1. When I am using Laser Guided Shells, this is what often happens: Acquire target.. Fire 1... direct hit.. Hi-Fives all round.. Acquire new target.. Fire 2... shell goes awol / lost / took a wrong turn / never made it. I have tried several different combinations (including loading different shell types in between LGS salvos) to no avail. Is the LGS element buggy? Is it common for one of the two precious LG shells to go missing en-route?

2. Currently, when in the Arty Computer (AC), you can’t see map markers, or any enemies highlighted on the map. This is, imho, how it should be - it encourages one to use both map views (main and AC) when carrying out fire missions (so requiring a modicum of skill). However, if you come out of the AC (e.g. to check the main map for friendly positions close to the point of impact), when you go back into the AC you have lost your session (for lack of a better term) – all info on incoming shells (number, ETA to impact etc) has now been lost, with the AC only able to show newly fired shells.

My question is: is there any way you can check the main map without losing your gunnery session in the arty computer? Or is it the case that, if you want to be able to relay specifics about incoming shells to friendlies in the AO, you need to remain in the AC until all shells have landed. Ideally, I should be able to launch a few shells, check the main map (to see where my buddies are), then go back into the AC to count down the impacts.

3. Lastly, although the description of the shells is quite intuitive, is there an information resource that goes into a bit more detail about how each shell should be used? I heard that guided and laser guided were mixed up at some point (in the game)... is this still the case? My LGS seem to land on target (when they don’t get lost...)



Edited by xx_MUSH_xx

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LG shells I think have been unpredictable for a while now, but I'm not much of an artilleryman myself. From a realism aspect (in a realism unit myself), the artillery computer dynamics work perfectly fine, because it is the job of your buddies to report their position to you (that's what the grids are for), and they should report the position of the enemy to you, so you can fire upon the enemy with out killing your friendlies. And in some aspects the artillery computer is so simple that it's not realistic, most realism units that have an artillery detachment use some kind of enhancement addon.

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