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how to keep vehicles burn forever after it's wreck.

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I haven't used it yet, but maybe creating a loop where you repeatedly use setParticleFire may help you out. Citing the BIKI:

_emitter = "#particlesource" [url="https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicleLocal"]createVehicleLocal[/url] ([url="https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getPos"]getPos[/url] [url="https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/player"]player[/url]);
_emitter [url="https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setParticleClass"]setParticleClass[/url] "MediumSmoke";
_emitter [b]setParticleFire[/b] [0.3,1.0,0.1];

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Put down a vehicle or wreck.

Set vehicle damage if required.

Put this in the vehicle's init.

OnFire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle (getPos this);OnFire attachTo [this,[0,1,0]]

Edited by Beerkan

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Are the vehicles static or non static?

If static and they are only there for ambiance you can use the Fire + Smoke modules under the Effects menu in the Modules area of the editor.

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OnFire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle (getPos this);OnFire attachTo [this,[0,1,0]]

This is sorcery. Here I am making custom particle AND smoke effects just to get the same thing, and there's secret objects like this. How do you find these?

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This is sorcery. Here I am making custom particle AND smoke effects just to get the same thing, and there's secret objects like this. How do you find these?

You can find every object and abstract class available in ArmA 3 here:


And in particular, the "test_emptyObjectForFireBig" can be found here:


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Put down a vehicle or wreck.

Set vehicle damage if required.

Put this in the vehicle's init.

OnFire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle (getPos this);OnFire attachTo [this,[0,1,0]]

That's some nice stuff, does it handle damage when you get to close or is it only a visual effect?

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This is sorcery. Here I am making custom particle AND smoke effects just to get the same thing, and there's secret objects like this. How do you find these?

You're aware there are modules in-editor that do the same function? You can even define RGB, particle life/speed/density/size etc etc.

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