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Color and size of text

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I need some help with how to change the color and size of text for intro how would I add it to this?

sleep 3;

5 fadeSound 1;

playMusic "intro";

titleCut ["TEXT GOS HERE", "BLACK IN", 10];

sleep 14.2;

titleText ["TEXT GOS HERE\n\n", "PLAIN"];

sleep 5;

titleFadeOut 3;

sleep 6.3;

titleText ["TEXT GOS HERE\n//\\\n", "PLAIN"];

sleep 6;

titleFadeOut 4;

// Info text

[str ("TEXT GOS HERE"), str("TEXT GOS HERE"), str(date select 1) + "." + str(date select 2) + "." + str(date select 0)] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;

sleep 3;

"dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;

"dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [6];

"dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0;

"dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0];

"dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 5;

titleCut ["TEXT GO'S HERE", "BLACK IN", 10];

Thanks for any help.

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As far as I know, titleCut and titleText cannot have their text sizes changed. You may wish to experiment with custom dialogs

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this is a cool code from old loki, works perfect, edit to fit your needs.

_input = "

'''text here'''
'''text here'''
'''text here'''
'''text here'''

//--- Localized
_inputLocalized = [];

x_inputLocalized = _inputLocalized;
x_input = _input;

_inputArrayUnicode = toarray _input;
_inputArrayUnicode = _inputArrayUnicode - [42];

_inputString = "";
_inputArrayDebug = [];
_deleteSpaces = false;
_deleteRows = false;

_isBold = false;
_isTitle = false;
_countTotal = count _inputArrayUnicode - 1;

for "_i" from 0 to _countTotal do {
   _current = _inputArrayUnicode select _i;
   _previous = if (_i > 0) then {_inputArrayUnicode select (_i-1)} else {-1};
   _next = if (_i < (count _inputArrayUnicode - 1)) then {_inputArrayUnicode select (_i+1)} else {-1};

   _output = tostring [_current];

   if (_current == 32 && (_previous == 10 || _next == 10)) then {_output = "";};
   if (_current == 10) then {_output = "<br />"};
   if (_current == 39 && _previous == 39 && _next != 39) then {_output = "";};
   if (_current == 39 && _previous != 39 && _next == 39) then {_output = "";};
   if (_current == 39 && _previous == 39 && _next == 39) then {
       _output = if (_isBold) then {_isBold = false; "</t>";} else {_isBold = true; "<t color ='#8d38c9'size='2.0'>";};
   if (_current == 61 && _previous == 61 && _next != 61) then {_output = "";};
   if (_current == 61 && _previous != 61 && _next == 61) then {_output = "";};
   if (_current == 61 && _previous == 61 && _next == 61) then {
       _output = if (_isTitle) then {_isTitle = false; "</t>";} else {_isTitle = true; "<t color ='#8d38c9'size='2.0'>";};

   _inputString = _inputString + _output;
   _inputArrayDebug = _inputArrayDebug + [[_current,_output]];


creditsText = _inputString;
_layer = 1 * random 72;

dll = [creditsText,[safezoneX,safezoneW * 1.0],safezoneH - 1.0 * safezoneH,1000,-1,-57,_layer] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;

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