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Sound player DEAD - playSound ou playSound3D

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I'm script to make a sound when a player (MP) is dead.

Probelam that the player can be on the other side of the map that the sound is still heard.

What would be the way to fix this problem by setting so that the sound was heard only in 50 meters or sound can also be only the dead player


class CfgSounds
 sounds[] = {Vent,Vent2,Para,Dead};

class Vent {name="Vent";sound[]={ATM_airdrop\data\Vent.ogg,db-11,1.0};titles[] = {};};
class Vent2 {name="Vent2";sound[]={ATM_airdrop\data\Vent2.ogg,db-11,1.0};titles[] = {};};
class Para {name="Para";sound[]={ATM_airdrop\data\parachute.ogg,db-11,1.0};titles[] = {};};
class Dead {name="Dead";sound[]={sounds\dead.ogg,db-11,1.0};titles[] = {};};	

Init player:

this addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{_this execVM "deathScript.sqf"}];


playSound "Dead";

Edited by edbusana

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if (!local (_this select 0)) exitWith {};


playSound "Dead";

added to the file deathScript.sqf but the sound is not output.

I tested the preview editor and new server host

if (!local (_this select 0)) exitWith {};


playSound "Dead";

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Remove "before"

he sound is working again.

The sound was not the problem in work, in fact I wanted to limit only to the dead player or very next players.

What is happening is that if a player dies at 5km away another player hears the sound also.

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he sound is working again.

The sound was not the problem in work, in fact I wanted to limit only to the dead player or very next players.

What is happening is that if a player dies at 5km away another player hears the sound also.

if (!local (_this select 0) || _this select 0 distance player > 20) exitWith {};

should work.

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if (!local (_this select 0) || _this select 0 distance player > 20) exitWith {};

should work.

Well, it worked. That's what I was looking for.

Thx austin_medic

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First of all you need to make sure your sound is mono, not stereo.

Then I add an logic to the object and make it use say3d.

_deadPlayer = _this select 0;
_object = "Logic" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
_object attachTo [_deadPlayer ,[0,0,1.5]];
_object say3D "yoursound";
[_object] spawn {
 sleep 2;
 deleteVehicle (_this select 0);

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I am austin_medic the script working.

Became the mono sound to stereo. If necessary revert the audio.

Now I see the link L3TUC3 and test the script.

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