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Laser Guided Artillery

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What has really been bothering me lately is how unaccurate and unreliable the laser guide artillery shells seem to be. I mean, more often then not they fall hundreds of meters off target, even when the target is stationary and constantly being lazed. I don't know what its like in multiplayer because I hardly play any, but in SP it just the worst. I think its just really buggy as the artillery doesn't even call out shots some times, I never get a splash or an estimated time on target.

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong but unfortionately BI didn't provide any information about the artillery in the field manual or any tutorials so I wouldn't know what I'm doing wrong. In any case I think they should fix it, I've also seen some artillery mods out there but I believe those are primarily for use in multiplayer.

Does anyone here have a reliable method of getting laser guided shells on target? It would be appreciated.

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