bolbies 13 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) I've been trying out different nuke scripts but the ones I can find are really only eye candy. They just destroy everything but there's no cool shockwave that throws helicopters out of the sky, pushes back APC's, and sends on-foot units flying. Is there a way to do this or is there a script I missed? Edited February 11, 2015 by bolbies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HallyG 239 Posted February 8, 2015 Have a look at this post by KillzoneKid about forcing ragdolls. Changing the line _rag setVelocity [0,0,6]; to _rag setVelocity [20,10,6]; Provided a nice effect of pushing the player forward. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3549 Posted February 8, 2015 Considering the blastwave doesn't always come from the rear of the soldier/unit you'd need to get the correct vector to simulate the push of the blastwave. A quick look at glorious KKs recent blog should bring enlightenment (as usual). Just replace the weapon direction with the blast wave direction, adjust/tweak the values depending on vehicle type, should do the trick. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolbies 13 Posted February 9, 2015 (edited) Considering the blastwave doesn't always come from the rear of the soldier/unit you'd need to get the correct vector to simulate the push of the blastwave.A quick look at glorious KKs recent blog should bring enlightenment (as usual). Just replace the weapon direction with the blast wave direction, adjust/tweak the values depending on vehicle type, should do the trick. Cheers This is awesome thanks! Do you think I should change the event handler to "hit" though or will "fired" somehow work? Edit: Haha never mind I'm stupid. I don't need an event handler, I just put it into the script! Edited February 9, 2015 by bolbies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolbies 13 Posted February 9, 2015 Ok so I fiddled around with a few things but nothing seems to be working. I used this script and mostly everything except for the shockwave works. The explosion is awesome, it kills everything it's supposed to, but there's no force applied from the blast and there are no errors at all in the rpt. I'm testing it out in multiplayer since the last game update screwed up the singleplayer so could that be it? It won't work in multiplayer? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolbies 13 Posted February 11, 2015 After further testing, I've figured out that everything works correctly up until I get to this script. The place where it just stops is marked with a block of slashes. There are no errors in the RPT telling me what's wrong. Can anyone help me? private ["_unit","_pos","_rad","_force","_xPos","_yPos","_xVel","_yVel","_zVel","_coef","_fi", "_n","_fi","_dam","_vel","_vecUp","_nX","_nY","_nXX","_nYY","_leanF","_leanX","_leanY","_cyklus","_theta", "_diference","_fXX","_fYY","_fZZ","_xxF","_yyF","_zzF","_spread","_omega","_heatRad","_timeAfter","_plus","_radRad", "_material","_intenzity","_Sound","_soundPos","_SoundWave","_SoundTurbolence","_lenght","_height","_width","_weight", "_weakness1","_weakness2","_weakness3","_cubature","_acc","_steel","_blastDir","_burnUnit","_kappa","_zMaxima","_zChange", "_crossXUp","_crossZUp","_crossXInter","_crossZInter","_k1","_k2","_q1","_q2","_x0","_xAcc","_yAcc","_zAcc","_crewInside", "_shockWavePassed","_fakeBlast","_heatDamage","_markerArray","_density","_xP","_yP","_pD","_densRad","_luckyDay","_house", "_nObject","_mortality","_getStance","_result","_animState","_animStateChars","_animP","_lowerAngle","_upperAngle", "_nObjects","_insider","_behinder","_survivor","_stander","_priorityB","_priorityM","_bParams","_bParamsM","_bPa","_bPb","_bPc"]; // -- Declaration _unit = _this select 0; // unit affected by shockwave _pos = _this select 1; // centre of explosion _kT = _this select 2; // power of nuke in kT _shockWavePassed = _this select 3; // Check if the shockwave already passed unit //if ((isPlayer _unit) or (player in _unit)) exitWith {}; _blastDir = 0; // Angle which is Unit pointed to a Center of Explosion (BI system) _theta = 0; // Lean Angle _omega = 0; // Velocity Angle (Cartesian system) _n = 0; // coef _coef = 0; // Coeficient defining type of unit _density = 0; // Ammount of Radiation Cloud points in close area of Unit _fi = 0; // Angle which is Unit pointed to a Center of Explosion (Cartesian system) _k1 = 0; // Escalation of function Underline _k2 = 0; // Escalation of function Interline _q1 = 0; // Y movement of function Underline _q2 = 0; // Y movement of function Interline _x0 = 0; // Point where Unit cross Ground to define Overpressure in any place in space _xP = 0; // X position of Radiation Cloud point _yP = 0; // Y position of Radiation Cloud point _pD = 0; // Distnace between Unit and point _leaner = 0.04; // Intensity of Push and Lean it self 0.01 means lot of CPU computing (recommend for 0.03) _house = 1; // Basic Coeficient for Man class defining if he is outside of house or inside or behind it // -- vehicle properties _lenght = 0; // Lenght of Unit \ _height = 0; // Height of Unit -- Modified to be not filled in full shape of cuboid _width = 0; // Width of Unit / _weight = 0; // Weight of Unit _weakness1 = ""; // I\ _weakness2 = ""; // I-- Weak parts of Unit _weakness3 = ""; // I/ _steel = 0; // Robustness of Unit // | 5 - Human , 2 - Cars , 3 - Trucks,Choppers,Planes, 4 - HMMWV,Jackal, 8 - T34,T55,APC, 10 - M1A1,T72,T90 _crewInside = crew _unit; // Array of units inside of vehicle // Units needs to be applied into list of units // BAF_FV510_D , BAF_ATV_D , BAF_Jackal2_GMG_D , BAF_Jackal2_L2A1_D , BAF_Offroad_D // -- Declaration of Unit type if (_unit isKindOf "Car") then {_coef = 140; _lenght = 4.5; _height = 1.3; _width = 1.6; _weight = 800; _steel = 2; _weakness1 = "kola"; _weakness2 = "svetla";}; if (_unit isKindOf "Tank") then {_coef = 120; _lenght = 9.82; _height = 2.72; _width = 3.79; _weight = 48200; _steel = 10; _weakness1 = "pasy"; _weakness2 = "kanon"; _weakness3 = "elektronika";}; if (_unit isKindOf "Man") then {_coef = 180; _lenght = 0.30; _height = 1.77; _width = 0.40; _weight = 120; _steel = 1; _weakness1 = "ruce"; _weakness2 = "nohy";}; if (_unit isKindOf "Air") then {_coef = 150; _lenght = 18.00; _height = 4.5; _width = 2.5; _weight = 4000; _steel = 4; _weakness1 = "elektronika"; _weakness2 = "motor";}; if (_unit isKindOf "StaticWeapon") then {_coef = 10; _lenght = 1.05; _height = 1.07; _width = 1.00; _weight = 100; _steel = 4;}; if (_unit isKindOf "Ship") then {_coef = 100; _lenght = 5.35; _height = 3.27; _width = 2.5; _weight = 395; _steel = 3;}; if (_unit isKindOf "Thing") then {_coef = 10;}; if (_unit isKindOf "Building") then {_coef = 8;}; if (_unit isKindOf "Strategic") then {_coef = 5;}; if (_unit isKindOf "Nonstrategic") then {_coef = 5;}; _rad = _unit distance _pos; _soundPos = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _pos; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // -- Cycle which waits for a heatWave comes to a player while {heatWaveSpreadDistance < _rad and heatWaveSpreadDistance < heatDistance} do { _rad = _unit distance _pos; _xPos = ((_pos select 0) - (_pos select 0)); _yPos = ((_pos select 1) - (_pos select 1)); if (_xPos >= 0 and _yPos >= 0) then {_fi = 0}; if (_xPos >= 0 and _yPos < 0) then {_fi = 270 + atan (abs(_xPos / _yPos));}; if (_xPos < 0 and _yPos < 0) then {_fi = 180 + atan (abs(_yPos / _xPos));}; if (_xPos < 0 and _yPos >= 0) then {_fi = 90 + atan (abs(_xPos / _yPos));}; _xSpos = shockWaveSpreadDistance * cos (_fi); _ySpos = shockWaveSpreadDistance * sin (_fi); _soundPos setPos [((_pos select 0)+_xSPos),((_pos select 1)+_ySPos),0]; sleep 0.1; }; hint "this is working 1"; if (vehicle _unit == _unit and !_shockWavePassed) then { // -- Check if some unit did not got out of vehicle - !!!! not sure if works properly { if (!(_x in _unit)) then { if (!(_x in AllArray)) then { [_x,_pos,_kT,false] spawn ShockpushPreLoad;}; AllArray = Allarray + [_x]; }; } forEach _crewInside; // -- Damage applied by a HeatWave to a unit or vehicles body and its weak parts if (heatWaveSpreadDistance < heatDistance) then { _heatDamage = _coef^3.5 / _rad^3; if (_heatDamage > 1) then {_heatDamage = 1;}; _unit setHit ["trup",((Damage _unit) + _heatDamage)]; }; }; hint "this is working 2"; // -- Cycle which waits for a shockWave comes to a player while {(shockWaveSpreadDistance < _rad) and (shockWaveSpreadDistance < shockDistance)} do { _rad = _unit distance _pos; _xPos = ((_pos select 0) - (_pos select 0)); _yPos = ((_pos select 1) - (_pos select 1)); if (_xPos >= 0 and _yPos >= 0) then {_fi = 0};// + atan (abs(_yPos / _xPos)); if (_xPos >= 0 and _yPos < 0) then {_fi = 270 + atan (abs(_xPos / _yPos));}; if (_xPos < 0 and _yPos < 0) then {_fi = 180 + atan (abs(_yPos / _xPos));}; if (_xPos < 0 and _yPos >= 0) then {_fi = 90 + atan (abs(_xPos / _yPos));}; _xSpos = shockWaveSpreadDistance * cos (_fi); _ySpos = shockWaveSpreadDistance * sin (_fi); _soundPos setPos [((_pos select 0)+_xSPos),((_pos select 1)+_ySPos),(_pos select 2)]; sleep 0.2; }; if (vehicle _unit == _unit and !_shockWavePassed) then { // -- Check if some unit did not got out of vehicle - !!!! not sure if works properly { if (!(_x in _unit)) then { if (!(_x in AllArray)) then { [_x,_pos,_kT,false] spawn ShockpushPreLoad;}; AllArray = Allarray + [_x]; }; } forEach _crewInside; //[_pos,_kT] spawn StaticPreLoad; // -- Final Declaration of Shockwave impact into a car if (shockWaveSpreadDistance < shockDistance) then { // -- Overpressure in air _xPos = ((_pos select 0) - (_pos select 0)); _yPos = ((_pos select 1) - (_pos select 1)); _zPos = ((_pos select 2) - (_pos select 2)); _GR = sqrt(_xPos^2 + _yPos^2); // GR = Ground radius _zMaxima = 8 * _GR^0.5; _zChange = 15 * _GR^0.5; // IF VEHICLE IS ABOVE CHANGING CURVE y = 15*x^0.5 AND IS IN y = sqrt(R^2 - x^2) if (_zPos > _zChange) then { _rad = _unit distance _pos; _crossXUp = 1/2*(sqrt(4*_rad^2+50625)-225); _crossZUp = 15 * _crossXUp^0.5; _k2 =(_crossZUp + 300)/(_crossXUp - 4000); _q2 = _crossZUp - _crossXUp*_k2; _crossXInter = (- _k2*_q2-8*sqrt(16-_k2*_q2)+32)/_k2^2; _crossZInter = 8 * _crossXInter^0.5; _k1 =(_crossZInter + 500)/(_crossXInter - 150); _x0 = (500 + _k1*150)/ _k1; }; // IF VEHICLE IS BETWEEN CHANGING CURVE y = 15*x^0.5 AND MAXIMUM CURVE y = 8*x^0.5 AND IS IN y = -kx + q if (_zPos > _zMaxima and _zPos <= _zChange) then { _k2 =(_zPos + 300)/(_GR - 4000); _q2 = _zPos - _GR*_k2; _crossXInter = (- _k2*_q2-8*sqrt(16-_k2*_q2)+32)/_k2^2; _crossZInter = 8 * _crossXInter^0.5; _k1 =(_crossZInter + 500)/(_crossXInter - 150); _x0 = (500 + _k1*150)/ _k1; }; // IF VEHICLE IS BELLOW MAXIMUM CURVE y = 8*x^0.5 AND IS IN y = kx + q if (_zPos <= _zMaxima) then { _k1 =(_zPos + 500)/(_GR - 150); _x0 = (500 + _k1*150)/ _k1; }; //FOR MORE INFO ABOUT THESE APROXIMATED FUNCTIONS VISIT _overPressure =(((15.071*_kT^0.5131)*(_x0/1000)^(-0.016*ln(_kT) - 1.4113))*3); // Result in kPa hint "this is working 3"; if (_xPos >= 0 and _yPos >= 0) then {_fi = 0}; if (_xPos >= 0 and _yPos < 0) then {_fi = 270 + atan (abs(_xPos / _yPos));}; if (_xPos < 0 and _yPos < 0) then {_fi = 180 + atan (abs(_yPos / _xPos));}; if (_xPos < 0 and _yPos >= 0) then {_fi = 90 + atan (abs(_xPos / _yPos));}; if (_fi <= 90) then {_blastDir = 90 - _fi;}; if (_fi > 90) then {_blastDir = 450 - _fi;}; if (_GR > 0) then { _kappa = atan(abs(_zPos / _GR)); } else { _kappa = atan(abs(0)); }; // -- Definining position of vehicle in space, count of impact force and its own accelaration after impact _dir = getDir _unit; _diference = abs(_blastDir - _dir); // -- Check in what position unit stands: UP / MIDDLE / DOWN (By Muzzleflash) // -- Reducing Height if is Unit in Crouch or Prone _result = 1; if (_unit isKindOf "Man") then { if (stance _unit == "CROUCH") then { _lenght = _lenght*1.7; _height = _height * 0.62; _result = 1.18; }; if (stance _unit == "PRONE") then { _lenght = _lenght*5.1; _height = _height * 0.19; _result = 1.42; }; if (stance _unit == "STAND") then { _result = 1; }; }; _cubature = (abs(_lenght* sin(_diference)) + abs(_width * cos(_diference))*_height); // Result in m^2 _force = _overpressure * _cubature; // Result in kN _acc = 100*(_force / _weight); // -- Defining damage to a vehicle + extra damage to its own weak parts like Engine,Electronics _dam = _overPressure / (_steel * 8); hint "this is working 4"; /* // -- Check All Physical atributes impacting unit -- Be sured that if you use this check your vehicle wont be damaged (Bug?) if ((isPlayer _unit) or (player in _unit)) then { hintC format ["Overpressure: %1\nCubature: %2\nForce: %3\nAccelaration: %4\nDamage: %5", _overPressure,_cubature,_force,_acc,_dam]; }; // -- */ _luckyDay = 0; _insider = 0; // Maximal distance for Inside area of building. _behinder = 0; // Maximal distance for building where it can act like "Behind" cover. _survivor = 0; // Multiplier of how much is building able to survive Blast (Standard is Brick small house: Inside=3/Behind=1.5) _stander = 0; // Can Unit survive while stands inside/behind certain buidling? (1 = best chances > 0.1 = reallz poor chances) _nObject = ""; _priorityM = 320; _bParamsM = []; if (_dam > 1) then {_dam = 1;}; if (_unit isKindOf "Air") then { _dam = (_dam / (ln(_x0)/(ln(_x0-_x0/1.3)))); _acc = _acc/(2/(ln(_kT)+1)); }; /* // -- Check where player is if ((isPlayer _unit) or (player in _unit)) then { hintC format ["Object: %1\nUDistO: %2\n - DistU: %4\nCoef: %5\nMort: %8 - Luck? %6\nDam: %7\nOP: %3\nAcc: %9\nInside Coef: %10\nBehind Coef: %11", _nObject,_nObject distance _unit,_overPressure,_GR,_house,_LuckyDay,_dam,_mortality,_acc,_insider,_behinder]; }; // -- */ _unit setDamage ((Damage _unit) + _dam); if (!(_unit isKindOf "Man")) then { {_x setDamage ((Damage _x) + (_dam*(0.7+(random 0.6))))} forEach crew _unit; }; if (_weakness1 != "") then {_unit setHit [_weakness1,((Damage _unit) + _dam + _heatDamage)];}; if (_weakness2 != "") then {_unit setHit [_weakness2,((Damage _unit) + _dam + _heatDamage)];}; if (_weakness3 != "") then {_unit setHit [_weakness3,((Damage _unit) + _dam + _heatDamage)];}; // -- Part which is counting with Shock Force and Leaning of vehicle or unit if (_coef > 10) then { if (_force < 0) then {_force = 0;}; // Debug if speed and lean of vehicle is equal to zero _vel = velocity _unit; if (_vel select 0 == 0) then {_vel = [0.0001,_vel select 1, _vel select 2];}; if (_vel select 1 == 0) then {_vel = [_vel select 0,0.0001, _vel select 2];}; if (_vel select 2 == 0) then {_vel = [_vel select 0,_vel select 1, 0.0001];}; _vecUp = vectorUp _unit; if (_vecUp select 0 == 0) then {_vecUp = [0.0001,_vecUp select 1, _vecUp select 2];}; if (_vecUp select 1 == 0) then {_vecUp = [_vecUp select 0,0.0001, _vecUp select 2];}; if (_vecUp select 2 == 0) then {_vecUp = [_vecUp select 0,_vecUp select 1, 0.0001];}; _xVel = _vel select 0; _yVel = _vel select 1; _zVel = _vel select 2; // Check in which way is vehicle moving and some speed correction of it if (_xVel >= 0 and _yVel >= 0) then {_omega = 0 + atan (abs(_yVel / _xVel));}; if (_xVel >= 0 and _yVel < 0) then {_omega = 270 + atan (abs(_xVel / _yVel));}; if (_xVel < 0 and _yVel < 0) then {_omega = 180 + atan (abs(_yVel / _xVel));}; if (_xVel < 0 and _yVel >= 0) then {_omega = 90 + atan (abs(_xVel / _yVel));}; _diferencial = abs(_omega - _fi); if (_diferencial > 90 and _diferencial < 270) then { _xVel = _xVel * (cos(_diferencial)+2)/ ln(_coef/7.77); _yVel = _yVel * (cos(_diferencial)+2)/ ln(_coef/7.77); }; // -- Setting up for Leaning _nY = 0; _nX = 0; _nXX = 0; _nYY = 0; _fXX = 0; _fYY = 0; _fZZ = 0; _n = 0; _nX = _leaner * cos (_fi); _nY = _leaner * sin (_fi); _cyklus = _acc^0.4 / 4; if (_cyklus < _leaner) then {_cyklus = _leaner;}; _zAcc = _acc * sin(_kappa) + (3 * _acc) / ln(_GR); if (((_diference > 60 and _diference < 120)or(_diference > 240 and _diference < 300)) and(_unit isKindOf "LandVehicle")) then { _acc = _acc * 0.36; }; _xAcc = _acc * cos(_fi); _yAcc = _acc * sin(_fi); _xxF = _xAcc / _cyklus; _yyF = _yAcc / _cyklus; _zzF = _zAcc / _cyklus; // -- Finding out on what side unit should lean if ((_vecUp select 0) >= 0 and (_vecUp select 1) >= 0) then {_theta = 0 + atan (abs((_vecUp select 1) / (_vecUp select 0)));}; if ((_vecUp select 0) >= 0 and (_vecUp select 1) < 0) then {_theta = 270 + atan (abs((_vecUp select 0) / (_vecUp select 1)));}; if ((_vecUp select 0) < 0 and (_vecUp select 1) < 0) then {_theta = 180 + atan (abs((_vecUp select 1) / (_vecUp select 0)));}; if ((_vecUp select 0) < 0 and (_vecUp select 1) >= 0) then {_theta = 90 + atan (abs((_vecUp select 0) / (_vecUp select 1)));}; _diference = abs(_theta - _fi); if (_diference < 270 and _diference > 90 and _unit isKindOf "Air") then {_nX = - _nX; _nY = - _nY;}; // -- Cycle which will Lean unit and push it in wright way // -- Locking vehicle {_x disableAI "MOVE";} forEach crew _unit; _unit lock true; // -- Push and Lean it self while {_n < _cyklus} do { _unit setvectorup [(_vecUp select 0)+_nXX,(_vecUp select 1)+_nYY,(_vecUp select 2)]; _n = _n + _leaner; _nXX = _nXX + _nX; _nYY = _nYY + _nY; _unit setVelocity [(_xVel+_fXX),(_yVel+_fYY),((_vel select 2)+_zAcc)]; _fXX = _fXX + _xxF; _fyy = _fyy + _yyF; _fzz = _fzz + _zzF; sleep _leaner; }; // -- Opening vehicle {_x enableAI "MOVE";} forEach crew _unit; _unit lock false; }; sleep 2; _densRad = 0; }; }; // -- Aftershock (Cycle which counts with Heat and Radiation in time) /*while {damage _unit < 1 or timeAfter < radTime} do { // -- Check if some unit did not got out of vehicle - !!!! not sure if works properly { if (!(_x in _unit)) then { if (!(_x in AllArray)) then { [_x,_pos,_kT,true] spawn ShockpushPreLoad;}; AllArray = Allarray + [_x]; }; } forEach _crewInside; // -- Check for HeatDamage if (timeAfter <= heatTime) then { _heatRad = 20*(_coef^4/(_unit distance _pos)^4)*(cos(timeAfter/heatTime*180)+1)/2*3/4; }; // -- Check of Fallout density in air _density = 0; // -- Check if is Unit in spreadAngle _xPos = ((_pos select 0) - (_pos select 0)); _yPos = ((_pos select 1) - (_pos select 1)); if (_xPos >= 0 and _yPos >= 0) then {_fi = 0}; if (_xPos >= 0 and _yPos < 0) then {_fi = 270 + atan (abs(_xPos / _yPos));}; if (_xPos < 0 and _yPos < 0) then {_fi = 180 + atan (abs(_yPos / _xPos));}; if (_xPos < 0 and _yPos >= 0) then {_fi = 90 + atan (abs(_xPos / _yPos));}; _lowerAngle = windAngle - spreadOrigin; if (_lowerAngle < 0) then {_lowerAngle = _lowerAngle + 360;}; _upperAngle = windAngle - spreadOrigin; if (_upperAngle > 360) then {_lowerAngle = 360 - _lowerAngle;}; if (_fi >= _lowerAngle and _fi <= _upperAngle and count CLOUD > 0 and fallTime > 0) then { { _xP = ((_pos select 0) - (_x select 0)); _yP = ((_pos select 1) - (_x select 1)); _dotDur = fallTime - (_x select 2); _pD = sqrt(_xP^2 + _yP^2); if (_pD < (61*(ln(_dotDur)+1))) then {_density = _density + floor (ln(_dotDur));}; } forEach CLOUD; }; _densRad = ((_density * sleepTime) / (_unit distance _pos)^2)*((cos(timeAfter/radTime*180)+1)/2); _radRad = 10*(_coef^4/(_unit distance _pos)^4)*(cos(timeAfter/radTime*180)+1)/2*1/4; _unit setDamage (Damage _unit + _heatRad + _radRad + _densRad); /* if ((isPlayer _unit) or (player in _unit)) then { hintSilent format ["Ground Zero Heat Damage\n%1\n\nGround Zero Radiation Damage\n%2\n\nFallout Cloud Radiation Damage\n%3\n\nDensity of Rad particles in air\n%4", _heatRad,_radRad,_densRad,_density]; }; */ /*if ((isPlayer _unit) or (player in _unit) and _density > 0) then { } else { }; /////////////////////////////// {_x setDamage (Damage _x + (_heatRad + _radRad + _densRad)/ln(_coef / 3))} forEach crew _unit; if (_weakness1 != "") then {_unit setHit [_weakness1,((Damage _unit) + _dam + _heatDamage)];}; if (_weakness2 != "") then {_unit setHit [_weakness2,((Damage _unit) + _dam + _heatDamage)];}; if (_weakness3 != "") then {_unit setHit [_weakness3,((Damage _unit) + _dam + _heatDamage)];}; sleep plus; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites