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Move to nearest Shore

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Need some help please i need to detect if a chopper has crashed @ sea if so find the nearest shore line to the crash.

Any idea how to do that ?

_pos = _this select 0;  // chopper position

////if in water move _pos to nearest land
if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {   };

///create stuff...

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I assume _this select 0 is the chopper right?

If so, you need to change the first line of you script:

_chop = (_this select 0);
_xpos = (getPosASL _chop select 0);
_ypos = (getPosASL _chop select 1);

if (surfaceIsWater [_xPos, _yPos]) then

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I assume _this select 0 is the chopper right?

If so, you need to change the first line of you script:

_chop = (_this select 0);
_xpos = (getPosASL _chop select 0);
_ypos = (getPosASL _chop select 1);

if (surfaceIsWater [_xPos, _yPos]) then

His code actually says it as clear as possible:

_pos = _this select 0; // chopper position

First thing coming to my mind is to create a circle around the chopper, starting at a radius of 100m, using some math to get 16 points (positions) on the circle and check if surfaceIsWater forEach position. If none returns true, extend the radius by 100m and repeat until you get at least one result. If you should get more results, select a random one as +-100m won't matter (in my opinion).

Sorry that I can't provide an example, but I don't really have time right now.

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His code actually says it as clear as possible:

_pos = _this select 0; // chopper position

First thing coming to my mind is to create a circle around the chopper' date=' starting at a radius of 100m, using some math to get 16 points (positions) on the circle and check if surfaceIsWater forEach position. If none returns true, extend the radius by 100m and repeat until you get at least one result. If you should get more results, select a random one as +-100m won't matter (in my opinion).

Sorry that I can't provide an example, but I don't really have time right now.[/quote']

Ahhh that makes sense ill give that a bash :) thanks

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Like Johnny said, you can do something like that:

_helopos = _this select 0;
_drypos = [];

// Distance loop
For "_i" from 0 to 1000 step 100 do
       // direction loop
For "_y" from 0 to 360 step 40 do
            _postest = [(_helopos select 0) + (sin _y) * _i, (_helopos  select 1) + (cos _y) * _i, 0];
            If (surfaceIsWater _postest) exitwith
                _drypos = _postest;
      If (!(_drypos isequalto [])) exitwith {};


It returns an empty array or a valid position.

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_pos = _this select 0;

if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
_position = [_pos, 0, _maxDistance, 10, 0, 0.5, 1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

if ((count _position) > 0) then {_position} else {getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "mapcenter")};

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