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Is arma 3 vanila ai have suppression effect in multiplay (host with dedicated)

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I'm not tallking about suppressor or muzzle flash

I'm talking about suppressing fire and suppression to AI bots

AFAIK it seems in ARMA 3 the AI bot doesn't take any suppression,

Is it true that ARMA 3 vanila doesn't have any suppression effect to AI in multiplay that hosted with dedicate server?

If it is true then how can i make ai taking suppressing and be suppressed.

Ps. the ai are spawned by zeus, which is by player not server.

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Arma 3 AI react to contact, they do not get suppressed AFAIK. I'm not sure if there is a script/addon that adds that feature in, I have read a couple threads/posts on the topic however, just do some more digging and you should be able to find them.

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