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Procedural Object Generation Issues

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Been continuning to attempt to work on procedural object generation, but its starting to turn into a ton of bugs.

My main problems now are the fact that doorways should only delete two blocks up the wall, but it deletes that whole section of wall. -- now fixed

Another issue is that the buildings are clipping inside each other and I've tried about every possible way I can think of to fix it.

In Init.sqf I have this:

_oldpos = [0,0,0];
["Land_VR_CoverObject_01_stand_f",getpos player,200] execVM "proced_gen_cover.sqf"; //generate random blocks everywhere
for "_i" from 0 to 25 do
_Pos = [(getpos player select 0) + random 200 - random 200,(getpos player select 1) + random 200 - random 200,(getpos player select 2)];
if(_oldPos distance _Pos < 150) then
	for "_i" from 0 to 50 do
		_Pos = [(getpos player select 0) + random 200 - random 200,(getpos player select 1) + random 200 - random 200,(getpos player select 2)];
[_pos,"Land_VR_CoverObject_01_stand_f"] execVM "proced_gen_building.sqf";
sleep 1;
//_pos = [_pos,150 + round(random 150),random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; - what was I thinking here?
_pos = _oldPos;

The script then calls the object builder script:

_position = _this select 0;
_type = _This select 1;
_dir = 0;
//server does randomize, sends results to clients so they can build objects themselves
//if(isServer) then
_randomizePerim = 10 + round(random 10);
_randomizeHigh = 5 + round(random 6);
//	publicVariable "randomizePerim";
//	publicVariable "randomizeHigh";
//waitUntil{!isNul "randomizePerim" & !isNul "randomizeHigh"};
_allSides = 0;
_allObjects = [];
_centerObj = _type createVehicle _position;
_newObj = _centerObj;
while{_allSides < 4} do
if(_allSides == 1) then
	_dir = 90;
if(_allSides == 2) then
	_dir = 180;
if(_allSides == 3) then
	_dir = 270;
if(_allSides == 4) then
	_dir = 360;
_i = 0;
for "_i" from 0 to _randomizePerim do
	if(_i == 1) then
		_newPos = [_centerObj,1,_dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
		_newObj = createVehicle[_type,_newPos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_allObjects = _allObjects + [_newObj];
		_newPos = [_newObj,1,_dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
		_newObj = createVehicle[_type,_newPos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_allObjects = _allObjects + [_newObj];
	_i = _i + 1;
//make some doorways
_random = round(random 10);
if(_random > 5) then
	_door = round(count _allObjects / 2);
	_doorway = _allObjects select _door;
	deleteVehicle _doorway;
//sleep 1;
//build the walls
_i = 0;
_height = 1;
	_height = 1;
	_doorHeight = 1;
	for "_i" from 0 to _randomizeHigh do
		_door = round(count _allObjects / 2);
		_doorway = _allObjects select _door;
		_newPos = [getpos _x select 0,getpos _x select 1,(getpos _x select 2) + 1.2 * _height];
		_totHeight = 1.2 * _height;
		_newObj = createVehicle[_type,_newPos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_height = _height + 1;
		//_random = round(random 10);
		//_doorHeight = 2;
		//if(_random > 5 && _newPos isEqualTo [getpos _doorway select 0,getpos _doorway select 1,(getpos _doorway select 2) + _totHeight] && _doorHeight < 2) then
			//_door = (count _allObjects / 2);
		//	_doorway = _newObj;
		//	deleteVehicle _doorway;
} foreach _allObjects;
//random objs inside
//_i = 0;
//for "_i" from 0 to 3 + round(random 2) do
//	_objectCentPos = round(count _allObjects / 2);
//	_objectCent = _allObjects select _objectCentPos;
//	_objPos = [_objectCent,2 + round(random 5),random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
//	_newObj = createVehicle[_type,_objPos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_i = 0;
_allSides = _allSides + 1;
_allObjects = [];
_i = 0;

Any help would be greatly appreciated. After I get something that functions and builds properly I suspect it'll be a challange to get it building more than one floor.... (staircases)

Edited by austin_medic

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Hi, i ve corrected and optimized your code.

i hope this will you help for the future.


private ["_position","_type","_offsetXY","_offsetZ","_randomizePerim","_randomizeHigh","_doorSide","_doorPosX","_doorHeight","_allSides"];

_position = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 1;

_offsetXY = 1;
_offsetZ = 1.3;

_randomizePerim = 10 + round(random 10);
_randomizeHigh = 5 + round(random 6);

_doorSide = round(random 5) max 1 min 4;
_doorPosX = round(_randomizePerim/2)-2;
_doorHeight = 2;

for "_allSides" from 1 to 4 do {
   private ["_dir"];

   _dir = switch (_allSides) do {
       case 1: { 0 };
       case 2: { 90 };
       case 3: { 180 };
       case 4: { 270 };

   for "_i" from 0 to _randomizePerim-2 do {
       private ["_allObjects","_newObj","_dupliPos"];

       _allObjects = [];

       _position = [_position,_offsetXY,_dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
       _newObj = createVehicle [_type,[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
       _newObj setPosATL _position;
       _newObj setVectorUp [0,0,1];
       _dupliPos = getPosATL _newObj;
       _allObjects pushBack _newObj;

       for "_ii" from 0 to _randomizeHigh-2 do {
           _dupliPos set [2, (_dupliPos select 2) + _offsetZ];
           _newObj = createVehicle [_type,[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
           _newObj setPosATL _dupliPos;
           _allObjects pushBack _newObj;

       if (_allSides == _doorSide && _doorPosX == _i) then {
           for "_i" from 0 to _doorHeight-1 do { deleteVehicle (_allObjects select _i); };


Edited by TittErS

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Hi, i ve corrected and optimized your code.

i hope this will you help for the future.


private ["_position","_type","_offsetXY","_offsetZ","_randomizePerim","_randomizeHigh","_doorSide","_doorPosX","_doorHeight","_allSides"];

_position = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 1;

_offsetXY = 1;
_offsetZ = 1.3;

_randomizePerim = 10 + round(random 10);
_randomizeHigh = 5 + round(random 6);

_doorSide = round(random 5) max 1 min 4;
_doorPosX = round(_randomizePerim/2)-2;
_doorHeight = 2;

for "_allSides" from 1 to 4 do {
   private ["_dir"];

   _dir = switch (_allSides) do {
       case 1: { 0 };
       case 2: { 90 };
       case 3: { 180 };
       case 4: { 270 };

   for "_i" from 0 to _randomizePerim-2 do {
       private ["_allObjects","_newObj","_dupliPos"];

       _allObjects = [];

       _position = [_position,_offsetXY,_dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
       _newObj = createVehicle [_type,[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
       _newObj setPosATL _position;
       _newObj setVectorUp [0,0,1];
       _dupliPos = getPosATL _newObj;
       _allObjects pushBack _newObj;

       for "_ii" from 0 to _randomizeHigh-2 do {
           _dupliPos set [2, (_dupliPos select 2) + _offsetZ];
           _newObj = createVehicle [_type,[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
           _newObj setPosATL _dupliPos;
           _allObjects pushBack _newObj;

       if (_allSides == _doorSide && _doorPosX == _i) then {
           for "_i" from 0 to _doorHeight-1 do { deleteVehicle (_allObjects select _i); };


thanks. Definately much easier to read

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