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MakePbo stops responding when packing terrain

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Figured this belonged here as it's a problem I'm having with a community made utility and not an actual terrain issue.

So after 3 days, I'm admitting defeat. Hopefully someone can point out what I missed and why Mikero's MakePbo stops responding when I try to pack my terrain.

It was working fine a few days ago, I even tried packing all my old versions of the terrain that packed fine last time I packed them, but all resulted in MakePbo not responding. I hadn't installed any new programs, no windows updates, even worked after the most recent A3 and A3 Tools updates so I'm fairly certain it's a configuration issue in PboProject that I screwed up and didn't realize it or I need to re-install windows. :confused:

To be clear, the terrain has worked in-game. My latest change was ONLY shifting a few points on some roads that angled too hard. Nothing else was touched. I tried packing another mod I have and I get the same issue there as well, MakePbo stops responding.

Here's the DOS Window:

scanning for jobs to do....
Processing woods\woods_woods_remington_pointe
scanning wrp for binarised p3d's
Creating texture headers file...
Failed adding texture woods\woods_remington_pointe\data\remp_concrente_nopx.paa to texture header manager.
5576 texture headers saved to file "woods\woods_remington_pointe\texHeaders.bin"

using binarise.exe
copying/crunching to temp...
Bis Binarise...
</end bis binarise>
stripping the binlog
MakePbo x32UnicodeVersion 1.88, Dll 4.91 "woods_remington_pointe"
makepbo failed

Here's the Output:

rapify x32UnicodeVersion 1.75, Dll 4.91 "config.cpp"
scanning cfgPatches...ok (altered)
No Error(s)
Output is to config.bin

rapify x32UnicodeVersion 1.75, Dll 4.91 "RoadsLib.cfg"
No Error(s)
1 File(s) copied
       1 file(s) copied.
       1 file(s) copied.
       1 file(s) copied.
       1 file(s) copied.
       1 file(s) copied.
       1 file(s) copied.
       1 file(s) copied.
       1 file(s) copied.
       1 file(s) copied.
       1 file(s) copied.
Building entries:...

And here's the Binlog:

Creating process: "D:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\BinMake\binMake.exe" -C P:\ "core\data\fonts\lucidaconsoleb8-01.paa" "p:\temp\core\data\fonts\lucidaconsoleb8-01.paa"
Creating process: "D:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\BinMake\binMake.exe" -C P:\ "core\data\fonts\lucidaconsoleb11-01.paa" "p:\temp\core\data\fonts\lucidaconsoleb11-01.paa"
Creating process: "D:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\BinMake\binMake.exe" -C P:\ "core\data\fonts\tahomab16-01.paa" "p:\temp\core\data\fonts\tahomab16-01.paa"
Creating process: "D:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\BinMake\binMake.exe" -C P:\ "core\data\fonts\tahomab16-02.paa" "p:\temp\core\data\fonts\tahomab16-02.paa"

When it reaches that point, I get a window that says "MakePbo has stopped responding". I've checked all my tools and even updated the few that had updates on 01/28/2015 (PboProject, DePbo and ExtractPbo), all of the tools are up-to-date.

Here's my PboProject settings:

Outpout Mod Folder: D:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Remington_Pointe

Source Folder: P:\woods\woods_remington_pointe

Noisy Output: Unchecked

Strip Log: Checked

Sign Pbos: Checked

Full Build: Unchecked

Check all file references: Checked

Mission pbos are?: SP

Engine: Arma 3

Use DateStamps in pbo: Checked

Workspace: P:\

Use this Private Key: D:\Arma Stuff\Woods\Signing\Woods.biprivatekey

Used only when building islands: P:\a3 (I've tried "P:\" and a few dozen other paths but I can't imagine its the issue as it binarises fine)

And finally, here's what comes up when I select "View problem details" in the stopped responding window:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: MakePbo.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 53fd63d8

Fault Module Name: DePbo.dll

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 54c80285

Anyone encounter something similar or have any ideas to solve it?

Edited by Woods825

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I'm having the same issue with my (published) Sugar Lake terrain. It seems to have happened after the Nexus update, and is still there post-Eden. Similarly, all I did was make some changes to object placement and road alignments, but MakePbo craps out when it gets to the terrain layers.


I posted all the logs here:


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