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More than one snap point for placement?

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Hey up,

I'm sort of asking blind here, as I've as yet STILL to actually properly place any object in regards map creation- but I've read somewhere that you can add little invisible "snap" points to your objects for the purposes of accurate placement, is that correct?

If so, is it possible to add more than one snap point, and then when in the process of placing/rotating etc could you toggle between them?

Also, once you've placed all you objects, can you delete them before packing your map?

Cheers guys,


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Hey Mesh! Stumbled on your thread as I've been tinkering with snap points for a while too and tried to look for some info I remembered reading on the forums.

What I've gathered so far you can determine snap points in the memory lod and If I've understood correctly you can make as many snap formations as you want.

They seem to be formed as a group of 4 points from two 2 point pairs and named as follows:





This I think is the default name hence the def. The def can be changed to anything and so you can have many snap point groups.

they would snap to each other like this

(1-4 marks a point, - and l are the boundary of the snap area)

.sp_def_A_0 =1

.sp_def_A_1 =2

.sp_def_V_0 =3

.sp_def_V_1 =4

1-----2 1-----2

l XXXX l l XXXX l

l XXXX l l XXXX l

l XXXX l l XXXX l

3-----4 3-----4

1-----2 1-----2

l XXXX l l XXXX l

l XXXX l l XXXX l

l XXXX l l XXXX l

3-----4 3-----4

Now How I see it you could now have multiple groups in say one big object (structure) and then have these smaller objects (detail parts) with snap points from only one group that would then snap it in its place in the big building.

Its getting late and I've just finished testing this so I hope what I'm saying makes any sense. :D And also would be nice if someone more knowledgeable could throw in some tips with the snap points.

quick edit--

Oh and the snapping gets a bit tricky sometimes as all the snap points are active together and as of yet there are no indicators in the Terrain Builder what sides of the object snap where, so you need to test it and know it. Also Rotating wont help with snapping as each side snaps only on the "opposite" side.

And another thing I just noticed that I have to test more is that Im not sure anymore if there can be multiple snap groups. The **def** seems to work, but Im not 100% if snaps work with renamed points.

Edited by HorribleGoat

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Thanks again for your input HG..!

Well, it seems to be good news anyway, so I'll let you know as soon as I have feedback about it...

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Regarding my earlier comment about the custom snap points, I've been placing a lot of wall type objects on our map and eventually ran into slight trouble when I had not renamed snap points and used the same ones over and over again. Namely placing objects close to each other began troublesome as they began to snap to wrong wall sections and sometimes managed to wander way off the screen while snapping to a long wall section.

Anyhow I would advice first of all use layers in terrain builder as it gets so much easier to handle different types of objects, secondly use unique snap point names when snapping to other type parts is not needed, like .sp_def1_***, .sp_def2_*** as snap points at least currently snap through layers so sometimes you might have hard time to snap on objects if there are multiple same type objects close to/ overlaying each other.

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