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Execute Script Only Once On Mission Start

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I'm currently experimenting and reading a lot about the "init.sqf" and wanted to execute an intro script on mission load, but not for JIP.

This resulted in having the script being called on mission start and for JIP. If this I say "isDedicated" shouldn't it be only executed by the server once and not for JIP?

if (isDedicated) then {

markerPos "CAMERA", // Target position (replace MARKERNAME)
"BLABLA", // SITREP text
200, // m altitude
100, // m radius
40, // 0 degrees viewing angle
1, // Clockwise movement
[ // add Icon at player's position
["\a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\b_recon.paa", _colorWest, markerPos "", 1, 1, 0, 0],
// add Icon at enemy/target position;
["\a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa", _colorEast, markerPos "", 1, 1, 0, 0]
] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot;


Also this resulted in the same as above, but only "else" so "SECOND THING" was executed on mission start and JIP.

if (isDedicated) then {

else {

What am I doing wrong? :/

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Then execute in the initPlayerServer.sqf with the following at the top:

if (_this select 1) exitWith {};

Will execute on mission start only, and every JIP will execute the script, but will immediately get kicked out at the start, on the server. Use initPlayerLocal.sqf if you don't want it on the server, same concept.

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Tried that now too. My sqf looks like this (still no effect for any player).

EDIT: Will try initPlayerLocal.sqf.


if (_this select 1) exitWith {};

markerPos "CAMERA", // Target position (replace MARKERNAME)
"BLABLA", // SITREP text
200, // m altitude
100, // m radius
40, // 0 degrees viewing angle
1, // Clockwise movement
[ // add Icon at player's position
["\a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\b_recon.paa", _colorWest, markerPos "", 1, 1, 0, 0],
// add Icon at enemy/target position;
["\a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa", _colorEast, markerPos "", 1, 1, 0, 0]
] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot;

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Try it in the initPlayerLocal, cause this seems to need to be run locally not on the server.

Beat you to your edit :p.

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So with "initPlayerLocal.sqf" it actually works only for the first time and then you spawn, it freezes half a second and you don't see any camera script or intro at all. Not completely perfect, but the best solution I've found yet and moreover it's working.

So if I have "if (isXYZ)" it only checks if it should execute, is that correct? So if I say "if (isDedicated)" then it seems to execute locally and globally if it is a dedicated server. I'm always reading that it should only run on the server and NOT locally.

EDIT: Did they change that in ArmA 3 after introducing the new sqfs like initPlayerLocal and so on?

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I think your misunderstanding what the isDedicated and isServer commands check, they are for locality in terms of where the current code is being executed (clientside or serverside), then the code within the {} will be executed on whatever that condition was (client, server, or dedicated box). For the effect your trying to do, it needs to be run on the client, not the server, because its an effect the client has to see, now for object creation and so forth, yes execute it on the server.



To fix your not seeing it issue, try the following after the if (_this select 1) line:

waitUntil {time > 5};

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I know exactly what they are, but I've seen some weird behaviour. I'm now not quite sure if I might have put an "!" in front of it, which would explain why I saw the script executed locally when "isDedicated" was used. I've checked it now again and it works like it should (isDedicated now doesn't execute locally). I guess this mistake started my confusion.

Thanks anyway, it works with "initPlayerLocal.sqf" thanks to ArmA 3's new sqf options ;)

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if (isDedicated) then {...code...}; placed in init.sqf will execute ...code... on dedicated server only once when mission starts, period.

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Put this to init.sqf:

runonce = if(isNil "runonce") then {true} else {runonce};

if(runonce) then {



sleep 1;

runonce = false; publicVariable "runonce";

Let me know if worked.

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Put this to init.sqf:

runonce = if(isNil "runonce") then {true} else {runonce};

if(runonce) then {



sleep 1;

runonce = false; publicVariable "runonce";

Let me know if worked.

I think I get what your doing here, however, with the Event Scripts and the simplicity of using isDedicated/isServer as well, there is not much of a point in doing all this work yourself with the code?

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Another solution to have the intro.sqf not played for JIP-players:


if (isServer) then {
  0 spawn {
     sleep 30;
     SkipIntro = true; 
     publicVariable "SkipIntro";


if (!isNil "SkipIntro") exitWith {};

This worked for me, but I don't know, if it's the best way to do so.

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The A3 event scripts, put together I believe by Moricky, merely formalized the messy process scenario designers used in 'init.sqf' by doing this stuff:

// old A2 example 'init.sqf'

if (isServer) then {
        //server stuff
[] spawn {
               // JIP bool for clients
	isJIP = FALSE; publicVariable "isJIP";
	waitUntil {(time > 15)};
	isJIP = TRUE; publicVariable "isJIP";
if (isDedicated) then {
	// dedi only server stuff

} else {
	// non-dedi only server stuff

} else {
// client stuff
if (isJIP) then {
	// join-in-progress only client stuff

} else {
	// join-at-start only client stuff


---------- Post added at 15:34 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------

Another solution to have the intro.sqf not played for JIP-players:


if (isServer) then {
  0 spawn {
     sleep 30;
     SkipIntro = true; 
     publicVariable "SkipIntro";


if (!isNil "SkipIntro") exitWith {};

This worked for me, but I don't know, if it's the best way to do so.

If it works for your purposes its good enough :)

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So the thing with "if (!isNil "SkipIntro") exitWith {};" is that I have the same short freeze as before. The ArmA 2 script with all options explained is awesome, that's what I was searching for.

However, I have one more question. I'm trying to ungroup all playable units for the mission, but as I want a nice and clean lobby, I have to group them in the mission.sqm. I could just place the code in the init.sqf without checking if multiplayer etc., but I want it to only be activated in multiplayer and not in singleplayer.

I have this:

if (isMultiplayer) then {

_group=createGroup West;
[player] join _group;


However, if I join as OPFOR unit, I still get killed by BLUFOR. Works without "isMultiplayer" on a dedi server. And I don't want to use "isDedicated".

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