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Class Configurator

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Hi @ all guys.

There is a way to "order" a little bit the mods/addons? :confused: I mean: with @CUP weapons, once installed, I have ,under BLUFOR, various country side with the units, or with @cha_lav25 I have 3 folder (armored desert, armored woodland, and armored winter). Is it possible to use a tools or somethingh like that regroup everythingh as u desire? I mean, no more 1K choosen, but only few of them with many and many thinghs under them. Is it possible? Hope in a reply please.

Have a nice time! :)

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I think you would have to go into the mod/addon itself and change the organization in the config.cpp, then re-pbo, and all the rest, basically creating a new mod in a sense.

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Hi Jshock. First really thanks for reply. However can you made a simple example how to do? The only thingh I know it's how to open a pbo (using PBOmanager). Hope in your help please. Thank you :)

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My answer is just about the extent of my knowledge on the subject, I'm no mod maker, but I am a scripter, so I have a basic structure idea about it, but not too sure on how to actually edit mods/addons.

Sorry, hopefully someone else more qualified can help :).

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My answer is just about the extent of my knowledge on the subject, I'm no mod maker, but I am a scripter, so I have a basic structure idea about it, but not too sure on how to actually edit mods/addons.

Sorry, hopefully someone else more qualified can help :).

Oh, you're a scripter so. Can I ask you some tips for my mission please? :)

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