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Linker Split

Export text via script to a .txt file

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Cool, thank you!

also, I'm trying to compile a function which ahs the following syntax:

name_func =
       _car = _this select 0;
       if (condition) exitWith  {code};
       if (condition) exitWith  {code};
       if (condition) exitWith  {code};
       if (condition) exitWith  {code};

I'm compiling using this code in my init.sqf:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "nameofsqf.sqf";

Then, in the car script, I've added:

[vehicle] spawn name_func;

but its not working, so I think I'm failing to compile the function

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Guys I think that we have figured out how to get the variables ingame back after restart.

How did you get it fixed in the end? - be useful for people reading this thread to see what the solution was :)

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How did you get it fixed in the end? - be useful for people reading this thread to see what the solution was :)

A friend of mine is creating a little program that reads the info from the .vars file, writes them into the SQL. After that, when server restarts, it takes the data from the SQL and writes them down into a SQF that will be used to check for variables :D

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also, I'm trying to compile a function which ahs the following syntax:

That all looks correct. Where are you calling the car script from? from the vehicles init? It may just be a timing issue if so, as object inits are run before init.sqf, you may want to look at CfgFunctions and compile your script that way so your function is available straight away rather than compiling it from the init.sqf.

A friend of mine is creating a little program that reads the info from the .vars file, writes them into the SQL. After that, when server restarts, it takes the data from the SQL and writes them down into a SQF that will be used to check for variables

If your going to all that trouble you might aswell just use iniDB and save your variables that way. Above seems a little convoluted.

Edited by Larrow

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in my mission init.sqf there's:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DBSave\EP_fn_saveData.sqf";
//========CAR.SQF LOAD==========\\
[] execVM (DIR_S + "Car.sqf");

EP_fn_saveData.sqf is the function with the data inside of corse, while car.sqf is the script for spawning cars.

Inside this script, there's a check for the type of car, then the line

[_vehicle1,_nmr] spawn EP_fn_saveData;

where _vehicle1 is the create vehicle, and _nmr has been defined equal to 1 (other cars got 2, 3, 4...etc).

diag_log works till this line

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And EP_fn_saveData.sqf look like?..

EP_fn_saveData = {
   ///My Code


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And EP_fn_saveData.sqf look like?..
EP_fn_saveData = {
   ///My Code


it looks like this:

EP_fn_saveData = 
private ["_car","_nmbr"];

diag_log "EP_fn_saveData.sqf is about to be executed";
_car  = _this select 0;
_nmbr = _this select 1;

//Start saving position
if (_nmbr == 1) exitWith
	_xPos1 = ((getPosASL _car) select 0);		// X COORDINATES
	_yPos1 = ((getPosASL _car) select 1);		// Y COORDINATES
	_zPos1 = ((getPosASL _car) select 2);		// HEIGHT COORDINATES
	_typeOf = typeOf _car;
	_d = direction _car
	profileNameSpace setVariable [format["xPos%1",_nmbr],_xPos1];
	profileNameSpace setVariable [format["yPos%1",_nmbr],_yPos1];
	profileNameSpace setVariable [format["zPos%1",_nmbr],_zPos1];
	profileNameSpace setVariable [format["typeCar%1",_nmbr],_typeOf];
	profileNameSpace setVariable [format["dirCar%1",_nmbr],_d];
	diag_log "EP_fn_saveData.sqf has finished executing";



changed the code to:


EP_fn_saveData = 
private ["_car","_nmbr"];
diag_log "EP_fn_saveData.sqf start loading";
_car = _this select 0;
_nmbr = _this select 1;
_typeOf = typeOf _car;
_d = direction _car;
profileNameSpace setVariable [format["xPos%1",_nmbr],((getPosASL _car) select 0)];
profileNameSpace setVariable [format["yPos%1",_nmbr],((getPosASL _car) select 1)];
profileNameSpace setVariable [format["zPos%1",_nmbr],((getPosASL _car) select 2)];
profileNameSpace setVariable [format["typeCar%1",_nmbr],_typeOf];
profileNameSpace setVariable [format["dirCar%1",_nmbr],_d];
diag_log "EP_fn_saveData.sqf has finished executing";

Edited by Linker Split

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