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[FIX] OPXBuildings and OPXmisc

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OPXBuildings and OPXmisc
by Opteryx
(fixed by S@ndBob)

OPXbuildings and OPXmisc are integrated in the GulfOfAqaba map and on the other islands. With the destruction of the houses there were always error messages in the RPT on non-existing ruins. When you create soldiers (no matter which island) RPT was spammed with RscDisplayArcadeUnit errors. This was due to the wrong ruins values in the OPX configuration. Then there were errors in the models or completely broken and missing textures, models and wrong class name. Because release of the OPX MLODs models the addon could be repaired.

OPXbuildings und OPXmisc sind in der GulfOfAqaba-Map und auf anderen Inseln integriert. Bei der Zerstörung der Häuser gab es immer Fehlermeldungen in der RPT über nicht vorhandene Ruinen. Beim erstellen von Soldaten (egal auf welcher Insel) wurde die RPT mit RscDisplayArcadeUnit-Fehlern zugespammt. Das lag an den falschen Ruinen-Werten in der OPX-Konfiguration. Dazu kamen Fehler in den Modellen oder komplett kaputte Modelle und fehlende Texturen und falsche Classnamen. Dank der Herausgabe der OPX-MLOD-Modelle durch Optheryx, konnte vieles repariert werden.



The old files opxbuildings.pbo, opxbuildings.pbo.opx.bisign, opxmisc.pbo, opxmisc.pbo.opx.bisign are deleted in the addon folder.
The old opx.bisign files may no longer be used to guarantee error-free operation of the server.

Die alten Dateien opxbuildings.pbo, opxbuildings.pbo.opx.bisign, opxmisc.pbo, opxmisc.pbo.opx.bisign sollten im Addonordner gelöscht werden. Die alten opx.bisign-Dateien dürfen nicht mehr genutzt werden, um ein fehlerfreies Arbeiten der Server zu gewährleisten.

- fixed Model Block8
- fixed Model Block9
- fixed Model Block9_b
- fixed Model Block10
- fixed Model Policestation
- fixed Model Villa

-fixed Errors " house, config class missing"
-fixed Errors "no ruin type ca\buildings\ruins\dum_instan4_big_ruins.p3d" (Ruins not available)
-fixed Errors
"loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueFaction
loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueClass
loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueVehicle/"

- deleted model Block4 (no Special LODs / no Geometry)
- deleted model Block5 (no Special LODs / no Geometry)
- deleted model Block6 (no Special LODs / no Geometry)
- deleted model Villa4 (no Special LODs / no Geometry)

Fixed OPXBuildings and OPXmisc

Required: Arma 2 CO (ArmA2 + ArmA2 OA)

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Nevertheless, I thank you for the wonderful buildings.

Without the houses, the Gulf Of Aqaba Map would have only half so good.

I wanted the houses absolutely.

Thank you

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Thanks for informing us about the release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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