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Crows & flies spawn modules?

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I couldn't find them by default in A3 modules.

Anyone using scripts to get these effects in? Really add up to the immersion.

https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_crows - doesn't work, sadly.

Also, all animals don't have sounds. They don't bark, etc., even scream when dying. Quite fucked up, IMO.

Edited by Polygon

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Crows don't work, because there are no crows in the game. You will need to manually change "crow" camcreate to "seagull" camcreate, and you can have seagulls instead of crows. With sound. (Sorry I cannot provide exact script parts currently.)

For dogs and such I added sounds manually.

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Birds are really needed. Especially ones that are startled and fly from bushes giving unstealthy enemy away

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I have the sound of birds flying away in my Sniper Module if the enemy gets close to you after you 'hide'. Never thought of actual birds flying away though. Can you retex the animals/seagulls?

I have flies-on-dead-bodies coming at some point. Their was a flies script a while back, but can't remember the name or author.

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Bump.  Does anyone have a script to generate flies at a certain location?  With buzzing sounds preferably. 


I know I can make one, but I'd love to use someone elses and devote my Arma time to my dog mission and scripting....


Also, I have a 4 second flies buzzing sound script.  I'd like to loop that and play it continuously.  How do I do that where this sound does not conflict with custom dialogue sound I have (using sideRadio and customRadio).  How do I run the Flies sound concurrently with SideRadio sound?

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To play sounds simultaneously, have a look at createSoundSource.

For spawning flies, try bis_fnc_flies which is essentially:


params [ 
	["_centre", getPos player], 
	["_interval", 0.03]

private _fly = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _centre; 
_fly setParticleParams [ 
	["\A3\animals_f\fly.p3d", 1, 0, 1, 0], "", 
	[0, 0, 0], 
	[0, 0, 0.5], 
	0, 1.275, 1, 0, //rotationVel, weight, volume, rubbing 
	[0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0], 
	[[1, 1, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1, 1]], 

_fly setParticleRandom [ 
	[1, 1, 0.5], 
	[0, 0, 0], 
	[0, 0, 0, 0.1], 
_fly setDropInterval _interval; 
//_sound = createSoundSource [YOUR SOUND FILE CLASS, _centre, [], 0];



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You can also take BIS function (copy from functions viewer, should be there) and change the code to seagull as mentioned above and anything else you need. Don't forget to compile it again as a new function. Ex: TAG_fnc_crows

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1 hour ago, johnnyboy said:

Does anyone have a script to generate flies

TPW Does If i remember , there is also in exile


and also


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