Ulfgaar 30 Posted July 4, 2015 Hello! First of all, thank you for a great mod! I have some question tho, conserning AI helicopter landings on this craft. Im making a multiplayer mission where the AI helicopters will fly the players to their drop-off zones and return to the ship. Now, this spesific part works really well. The helicopters fly off once the full team is inside, drops em off, returns and lands again on the LHD and turns off their engines. The problem occur when im using the BIS support module for helicopter transport. I've tried with both actually AI helicopters starting on the deck as providers of this heli transport service, as well as the virtual ones. Both of them come and land and let us get into the choppers from the locations on the landmass. Once we're in and i tell it to land on the LHD deck, it flies back and does everything as it should do it - untill it touches the deck. It emediatly takes off again, rises 10-20 meters, before going down for another landing - barely touches the deck and lifts off again - rince and repeat. Im using invisible helipads at the hight of the flight deck (16.5 meters) - the same as the AI helicopters that fly the players to their missions. They land nicely and are done. But the choppers working with the support module for heli transports, they touch and go continously untill i eject myself just as its about to touch the ground. When i used actuall AI helis to provide the service, they rose once more before landing as they should at their spots and turned engines off after i got out. I dont get it, its really anoying and actually the only part missing for my mission to be done. The mission starts on the LHD carrier, and i'd like it to end with the players returning to the carrier with a mission success. However, we're currently forced to time our ejects and it wont stop landing/taking off again untill all players are out (when we use the support module for heli transports) Any tips on how to get those helis to land, and stay landed till everyone has disembarked? Kind regards, - Ulfgaar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j0nes 194 Posted July 4, 2015 @Ulfgaar, part of the issue right now with AI usage on the LHD, is there are now pathways marked setup for AI, so for them its just a big old collision model that they want to try to avoid if they can. however someone may be able to help remedy that with this next part SOURCE DATA so after much thought, and a large dose of reality, Im posting the link for the ATLAS_water.pbo two things 1. this is not the full mod, this is meant to be used in conjunction with the main download containing the ATLAS_weapons.pbo and ATLAS_languagecfg.pbo for educational purposes and community bug fixing 2. I know this may be more difficult for testing, but DS testing can still be done, you would just need to turn off your signature checks on your server If anyone is interested in doing bug fixes (such as the elevator script, adding templates, AI usage, or whatever) these files should help greatly, I only ask that you PM me before you begin fixing anything if you plan to upload it back to me for integration back into this mod. That way I can tell you if someone else has already started working on the fix so you dont waste your time, and so you can contact eachother if you need help. this is an indirect port from A2, so its released under the BIS licence DOWNLOAD LINK Thank you all for using this mod, and I hope opening this up to the community will speed up its development process tenfold! Enjoy, and hope to do some updates myself in the future! also, TeTeT was kind enough to PM with this information about the elevator, that I will now pass on to you all I checked the elevator animationPhase for the Nimitz on a dedicated server and the value is not exactly the same as on a single user host. I changed the elevator animationPhase == value check to >= and <= where needed and this seems to fix the problem. The other problem Moonchild refers to in the thread is something he experiences and god knows what triggers it: the planes fall through the elevator unless they are local (fixed by shooting at them) and seemingly some vehicles stop to work on the flightdeck when driving around after the elevator has been used. I haven't reproduced the later yet, Moonchild reported it. Jones 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ulfgaar 30 Posted July 5, 2015 @JOnes Thanks for the reply man, hopefully the wast knowledge of the Arma community can Macgyver something together to make this mod even better :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irishbandit 10 Posted July 26, 2015 Is the Runway meant to be functional? Trying to take off in a Wipeout results in it hitting a bunch of invisible bumps and destroying itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j0nes 194 Posted July 27, 2015 @IrishBandit added to bug list. It is a Landing Helicopter Dock, so wasnt meant for jets, but the runway should still work regardless, so it will get fixed! I have received a couple community fixes and requests, which I was hoping to get publish this weekend, however time did not allow. I will try to do it next weekend if nothing else comes up. Thank you all for your continued work and interest in this project. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadHabitz 235 Posted August 18, 2015 This would be great with some guidance as to where/height to place units for the different levels. A better editor icon would go a long way to improving the use in the editor as well. Besides that, this is a pretty awesome mod. Good job! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
micronx 12 Posted August 28, 2015 hello, @JOnes. Any news about the problem of elevators ? this a great mod, please fix that problem. thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raffal 12 Posted September 3, 2015 Hi Guys, I have a problem with respawn on LHD. In my mission i have used a multiple respawn position with BIS pre-defined script respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"MenuPosition"}; when the mission begins players spawn in the sea, although I have used the code to give the right elevation to the point of initial respawn, by init.sqf: _markerPos = getMarkerPos "respawn_west"; "respawn_west" setMarkerPos [_markerPos select 0, _markerPos select 1, 17]; can someone help me? Thx & sorry for my bad english.... ;) R. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SAS_Raptor 30 Posted September 3, 2015 Not sure how your mission is set up, but maybe you need to set the correct elevation for all playable units too? The code for the respawn marker looks correct, but afaik it only takes effect if you really respawn and not while spawning for the first time. Have you tested if you respawn on the LHD after you died? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raffal 12 Posted September 3, 2015 Yes Raptor, i have verified after dead and problem remains. The truth is that everything works without "multiple respawn points", so leaving a single respawn point, but my mission was designed to have two different entry points and I do not understand where I'm wrong .... :unsure: :unsure: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted September 3, 2015 If anyone is interested in doing bug fixes (such as the elevator script, adding templates, AI usage, or whatever) these files should help greatly, I only ask that you PM me before you begin fixing anything if you plan to upload it back to me for integration back into this mod. That way I can tell you if someone else has already started working on the fix so you dont waste your time, and so you can contact eachother if you need help. this is an indirect port from A2, so its released under the BIS licence DOWNLOAD LINK I would wish to know what rights there are for anyone to fork from this release? I'm asking since "the BIS license" is not so clear an explanation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowmarine578 11 Posted September 11, 2015 @Raffal79 in reffrence to getting units to respawn are you placeing your code in the mission init.sqf? also are you useing a BTC revive script or the defalt respawn modual? if your useing the arma 3 respawn modual then just place in the int of that respawn pos this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1,17]; and it should work its what i do and havent ran into any truble yet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YanYatCheng 96 Posted September 14, 2015 where can I find this ship in editor? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1423v32fv13g 10 Posted September 14, 2015 Is there anyway to control the gun's as players.Also maybe a tail hook and catapult.U like the interior though,just unfortunately im just a picky ass :) but i really like this as i will control this in my mil-sim group.Maybe but in a few crew decks thanks and so far amazing job.Maybe i can help with 3d models soon when i fully commit to learning the software Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_Yanko_ 10 Posted October 10, 2015 You know.. This is a small world. A few months ago I was under TeTeT's wing learning to code and fine tuning Nimitz's elevators. A few weeks ago a friend of mine decided to start his own online group and he wanted to use the LHD as the main platform, guess what: The elevators didnt work. So I tried to remember what I learned with TeTeT and voila!. I came here to see how had you fixed it to see if it was the same way as I figured but it seems I may be first. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5p79f7xssis8mhn/elev_ext_1.sqf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/43u7ry9b6gryxlt/elev_ext_2.sqf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7bfq1w53o8wm6k/elev_int.sqf?dl=0 What to do with this? DePBO ATLAS_water.pbo and keep somewhere safe the 3 original files and substitute them with these. PBO and test with people and vehicles. I tested it on an dedi and it works for me. Tell me what results you got. Yanko. PD: EDITED TO CORRECT DUPLICATED LINK. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vengeance1 50 Posted October 11, 2015 You know.. This is a small world. A few months ago I was under TeTeT's wing learning to code and fine tuning Nimitz's elevators. A few weeks ago a friend of mine decided to start his own online group and he wanted to use the LHD as the main platform, guess what: The elevators didnt work. So I tried to remember what I learned with TeTeT and voila!. I came here to see how had you fixed it to see if it was the same way as I figured but it seems I may be first. What to do with this? DePBO ATLAS_water.pbo and keep somewhere safe the 3 original files and substitute them with these. PBO and test with people and vehicles. I tested it on an dedi and it works for me. Tell me what results you got. Yanko. Yanko, Did you notice the last two sqf scripts are the same file? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_Yanko_ 10 Posted October 11, 2015 Yanko, Did you notice the last two sqf scripts are the same file? Editing now.. I'm sorry!! BTW.. I also should mention that a loop has been added to... Let's just say vehicles and people shouldnt float anymore in the air when going down or sink through the elevator while going up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfbite 8 Posted October 11, 2015 Is there anyway to control the gun's as players.Also maybe a tail hook and catapult.U like the interior though,just unfortunately im just a picky ass :) but i really like this as i will control this in my mil-sim group.Maybe but in a few crew decks thanks and so far amazing job.Maybe i can help with 3d models soon when i fully commit to learning the software LHD's dont have a cat and trap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon01 903 Posted October 24, 2015 I don't know how much work it'd be, but could the LHD be recategorized so that it appears in Eden editor? It's available on devbranch and is awesome, but it removed the "empty" category (only props in there now, empty vehicles are placed from the faction lists) and it doesn't seem that LHD can be placed with it (or perhaps I just can't find it). It seems to work with the 2D editor. I've also found a bug. If you place the LHD in the old editor and load the mission in Eden it works, but the guns don't spawn. I never figured out how to spawn characters on deck in 2D editor, so I can't check if it's the case there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
owenpc 10 Posted October 26, 2015 So, has anyone fixed this elevator bug? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
micronx 12 Posted October 27, 2015 So, has anyone fixed this elevator bug? _Yanko_, solved. I tested and is working. I'm waiting for the update to the mod with this patch from _yanko_. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stburr91 1011 Posted October 29, 2015 I've also found a bug. If you place the LHD in the old editor and load the mission in Eden it works, but the guns don't spawn. I never figured out how to spawn characters on deck in 2D editor, so I can't check if it's the case there. I placed the LHD in the 2d editor, in stable branch, and the guns spawned on the deck, blocking parts of the flight deck . Has anyone else had this happen? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ScarletttKate 10 Posted October 29, 2015 This is the LHD, the file was signed long time ago, but I forgot to upload it, anyways here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4O7hf3-s4PEVjI4bC1FWGVucms/view?usp=sharing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
micronx 12 Posted October 29, 2015 This is the LHD, the file was signed long time ago, but I forgot to upload it, anyways here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4O7hf3-s4PEVjI4bC1FWGVucms/view?usp=sharing what version is this ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites